
Order of Chaos's page

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I would still argue Wish would turn the subject into a young adult version of themselves, since it was their "original form" when they were of that age.

Except you are all ignoring the fact that Shadow Demon has Magic Jar as a spell-like ability and it thus has the duration of the spell (10 hours).

Where as the Twin-Soul clearly states:

"They can persist in this state indefinitely"

meaning you can also posses a new body indefinitely.

Order of Chaos wrote:

Level 10 feature from Natural Alchemist reads:

"At 10th level, a natural alchemist learns how to formulate an imperfect duplicate of the sun orchid elixir that affects only her. This functions as the eternal youth grand discovery."

Which means that Eternal youth discovery resets your character age to Young adult as per regular drinking of the Sun Orchid Elixir.

Furthermore, the Eternal Youth grand discovery states:

"The alchemist has discovered a cure for aging..."

which should theoretically mean it is no longer possible for her to die from old age.

QUESTION FIRST: Are my assumptions correct so far, i.e. does the alchemist become eternally young forever? (until they are killed at least)

QUESTION SECOND: Does the same work for the Immortality Arcane Discovery?

Oups, delete this. I googled my answer. y

BTW, I love you Sean K Reynolds

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If someone gets reincarnated after dying from old age, can someone else kill them by casting a Wish or a Miracle to

restore a reincarnated character to his or her original form


Or would that simply make them look like the young adult version of themselves?

Level 10 feature from Natural Alchemist reads:

"At 10th level, a natural alchemist learns how to formulate an imperfect duplicate of the sun orchid elixir that affects only her. This functions as the eternal youth grand discovery."

Which means that Eternal youth discovery resets your character age to Young adult as per regular drinking of the Sun Orchid Elixir.

Furthermore, the Eternal Youth grand discovery states:

"The alchemist has discovered a cure for aging..."

which should theoretically mean it is no longer possible for her to die from old age.

QUESTION FIRST: Are my assumptions correct so far, i.e. does the alchemist become eternally young forever? (until they are killed at least)

QUESTION SECOND: Does the same work for the Immortality Arcane Discovery?

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Seeing how one of the best garments for a witch is a corset, does it mean that if one decides to play as male witch he has to wear a corset? Wouldn't that bring too much attention to him?

Also, please tell me how a corset does not interfere with Arcane gestures, while light armour does :/

Another questing is what would happen if the witch cast clone in her new body? Would she bring the girl back or would she create a backup body for herself?
Or what would happen were the witch die when her familiar is dead and someone would cast Resurrection on the claimed body?

dragonhunterq wrote:
It's a valid interpretation. The girls spirit wouldn't necessarily die.

The rules for Magic Jar clearly state "Any life force with nowhere to go is treated as slain.", so I am pretty sure she is dead, which leaves one fresh and empty body ready for the taking.

I also don't think you could be exorcized, since you can "transfer into a suitable vessel (such as a clone)" and as we know trying to exorcize clones is utterly pointless.

Each witch archetype has following sentence written in it "The following witch hexes complement the X archetype"

Are they compulsory?

Can witch choose different hexes and still have all of the archetype features available? (I am concerned the mostly about the Grand Hex)

Will witch's patron get mad at him/her for choosing hex that doesn't belong to certain archetype, given how patrons and archetypes are completely separate things?

For what purpose is it written there then?

Cyrad wrote:
Taking permanent ability score loss...

Sorry, I was just reading Ultimate Psionics where some powers require you to burn an ability score (True Creation for example) as an offset of being otherwise over-powered. This ability score burn heals at the rate of 1 per day (which is really not that bad, making someone happy in exchange for a one day of one ability score less).

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Can a Beast-bonded witch posses a new body permanently using Twin Soul? Is there a wise person from Paizo, who can confirm?

1) Old witch captures a young girl.

2) Witch stabs her heart in a wild ritual placing her soul in her familiar.

3) Witch takes over young girls body, which soul now has nowhere to go (dies).

4) An 80 year old witch in a young body, permanently.

"can persist in this state indefinitely"

Scythia wrote:
Strange, when I read the topic, I was expecting a system to make Reincarnation less random, not more...

It would be less random (read point C two posts above you), as it is now, you have no way to choosing your race.

And NO, I don't think you should be able to change "class", "ability scores", "back-story", "alignment", etc. - those are all things connected with YOUR SOUL.
Race, age and gender are just a state of YOUR BODY, they have very little to do with the fact who you are, unless you choose to be obsessed with them (because of an irrational fear of being the opposite gender, different age or different race).

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What I was trying to achieve was the following:
A) Make reincarnation more realistic (read closer to mythology) by allowing the gender of the suspect to change (I understand some people might not be comfortable with this idea, hence read point C).

B) Make it so that the spell can create a new body ranging from 0 - <old age> to not only make it slightly more random and also in order to create a spell that allows characters to become children again for whatever reason (I understand that a six months old fighter is not a great asset to the party, GO READ C NOW PLEASE)

C) Removing the randomness from this spell by letting you choose, for a price. You don't want your subject to be a Bugbear? You don't want subject's gender to change? You don't want him to be a five year old?
I do realize I could have simply made something called Reincarnation, Greater, make it a higher level spell and be done with it, but then I realized I would be taking away the choice of age, race and gender from classes (archetypes) like Monk of the Four Winds, Reincarnated Druid and Heavens Oracle, so I came up with the possibility of modification existing spell by paying a cost (once you pay you can simply state objects new race, age and gender and the spell creates body according to your description). It could have been an XP cost, but since Pathfinder did away with them I choose it's replacement - ability burn (or negative levels, but they seem too harsh).

In my opinion Reincarnation type effects should also roll to change characters gender and age. Reincarnating everyone into a young adult doesn't make much sense (imagine casting Reincarnation on a still-born :/ ).

In addition, the caster should be able to choose subjects new race, age and gender in exchange for ability burn. A effect modified this way should be able to also raise creature that has died from old age (to stop druids from committing suicide all the time :P ).

The book says: "When a magic item creation fails by 5 or more, roll the table 6–1 to determine the type of curse possessed by the item.
So, BY THE RULES, in order to create a specific cursed item, all you need to do is spam cheap magic items and choose to fail on purpose each time.

Of course you can make up your own rules, but then you might be playing a different game altogether.

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I would simply leave the table if cheating were to be tolerated.

I don't care about "the story" or whether my character dies or not, what I want is the most accurate simulation of what would happen if given magical characters were presented with given situation. But hey, maybe the obscene amount of time I spent playing Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings might be finally starting to show. :)

I am sure I am not alone when I say, that I, along with other noobies, would very much appreciate a guide to building a Psion (choosing the right powers and feats).
I seem to find only a guide describing 3.5 Psionics, but given how much has changed, I would be overcome with happiness were someone with great deal of experience to write a new definitive guide to Psion.
What I would like in especial is colour-coded power selection (a sort of "must have)" for each discipline.

Here is what I've found (and use) so far:
3.5 Psion guide:
XPH to PF conversion document: -XPH-Psionics-A-Handbook
And finally a PF Shaper guide: t-CharOp-Guide-Pathfinder

Can a Generalist psion pick powers from disciplines with his Expanded Mind?
It seems to be the only way to get access to 9th level powers from multiple disciplines.

Here is the quote:
Expanded Mind (Ex): At 20th level, each day when you
meditate to regain power points, you may choose any
one power from any class power list and add it to your
powers known for the day. This power does not count
against your number of powers known.

NOTE: Since I just joined, I have no idea how to make it fancy gray, quotation-style, so please bear with me.

Thanks Claxon, your answer was what I needed.

I think there should be rules, for everything. You have to develop less pressure on your DM that way.

I was worried, I would have to take the Thrallherd prestige class for this from Ultimate Psionics, I am glad non mind-controlled people can do this too.

I was thinking somewhere along the lines of Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil. You don't necessarily have to be evil to understand how trade works. Nor do I think, should they betray me just because they are evil, they are supposed to be LOYAL TO ME.

I would like to ask you, to what degree are my followers loyal to me.

As an example, would it be possible to require some amount of children each year as a sacrifice material?

Given it's not uncommon for people to simply sell their children in third world countries, what would followers think of organized (and paid) breeding effort (I am not cruel to my followers, I am PAYING them. No penalty here.)?

Could I send of my Cohort to have a child and deliver it to me later (I am not killing the Cohort, so I don't see a reason to get penalty to my leadership score)?

As a following question, is it possible to tax my followers, given I provide them with tenure?

(Taxes pay for breeding efforts, breeding efforts pay for favours from Dark Gods.)