
Pace Greenhour's page

38 posts. Alias of JoeLudwick.


male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

I'm really sorry guys. 4 weeks ago I started a second job to try to make ends meet. I had hoped to be able to keep up, but working 70 hours a week is not leaving me any time for meaningful posts and seeing the unread posts pile up is honestly causing me anxiety instead of being a fun creative outlet.

I need to cut my games way back to preserve some sanity. Again, I'm really sorry to have to pull the plug on this game, but I need to do a little self-care. Best of luck going forward.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Satisfied that the danger has indeed passed, Pace's manners seem to return.
"I am Pace Greenhour, servant of Pharasma. I am pleased that we were able to assist you in the defense of the children. Has anything like this ever happened before?"

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace takes stock of his wounds before looking over the others. Poking at one of the corpses with his blade he asks,
"How do such large creatures go undetected for long enough to get all the way to the school? In the middle of the day?"

I'll update my status when I can sit down at my desktop again.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Sorry for my silence, I've had to take on a second job and been working 75 hr weeks. I can follow along well enough, but for the next 2 months, posting more than twice a week will be difficult. Feel free to bot me when it will keep the game going.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace winces in pain as the thing latches on, but strikes out again anyway.

rapier attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18
damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace swings again, hoping to make short work of the threat.

Rapier, IC: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 = 8
Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

I'll call him rightnow and motivate him

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Drawing his rapier, Pace races to the other child and slashes at his parasitic attachment.

rapier, IC: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18
damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 = 3

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Someone should warn the things hiding in the dark that we are coming. Pace thinks to himself, ready to get into the meat of this investigation.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace tries to lighten the mood and smooth over the introductions by also offering some aid.
"We are indeed concerned about the professors work and untimely demise, while we look into these matters, hopefully with your aid, we want you to know that we are willing and able to help with whatever comes up. Please feel free to seek us at the professors residence if you need anything."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Agreed on the 2 out of 3 rule, and with heading to the church.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

I'm pleased to say that tomorrow morning, I will be leaving for a trip to Italy with family for three weeks. I will check in when I can, but the days will be quite full. Please feel free to bot me to keep things moving. I'll talk to you all again soon!

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace takes his time looking over the area for any clues that might have been missed.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

He seems disgusted with the scene, but stops short of disturbing anything.

"Whomever did this won't be in hiding long. These types are proud of their transgressions, that pride will force them to the surface."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"I can assure you that after the funeral service, we returned to the professors home, where we remained for the evening. A fact which his daughter, Kendra, can verify."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace remains quiet while Petyr talks with the man, observing both during the interaction.

How the sheriff approaches this with only one half the story will tell us much about him, and seeing Petyr's people skills in action is always a treat.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Eating while he listens to the talk of money, servants, and honest work, Pace finds himself not at all opposed to any of the three.
"I'm sure we can find paying work that would fit our skillset."

Thinking back to the funeral, he mutters, "The town seems in need of some firm law enforcement."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Thank you, Kendra! That's very kind. Pace says, taking a seat and digging right in.
Turning to the others, he begins plans for the day.

"To the temple first? To let them know of our presence and intentions in town? Then to the graveyard to get the lay of the land in daylight?"

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace selects a room, but does not close the door. After a brief meditation, he sleeps soundly.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"We will certainly do all we can to protect you, and your fathers work." Pace says to Kendra.

"We should let the Temple know of our intentions right away in the morning." He says to the others.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"I'm sorry it had to be you that found him. Let the tears come, Kendra. they will help with the healing, though it will take time." Pace says, trying to sound reassuring.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"I'm sure we can find you something.....respectable from my wardrobe." Pace replies with a grin.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Well, that is certainly a lot to take in. I am sure the professor knew we would be happy to honor his wishes without compensation, it was generous of him to include such remuneration. I wonder what dangers he expects Kendra to face in the next month that will then somehow abate?" Pace says.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Thank you for coming, Councilman." Pace replies, standing to greet the new face.
"We are indeed ready. Are we waiting for any others?"

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"I honestly spent more time with your father talking about my struggles than my studies. I've chosen some hard paths, and had a few hard paths chosen for me." Pace says, sipping his drink.
"He was always patient and kind, but never hesitant to tell me he thought I was in the wrong." he says, staring off into nothing.
"He was the first to tell me 'impossibility of success is not a good reason to stop trying'. He taught me that a hundred victories sometimes requires a thousand losses."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Yes, sorry. Having a little trouble getting inside Pace's head. I'm not too familiar with the campaign world, so I never feel comfortable taking liberties with past stories.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace remains at the graveside until he is sure that the rabble will not return, or if they did, access to the grave would be logistically difficult. But catches up with the other quickly.

He listens and enjoys any offered drink, actively encouraging Kendra to share memories of her father. When talk of staying the night is offered, Pace accepts, knowing it would be good to be close in case of further trouble.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace Begins speaking in a way that suggests he has been waiting some time to speak his mind.
"Professor Petros Lorrimor was a man generous in all things. Not satisfied to merely teach, he created an atmosphere that embodied learning and growing. He taught me to see the value in both good and bad times and to to waste neither. Those who knew him, knew his heart. His legacy and gifts will bless this community for generations, whether they recognize it or not." Pace closes his eyes for a moment and then concludes, "Your labor is ended, may the Lady of Graves guide you home."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Pace take one last look around to be sure no other threats are present before sheathing his weapon and lifting the casket again. The trio then follow the priest.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"It does not, and on a day such as this, I suppose some mercy is warranted." Pace says, returning his attention to the proceedings.

"Let's be about our business before their newfound wisdom is spent."

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Against his better judgement Pace only watches the men flee.

More important things to be seen to right now. He thinks.

"Superstitious or not, Men with no respect for the law will eventually find themselves duly judged." he says, wiping the blood from his blade and returning the weapon to its place.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Certainly, it is regrettable that you lot respect neither the law, nor the dead. If you are willing to die over this foolishness, I will respect your wish." Pace says with stern sadness.

He raises his blade, but makes no move forward.

ready an action to attack the first one to take a swing at me (weather he hits or not)

readied attack:

Rapier: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

crit confirm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"We mean to bury the professor in a legal and righteous manner, in this cemetery. If you mean to break the law, and do us violence, get on with it. But know this, my companions are capable men, and if you prove that you deserve no mercy, they will show you none." Pace says as he draws his rapier.

Taking a total defense action

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Men of Ravengro, I hear you. I know that you fear for the safety and sanctity of your community. I am Pace Greenhour, servant of light and good. I am willing to speak to these concerns, for I knew Petros Lorrimor well. But when our talk is done, we will inter the professor, because that is what is lawful, and respectful, and right." Pace replies.

Nodding to the ground at the others, the trio set the casket down.
"Now, tell me your names, and state your case."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

"Indeed, dear." Pace says, offering his arm to steady the young lady.

"Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You'll find the strength you need in the moment." he adds, trying to sound reassuring.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3


male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

Thanks! I think I've got all those things taken care of. If you see anything else, let me know.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

I think Pace is done. I need to pick the bonus wizard spells from arrow song minstrel, but that won't affect anything now. Let me know if you see anything missing.

male Paladin 1/ bard 1 HP:13/13 AC:17 FORT:4 REF:6 WILL:3

I will do everything I can to get Pace finished, but I am still super busy for about a week.