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Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss, seeing that the gnolls are well in hand, moves down the slanted corridor and listens carefully for sounds of approaching enemies. Whether or not he hears anything, he will return to the gnoll room to report his findings. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss grins and calls out "Excellent work!" to his companions. He listens to see if he can hear any reinforcements mustering, either before or behind them. Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 He also considers what he knows about gnolls, hoping to produce some useful lore that could improve their side's chances in the skirmish. Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss throws his oversized sword through the doorway, arcing it over his allies with his mind to cut squarely into the head of the barking gnoll. Sword of the mage ranged attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
His point made, so to speak, Orveiss's sword flies back to his hand with a thrumming, metallic whine. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Appraise check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 "Elf-eyes see, elf-eyes me," Orveiss grins. He also draws his sword. "Looks like it was quite a fight the last time you came this way." ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Wasn't our plan to try to approach the guards from a different direction, and thus take them by surprise? Seems to me that would argue for going north. :) That said, with two votes for 124 I think we should proceed with it to keep things moving. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() For expedience, a lot of other pbp games say that if two or more players propose an action, the whole group automatically goes along. I'm totally okay with that! Most importantly, I don't want to hold up the action with disagreements of where we go. :) ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() "I can throw my sword with some accuracy," he seems to brag, puffing up a little at Bat's question, "and of course I can fire my longbow. But surely they know these tunnels and will expect us to come from either direction? We know where they are now-- why not simply charge them? It is a greater advantage to us than exploring a different route." ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss listens carefully when the door is opened. Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 Hearing nothing, he ponders what he can deduce about the temple, based on his studies. Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
He nods to Avendryl, and muses quietly, "In a sense, then, this is the 'back door' to the temple, not the entrance. We might find one of the other entrances more securely protected." He considers. "After the Battle of Emrity Meadows, I read that the victorious forces sacked the temple, but they didn't tear it down, perhaps because no one controls these lands and could devote the necessary resources. However, I have read accounts that they did weave powerful wards on the temple, imprisoning some mighty enemy within it like a demon lord or demigod-- perhaps something that they could not themselves defeat." ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() "How strange, this grand Temple seems empty on the surface. I wonder where all of these enemies came from, and how they sustain themselves? They must have brought a great many supplies with them." He shakes his head in wonder. Orveiss will draw out a scroll of heightened awareness and cast it as they begin exploring. He will also cast resistance on himself and light on Fezzik's weapon, and will try to keep them active when out of combat. Any Knowledge rolls Orveiss can make? I don't know if there's new information he could provide the party, but I'm willing to try! ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Can I assume Orveiss has had time to meet and talk with Black Jay? It's not his mission to find Countess Tillahi and her consort Sir Juffer, but he'd certainly want to know what the elves' contact in Hommlet has to say about the area, and what to look for if he should stumble upon information that would help the Knights of Luna find the missing nobles. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss smiles contentedly, ignoring his slight discomfort at being a subject of discussion. "Arcane firepower, you say? I don't know what your previous companions could do, but I assure you that I have studied battle-magic extensively-- as every good elf from Celene should!" ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss raises an eyebrow at Silver Knight. "Temple? Evil? Sounds like you folk have been quite busy. I wouldn't call myself a 'trapfinder' but certainly I would be willing to lend my blade to your cause." ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Bluff check: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17 Wow, I didn't expect that to succeed, so I guess it seems like he knows his stuff, wouldn't you say? Maybe he's been preparing himself for this and he's worked out a good cover story. Orveiss's eyes shine with enthusiasm. "Oh, it's a fascinating topic: The Battle of Emrity Meadows. It took place very near here, just north of this little village, and many of the people here have inherited stories and knowledge that is invaluable-- invaluable!-- to a researcher like me. My particular focus is on Prince Thrommel, the then crown prince of Furyondy. I have been trying to discover what happened to him after the clash, for there are no records of his body or his possessions returning to his country or turning up elsewhere." He eyes the group excitedly. "You've been exploring the environs, right? Have you found anything unusual? Smiting evil, now that sounds like you've uncovered something dangerous, something that might be worthy of inclusion in my little account. Perhaps you would agree to allow me to accompany you on your next expedition? I have some skill with magic and with a blade, I wouldn't be any trouble for you and I could possibly make myself useful in other ways." He self-consciously places his hand on the hilt of a slightly-larger-than-normal-size sword that is traced in silver etchings and mystic runes, and has an icy blue stone in the pommel. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss, who had just stood up from the stool as Fezzik walked in, stands staring at the giant with his eyes as wide as saucers. His smile seems fixed on his face, and he very pointedly does not move when he sees many of the inn's regulars head upstairs in a hurry. His eyes flick around him and note that the others who have entered do not seem troubled. They must be with him, he decides. Then the locals return with the chair for him, and Orveiss's smile broadens in genuine delight. That bodes well, he thinks. The lanky pale elf sidles closer to Bataleigha, not sneaking up on her but trying to catch her eye. By way of explanation he points at the innkeeper, and explains "Ostler Gundigoot says you're a warrior-priest, and he implied you've been out smiting the wicked. Is that true?" He doesn't speak particularly quietly, and he can easily be overheard by the others in her party. "I'm called Orveiss, a traveling scholar from Celene. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? For, uh, for my book, the book I'm writing?" ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss turns to look as the party enters, raising a curious eyebrow. He quietly asks the Ostler a question, nodding his head towards them. (Asking him about the group, obviously.) He breaks into a charmed smile as Avendryl begins playing. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Thanks! I hope we have a good time. Do you think my character needs any other minor adjustments before we get started? We have a good assortment of skills. Also, if anyone has requests for scrolls, Orveiss can probably craft them before we leave town. Both Fezzik and Silver Knight might want enlarge person scrolls on hand, since Silver Knight can read them as well as Orveiss. Also, dazzling blade and heightened awareness are great buff spells for Avendryl. ![]()
Elf Magus 1/Wizard 2 | HP 21/21 | AC 16/T 12/FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +4/R +4/W +7* | Init +6 Per +6, low-light vision | buffs: heightened awareness, 10m, resistance, 1m | conditions: none
![]() Orveiss is not an early riser, but he often stays up late listening to villagers’ tales. He is charmed by non-elves and especially the short-lived humans. They like him buying drinks, even if he doesn’t join them, pleading low elven constitution. However, he is itching to begin investigating. ![]()
![]() DM Jesse Heinig wrote: Were any of the casters considering doing any Item Creation feats? Our resident large-sized warrior who is unlikely to find large-sized magic weapons and armor is curious. ;) Your friendly neighborhood Sword Binder has planned to take Craft Magic Arms and Armor at level 5– he doesn’t need it, since he has an arcane bond to his weapon and so can enchant it without the feat, but the character is very interested in enchanted swords in particular and would love to make sure everybody has one. If you are allowing the Leadership feat, he might also hire a magical engineer as his cohort at level 7, someone who can craft all sorts of nifty devices for the party to use. ![]()
![]() DM Jesse Heinig wrote: @Orveiss: Looks ok, though that dump of Wis/Cha is pretty worrisome! Worrisome as in you think the character will have trouble, or worrisome as in you want me to change it? :) I'm willing to play him with a lower-than-normal Will save, but if it feels too much like min-maxing to you, I could reduce Int to 16+2 and Dex to 12+2, and bring up Wis to 12, or Wis to 10 and Cha to 8. ![]()
![]() Hi DM, this is eriktd. I've put this character together for your consideration; everything is in the alias's profile but briefly speaking he is a young elven nobleman well-versed in lore and history and desperate for adventure, who has come to Hommlet looking for evidence of Prince Thrommel of Furyondy and his famous magic sword. He's mostly a wizard, though like all good elves he has some martial prowess as well (in this case a level of magus), and he is eventually aimed at the Eldritch Knight prestige class. I hope it meets with your approval, but let me know if there's anything you'd like to alter or refine. :) |