OrionTaurus's page

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As a side note if it IS a problem then setting strict pace can do wonders for getting stuff done. We had a GM who would "advance to the next scene" every time we started getting all "talky" and many of us did appreciate the progress we were making in his games. But as a side note it helped his games a LOT that he would allow role play "on the side". That is to say we could get with him or each other online, on the phone, or at a random meet up and role play out the stuff he advanced us past.

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Before you change too much, it would be a good idea to ask your players how they feel. Too many times I have seen a GM get all worried about pacing when their players were actually having a great time. I am reminded of a game where we were all supposed to save a fair from evil robots and then hunt those bots back to their lair and find the bigger problem. BUT we were having a blast role playing off each other and the various NPCs at all the events in the fair that it took us three full play sessions to get moving and an additional two sessions RPing our camping stops on the way to track down the robots. The GM was freaking out. He assumed we were all bored. That he never considered the fact that us blowing a one session mission into a six session RP extravaganza was actually the most memorable and fun times we have ever had in one of his games.

So check with your players to find out if this really is a problem first before trying to fix it.

Hard to vote when my choice isn’t an option. Give me a spell casting martial any day.

Try Amber Diceless RPG. Sounds like it might be your speed.

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Interesting question...

My top pick would likely be my Drow Mage at over 100 levels his mastery of magic is absolute. This immortal caster has survived god wars, created worlds, and is the architect of the planar maze which he has used to forever side track those he does not wish to face. Limitless power is always fun.

Another option if magic is TOO hard to use would be Quantum my advanced android from a multiversal setting. His engineering knowledge is well into the tier where a TARDIS can be constructed.

I recall an in character fight between a tyrannical paladin and a Not by the Plan type sorcerer

Both good but plenty of heated words got exchanged

So the difference is worth noting as part of alignment