
Osrat's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Hey, thanks for the great link!

1. What band/artist will you let talk for you?
The Beatles (early albums only- in deference to Luke)

2. Are you male or female:
This Boy

3. Describe Yourself:
Bad Boy

4. How do some people feel about you:
I'm a Loser

5. How do you feel about yourself:
I Should Have Known Better

6. How do you feel about ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Not A Second Time

7. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
And I Love Her

8. Describe where you want to be:
I'll Follow the Sun

9. Describe how you live:
Act Naturally

10. Describe how you love:
It Won't Be Long

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
Good Day Sunshine

12. Share a few words of Wisdom:
Tomorrow Never Knows

13. Now say goodbye:
I'll Be Back

Call me

by Al Green

Blue Bayou

by Roy Orbison