Ove Boman's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Rub-Eta wrote:

Well, I'll give you some Advice:

Alchemist's Fire are NOT potions. One of my characters confused the two and has now a big scare on his face.

On a more serious note: Your AC is quite low for someone who needs to stand at the front at level 5 (21 is "normal high" at level 5). This is a bit of a problem with the monk at early levels, though, unless you really go for a Wis/Dex build.

You "should" get a higher perception. 5 ranks + 3 from class skill + 2 Wisdom modifier would give you a flat 10. I'm assuming you want as high perception as possible as it is the most used skill in the game.

I wouldn't really bother with the Kama or Javelins, as you have Shattering Strike. Thrown weapons... well, they're thrown away... for a reason?

As you get Dodge as one of the limited bonus feats at level 1/2, I guess it's worth it, it also helps with your low AC. Combat Reflexes is a solid choice, Deflect Arrows as well.

You could consider to switch Weapon Focus and Extra Ki for something more usefull.
Some other feats that you may like are Pummeling Style (which you can take, as the prerequisit states that you need either a BAB of +6 or flurry of blows) and Pummeling Charge. Power Attack is also a solid choice

Thank you for the input and advice.

I know Alchemist Fire isn't a potion as such, late at night and tired so wrong wording crept in, nevermind, I know what I mean :)!

As I said in the beginning, I have no interest in building 'the best there is' some of the skill choices have been pure for flavour and character (1pt in Knowledge Nobility which was a crash course by a party member of the aristocracy and likewise Linguistics 1 to get Ancient Osiriani), but yes, I admit he gets hit fairly often in combat, 56 HP and the Orc Heritage DOES help greatly though ;)!!!

I was debating with myself and even though Perception would make the most logical choice, I opted for Acrobatics, Heal and Sense Motive, will put some more points in for level 6 in Perception though. Kama and Javelins are in case the creature has DR vs Bludgeoning, because I built him with the standard rules from scratch at level 1 and only recently upgraded with the Unchained supplement.

Kama might still be useful, as I understand it Shattering Punch can ONLY be used once per round and ONLY with Flurry of Blows, so if the creature has DR vs Bludgeoning that's probably a good option?

I think he could benefit from something boosting his WIS (more Ki pool, higher AC and higher CMD) and I've been suggested Dragon Style too, so might look into gaining them later in his 'career'.

Secret Wizard wrote:
Looks good, I would look into Dragon Style or Pummeling Style to improve your combat prowess. You'd probably benefit from Power Attack too.

Being fairly new to Pathfinder and D&D there's a whole plethora of extra rules/ Feats/ Styles in different books so that in itself make it a little bit difficult to keep track of all the options you have, but my GM is pretty easy going and helpful, and another player is quite seasoned with Pathfinder so they are happy to give advice. Thanks for the input, might look into that at Level 7 (if I get that far...)

Lamontius wrote:
Ove Boman wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Is there a reason you posted this?
Well, priding itself on being a 'roleplaying' game I wanted to share the character, rules can be discussed in infinity... Is there a reason you posted the comment?

Because you posted it to the "Advice" forum.

No worries, just flagged it and the mods should move it at some point.

It did say 'character builds' under the advice and I wasn't sure the 'General' was the place to post it, my bad in that case.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Is there a reason you posted this?

Well, priding itself on being a 'roleplaying' game I wanted to share the character, rules can be discussed in infinity... Is there a reason you posted the comment?

As it says on the tin, my first Pathfinder character playing in the Adventure Path The Mummy's Mask (currently book 2)

NB: Although I’ve been a role-player for best part of 25+ years I’ve never really played D&D up until now. I have no interest in ‘power-gaming’ and pick things that I think will suit the character more than what would be the most effective choice. With the GM’s permission I swapped Intimidate for Heal as a class skill, I have also upgraded him to the Unchained Monk.

Background: Five Autumn Joong’s upbringing was not much to write home about, he was a foulmouthed, bellicose drunkard with a very large chip on his shoulder, most to do with being a Half-Orc in the slums in a town in the River Kingdoms. It went so far that one day he severely beat a high born young man within an inch of his life and had to flee head over heels. For the next year or two he lived like an animal, barely scraping by and having a miserable existence, drinking water from cesspits and scraps of mouldy foodstuff were his main source of nourishment. How he managed to survive is a wonder, maybe he was made of sterner stuff than he realised or maybe it was just plain dumb luck.

However, the turning point came when a kindly elderly man took pity on the walking pile of skin and bone and shared a meal with him, the stranger told him that if he wanted to change and become a better man, he needed to journey to the Temple of The Golden Pagoda, many days into the wilderness. These words struck a chord inside Five Autumn and he realised through the slowly clearing fog of the cheap fermented wine that he had dulled himself with, that this was a chance in a lifetime, continuing like this he would surely be dead within a year.

He sat out on the path with trepidation and determination, for many days he wondered through the wilderness and on the fifth day he experienced something he almost had forgotten, clear thought! He arrived at the doors of the monastery and pulled the doorbell, the little man opened the door but seeing Five Autumn he slammed it shut with the words: “Still too ferocious!”, this continued four more times and Five Autumn went through bellowing with rage until he grew hoarse, hammering on the door until his fists bled and finally submitting out of exhaustion, only then was he allowed into the monastery. The next day his head was shaven and he was accepted amongst the acolytes as a new brother, his old name forgotten he now became Five (the number of times he was refused) Autumn (the season he arrived in) Joong (which meant rain, as it was a heavy downpour when he arrived).

For the next years he became a changed man, he showed great aptitude for medicine and the combat arts, but about a year ago he took ill and no remedy seemed to work. He was even pronounced dead at one point but came back to the living unexpectedly! A disembodied voice had told him in Ancient Osiriani (which he didn’t know at the time) that he needed to travel to the Ancient Necropolis of Wati because that was where his Path lie. He discussed it with the abbot and some days later he quietly slipped out of the monastery and began his journey across the world, which would take him the better part of a year to complete.

Description: Five Autumn Joong is a Half-Orc, about 6’6” and 300lbs, quite muscular but with a certain grace in his movements. When bare chested it’s easy to see the many very badly made tattoos that cover his body, they are staying as a reminder of his past and what he has accomplished since then by his own making. He usually is dressed in a simple blue with white trim short sleeved tunic and loose fitting trousers in matching colours, bare foot. Around his waist is a belt with several pouches for potions and other kits, to keep them handy.

In his ‘younger’ days Five Autumn had much to account for his heritage, he easily became frustrated and hitting things as hard as he could in combat. Due to his hotheadedness his Orc heritage has saved his life on many occasions. Lately, he’s become a much wiser and calmer man, trying to bring the party together and focus on the task at hand. Since Elathair’s demise (a wizard companion), he has seen it as his duty to step up and be a guiding influence.


DEX 14 Fort 7 Deflect Arrows
CON 14 Ref 7 Dodge
INT 10 Wil 4 Evasion
WIS 15 CMB 8 Weapon Focus: Unarmed
CHA 10 CMD 22 Extra Ki Points
Ki pool 6 Patient Optimist (+2 to Diplomacy)
Combat Reflexes
Dark Vision (60ft)
SKILLS Orc Ferocity
Acrobatics 10 Resurrected (+2 save vs Death, die at -18HP)
Climb 7 Still Mind (+2 vs Enchantments)
Diplomacy 3 Stunning Fist (Fort 14, can cause Fatigue)
Escape Artist 6 Purity of Body (Immune to all diseases)
Heal 10 Ki Power: Slow Fall (as Feather Fall)
Intimidate 2 Style Strike: Shattering Punch
K: Nobility 1
K: Religion 4
Linguistics 1 Languages
Perception 7
Sense Motive 9 Common, Orc, Ancient Osiriani


Unarmed (+9) 1D8+3
Javelins (+7) 1D6+3
Kama (+9) 1D6+3

Masterwork Kama (Cold Iron)
Bracers of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Healers Kit
Various potions in belt (Alchemist Fire, Holy Water etc)