
Orogustus's page

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I'm still afraid of seals, since I watched that disney movie with the dogs, and that huge leopord seal attacked the dogs. One of those as a zombie would be very scarie!

Idaho is not cold in the summer. Fish would eat the zombies if the tried to cross the oceans though.
Camping around zombies is also not recomended. Better to find a defensible compound away from a city, defended with traps. Also, always have an escape plan eg. armored vehicle loaded with supplies ready to bust out after compound falls .

I must admit that I'm curious to see if streamlined rules translates to a "dumbed down" version. There are a few rules that could use a revamp but a drastic dumbing down of the rules would definitly turn me off, as I could always do that on my own. I enjoy rules that work on a principle of common sense and are just complicated enough to add realism to the game. I also wonder who the authors behind the new rule books will be? Will those responsible with the excellent vision behind 3.X edition lead the way into fourth edition, thus repairing flaws to their previous work?

Well, in this campaign many of the races are animal headed humanoids. Orcs have been replaced with the powerful apelike Aurochs for example. I have also used a jackle headed, necromantic linked race. A medium sized minitaur race and now an equine race that I envision as a wise nomadic race of holy men. I realy want them to be unique though so I am not giving them a str mod as the Taurons already have that. I suppose they will have low light vision as well and I am trying to come up with other bonuses to tweak them too.

I'm developing a new race for my campaign and was wondering what stats to trade off for a +2 wis mod. I'm not quite sure where wisdom ranks in the scheme of things compared to the other ststs and also would like to avoid loopholes for power gamers to exploit. Any help would be appretiated.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
It get's a single attack with one claw as a standard action.

True dat...

Wow, I'm glad to have been able to contributed an idea to other peoples campaigns. I didn't have the sources for all those other meta magic feats on hand but they make excelent additions. I still like the idea of limiting these crystals power to not producing effective spell levels over 9. But then I have never played an epic level campaign.
Orogustus stones does have a better in game ring than meta-magic crystals. I may just use it as well. Although Orogustus serves as my campaign worlds formost living wizard. Think "elminster/ mordinkainen" with a dark twist.

Thanks Marcos for your excellent guide lines. Those prices do seem a little high though. To off set this I am going to set the caster level at what it would take to cast the highest level spell possible as per the power level of the crystal. For example a lesser silent spell meta magic crystal, equivilent to a 4th level spell, will be CL 7. This will bring down costs nicely.
Secondly I am resticting the crystals to only raise spells effective level to 9th. Thus there will be no greater maximize, widen or quicken crystals. And the highest level quickened spells will be 5th.
So using the formula (spell level X CL X 25gp):

Silent, enlarge and entend - lesser 700gp
normal 2275gp
greater 3825gp

Empower- lesser 1125gp
normal 3000gp
greater 3825gp

Maximize and Widen- lesser 1650gp
normal 3825gp

Quicken- lesser 2275gp
normal 3825gp

This places all of these crystals on the low to middle end of the minor wounderous items table.

I created a new magic item for a campaign I'm running; meta-magic crystals. Essentialy a single use meta-magic rod. I'm looking for help with price and what feat and caster level such an item would require to create. I would think that there would remain the 3 levels of power lesser, normal and greater.