Ratfolk Troubleshooter

Ottergame's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Thank you!

I stole this image from somewhere. It's a bigger version then the one posted upthread.

Environs Map

Scary c.c

Got mine as well. It's weird! Sometimes it takes a month to get to me, and other times less then a week.

James Jacobs wrote:
Ottergame wrote:
Got mine in the mail today, and the polybag was opened at the top. Just wanna make sure no one stole anything out. :)
You're safe! No inserts with this one. There's a poster map in #150 though, so hopefully that'll arrive in better shape.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll keep an eye out!

Got mine in the mail today, and the polybag was opened at the top. Just wanna make sure no one stole anything out. :)

Sorry about that, it just arrived today. Usually it's quite a bit faster then that. :)

Stebehil wrote:

I´m absolutely stunned and would never have expected that development, especially with the success Dungeon and Dragon had in the last few years...

I think I´ll need a while to chew on this - I´m quite dumbfounded at the moment. My first thought was "What???", my second was "If that isn´t a herald of a 4th Ed, what else could it be?", and my third is "I´ll miss printed magazines."

I´m quite confused now.


Funny, my reaction was only slightly different.

1) WHAT?! Lame joke, guys.

2) Crap, not a joke, I'm going to miss these magazines.

3) Huh, maybe there's some meat to all the 4E rumors after all, this sounds like a step in that direction.

I'm very sad to see the old magazines go, but Pathfinder looks like it's going to be quality stuff, so I'm going to give it a spin. :)

Magazine 355 shipped on the 3rd, it's still not here.

Dungeon issue 146 never arrived.

Issue 353, The Lost Issue, heh.

The March issue is MIA.

I am fully convinced the Vanishing was used to punish charisma dump staters. And in that regard, it's perfect. Wouldn't change a thing.

I increased his age to 13, and am trying to make him more attractive as a cohort option. I want my party to keep him around and discover his secrets.

Inn of the Welcome Wench! Return to the Return of the Temple of Elemental Evil, or perhaps a prequel to the original? Would be nice. :)

Human Warlock
Half Orc Barbarian
Human Cleric of Kord
Half Elf Wizard
Elf Rogue