Psychopomp Ring

Pabor's page

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Regarding DM_Blake's lesson:
Thank you pal, it was interesting. Now I feel a lot more freedom! From now on, if someone complains about the gender I use, I'll just say I don't care about HIS damn opinion! Buahahahahaha...

Back on the spell. What I hoped for was a "slide" of the penalties: none to move normally and the -5 penalty for moving twice the speed. But I guess that would have been too much since, as N N 959 and deadboy noticed, it also allows to move at normal speed in the wilderness. I didn't consider this. That might be prove useful (although situational) as a defensive speel too, or as an advantage during fights in the wilderness.

N N 959 wrote:
Guess what? You can already move at normal speed while just means you suffer a penalty. So to make sense of the spell, it must reduce the penalty for tracking by 5 based on speed

Oh, come on, man... I'll have to hide this from my DM. But, you know what? Being this the case, maybe I can still hope for an errata!

I hoped to find an errata or something, but I guess I'll have to stick to walking towards my prey hoping she won't have the time to play tricks on me... Damn it!

Thank you guys for answering!

DM_Blake wrote:
(Your gender changed from "her" to "his" and then back to "her", but other than that, your English looks better than many native speakers).

(I long as I know, English uses the feminine when the gender is not specified, while in Italian we use the masculine - that's why, from time to time, I still tend to spontaneously cast Inflict Male Pronoun)

Hello everyone! Here's my doubt.

When one follows tracks, his speed is normally halved. In order to keep her normal speed, one has to take a -5 penalty to her Survival checks. If one wants to double his speed while following tracks, the penalty becomes -20. Deadeye's Lore spell allows its caster to follow tracks at her normal speed without the normal -5 penalty.

So, I was wondering: if one casts Deadeye's Lore and wants to follow tracks at double her speed, does the penalty remain -20 or is it reduced?

By raw I'd say it doesn't change, allowing only to walk the normal speed without penalties, but it would make the spell a lot less valuable than allowing a reduced penalty while following tracks at double speed. To me, the flavour of this spell is the chance to cast it and say "You cannot escape from me!", then following the prey running like a mad hound! Just sayin'...

(not a native speaker here, so please tell me whether I made mistakes - I'm willing to improve!)