Priest of Pharasma

Othniel Edden's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 107 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Lantern Lodge

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I want to adapt the Nanite bloodline to Bloodrager. Trying to figure if I want Thundaar or He-man or if I want to recreate Shining Force characters.

Lantern Lodge

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Again these are simplified numbers rounding to the nearest 30. These measurements are relying on me to draw a straight line as well, so they could be off a little. It's also relying on Restov as a reference point as it is the only point to appear on the Brevoy, Iobaria, Stolen Lands hex map and world map.

Restov to Katrivish is 180 miles. About 15 hexes.
Restov to Skywatch is between 210 and 240 miles.
Restov to Kirya is 270 miles.
Restov to Mishkar is 270 miles.
Restov to Volod is 270 miles.
Restov to Vladmir is 300 miles.
Restov to Kridorn is 330 miles.
Restov to Orlov is 360 miles.
Restov to Orost is 360 miles.
Restov to Mirnbay is 390 miles.
Restov to Okorimir is between 390 to 420 miles.

And so on and so forth until I edit later.

Lantern Lodge

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The guide to the River Kingdoms does mention that because the rivers are constantly shifting that maps drawn a decade ago may contain significant errors regarding wilderness areas (which the Stolen Lands are), and those from a century ago may be all but unrecognizable. (Lightly paraphrased pg. 3 and 4)

Other than the Tors there has likely been significant changes from when the Stolen Lands where last mapped. It being too large though is certainly an issue. In universe the cartographers are probably getting some faulty information from surveys. The hex map is likely the most recent survey, and definitely the most detailed, so likely the most correct. (for now)

Just for scaling purposes I decided to take the Brevoy cities and measure the distances from one another according to the 90 mile scale on the map. I don't have a ruler so these aren't precise.

Grayhaven to Port Ice is just under 90 miles.
Grayhaven to Silverhall is 120 miles.
Grayhaven to Eagle's Watch is 120 miles.
Grayhaven to Winterbreak is 180 miles.
Grayhaven to New Stetven is 210 miles.
Grayhaven to Stoneclimb is 300 miles.
Grayhaven to Restov is 380 miles.
Port Ice to Winterbreak is 120 miles.
Port Ice to Eagle's Watch is 120 miles.
Port Ice to Silverhall is 180 miles.
Port Ice to New Stetven is 270 Miles.
Port Ice to Stoneclimb is 300 miles.
Port Ice to Restov is 420 miles.
Silverhall to New Steven is 90 miles.
Silverhall to Eagle's Watch is 120 miles.
Silverhall to Winterbreak is 240 miles.
Silverhall to Stoneclimb is 250 miles.
Silverhall to Restov is 255 miles.
Winterbreak to Eagle's Watch is 110 miles.
Winterbreak to Stoneclimb is 225 miles.
Winterbreak to New Stetven is 270 miles.
Winterbreak to Restov is 435 miles.
Eagle's Watch to New Stetven is 180 miles.
Eagle's Watch to Stoneclimb is 210 miles.
Eagle's Watch to Restov is 315 miles.
New Stetven to Restov is 180 miles.
New Stetven to Stoneclimb is 240 miles.
Restov to Stoneclimb is 290 miles.

Lantern Lodge

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This is meant to be a list of all of the major factions and families in the River Kingdoms, and other potential trading partners for the kingdom, like the Issian Houses, or the Aldori. I'll place a (*) next to an entry if the information is fabricated by myself or (^) if I got the information from a non-Pazio Source like Red Celt's Game of Thrones thread. Otherwise I can provide citations.

Hopefully helpful Table.

Already in progress, but feel free to suggest changes or other material I can add.

Lantern Lodge

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Which "historical" events do you guys think would ended up as adventuring paths 30 to 50 years in Golarion's past?

Lantern Lodge

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Warning: This thread is primarily for DMs wishing to flesh out there campaigns. There might be some inspirations in here for making a character from Mivon, but if your DM clocks you it isn't my fault.

This is pretty much a placeholder until I put my thoughts into words. I've tried to write this post six times now and haven't been pleased with my attempts to put my unorganized notes and dozens and dozens on thoughts into something organized and elegant.

What should be going here after I've finished writing out an introduction and a bit of the content is my stuff on Mivon. It should detail their great houses, and some other noted factions, with plot lines, leaders and how they interact with one another as well as with the Player Kingdom. I really like what exists on Mivon and it has successfully prompted me to fill in the details on my own and I hope this stuff can be used to help others use Mivon in their own campaigns.

Lantern Lodge

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I've always allowed my players to roll multiple sets and then let them keep the one of their choice. I usually like them to have high stats so that I can throw tougher stuff at them.

Lantern Lodge

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I plan to break things down to more of component level with Mivon, Pitax and Brevoy. Also going to play on some upheavel in Galt to create some instability in the River Kingdoms, which should explain where immigrants are coming from that aren't from Brevoy.

For Mivon I'm developing the nine Great Houses, with lesser nobles finding themselves affiliated with one or another. I've named all but two, and gave each one their own colors, and symbols. I need to decide on what personalities I want for each house leader and their deeper agendas though. I've included what I have in the spoiler below.

I plan to at one point have one of the house's militia to get slaughtered by their successor and be forces to feel into the PC Kingdom. I also plan to have two of the houses to send agents to offer and train the Aldori PC in the party. The prestige the earn might gain them a new client for their mercenary armies along with the possibility of earning the same rights in the PC Kingdom that they have in Mivoni.


Buchev| Black & Green| Green Bull
Dudin| Red & Black| Bugle
Gisvet| Black & Yellow| 3 White Lilies
Kholodinin| Green & Yellow| ---
Mechnik|White| 7 Black Swords Pointing Down
Rosanov|Orange & Red| Rose
Zhuralev|Red & White|Two Cranes with Necks Entwined
(Unamed 1)|Green & White| Serpent
(Unamed 2)| Puple| Key

Mecknik and Zhuralev are the two houses hoping to influence the player kingdom's Marshall. Gisvet has the speaker of the house of exiles and largely remains neutral. The unnamed house with the Serpent is a weaker house that is in the mayor's pocket and has them do his dirty work. I think Kholodinin will be the house I have suffer defeat at the hands of a rival and head north in desperation to attempt to pledge fealty to the PCs.

For Pitax I want to do something similar with the trading houses bidding to have trade between themselves and the new kingdoms in the east. I might even have the Cattaneis or the Liacenzases be desperate enough to try and start an unaffiliated trade house in the capital of the PC kingdom.

Lantern Lodge

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Howl-of-the-North-Wind is a Barbarian 3. He's fuming over the invasion of his hunting grounds,the disruption of one of his favorite food sources (bandits, though a few of the nice fat settlers have cooled him on this point)and that they killed his subjects. ( 3 vorgs and a wolf pack slain by the party thus far)

Gleaming Grin is his mate, his queen, and she is fey blooded sorceress that serves Narissa. Her compulsion magic has played no small amount in HotNW's rise to power in these lands. She is the one that complused Brutish Ways (Dire Wolf) to join Howl-of-the-North-Wind's hunting pack.

The reminder of the court is a pack of wolves (2d4) lead by the worg Jaw-of-the-River (Warrior 1). She's as clever as any worg, and will use different tactics to place the heroes in an ambush. She's also in a rivalry with Gleaming Grin, that might be exploitable if the party does talk to her.

I plan to run this as a series of combats ending with Howl and Gleaming Grin supported by the troll hounds from Dudemiester's scenario. I want to give the Party a vigorous test and most of all for this to feel memorable.

Merida, I loved your blow by blow account. I really like the ties you are using to make things tie together. I'm not so sure I want to make him half-jabberwoky though. Some type of help might be cool though. A Collar of DR 5/Cold Iron maybe? (My Aldori fighter has a cold iron blade so it would give her a chance to shine and the druid could give it to his wolf... maybe less then.. DR 2 perhaps. But it could be cursed... hmmm...)

Lantern Lodge

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Moster Guide to Hyrule
Legend of Zelda


Armos- Construct
Bubble- Undead
(variants: Flashing Bubble, Red Bubble, Blue Bubble)
Darknut- Humanoid (subtype unclassified) or Monstrous Humanoid
(variants: Red Darknut, Blue Darknut)
Gel- Ooze
Ghini- Undead
Gibdo- Undead
Goriya- Humanoid (subtype unclassified) or Monstrous Humanoid
(variants: Red Goriya, Blue Goriya)
Keese- animal
Lanmola- Vermin
(variants: Red Lanmola, Blue Lanmola)
Leever- Plant
(variants: Red Leever, Blue Leever)
Like Like- Vermin
Lynel- Monsterous Humanoid
(variants: Red Lynel, Blue Lynel)
Moblin- Humanoid (Orc)
(variants: Red Moblin, Blue Moblin)
Moldorm- Vermin
Octorok- Animal
(variants: Red Octorok, Blue Octorok)
Peahat- Plant
Pols Voice- Undead
River Zora- Monsterous Humanoid (aquatic)
Rope- Animal
(variants: Flashing Rope)
Stalfos- Undead
(variants: Shooting sword Stalfos)
Tektite- Vermin
(variants: Red Tektite, Blue Tektite)
Vire- Outsider (evil)
Wallmaster- Undead
Wizzrobe- Humanoid (subtype Unclassified)
(variants: Red Wizzrobe, Blue Wizzrobe)
Zol- Ooze


Aquamentus (Dragon), Dodongo (Animal- dinosaur), Manhandla (aberration or plant), Gleeok (Magical Beast- Hydra), Digdogger (aberration or animal) Gohma (Vermin), Gannon (Humanoid (Orc)/Humanoid (Human) or Ousider (Evil))

In this case I think Wizzrobes are a type of spell caster just like I think Darknuts are a style of Fighter. I would recommend Vermin and undead for favored enemy. Half the game is spent underground in dungeons but Mountains, Plains, and Forests make a large part of the overworld.

This Link is probably a light armored sword and board paladin with connections to Farore with some dungeon delving gear and magical items aplenty. The wand, the recorder, the magical book and the candles probably require UMD. The rings probably grant DR and the Power Bracelet are probably bracers of strength.