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![]() I'm running a game with four 8th level characters. One is a hunter with a wolf animal companion. They're heading into a fort occupied by gnolls. I plan on giving the folks character levels. Fighter o or ranger mostly with an odd cleric mixed in. How many gnolls and what level in each encounter? I'm thinking lower level guards with a sergeant or lieutenant at first and growing in toughness as they approach the chief. I'm also thinking of making the chief like a video game boss fight. One big tough guy vs the heroes. Ideas? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Today we are starting the Carrion Crown adventure path. I am playing an Inquisitor. My initail thought was to worship Asmodeus. I was reading through Cheliax: Empire of Devils and came across the Inquisitors there. Are they the same thing. Are Chelaxian/Asmodean Inquistors actual Inquisitors? Would it make sense for a 1st level inquistor to be an Inquisitor? How would that work role-playing? Ideas? My buddy got the Inner Sea Gods books. (I may have the title wrong. If so, my apologies). I came across Besmara. A pirate god! How cool is that? So I got to rethinking my character. Would Besmara have inquistors? How would they fit into Besmara's scheme of things? I mean obviously she would have clerics. (I am thinking of the Greyjoy in Game of Thrones who worshipped the Drwoned God -or whatever he was called) but what about inquisitors? Maybe I am just not understanding the role of inquisitors. I haven't played on yet so I don't have a feel for the class and how they work in society. Kind of rambling I know. Sorry about that. ![]()
![]() The PCs in our game are currently going through Hunclay's manor. Some will likely bid on some of his items. (Surprisingly even though there are no lawful good characters no one has stolen anything). Some have expressed interest in buying the manor itself. I can't find anything on doing so in the module. Have I missed something? Anyone have any ideas on how much it would go for? ![]()
![]() I am thinking of playing a goblin as a character in an upcoming game. I was looking at the Pathfinder PRG since I don't have the Advanced race Guide. In it is says that goblins get a +4 size bonus to sneak. It also says they are Skilled and get a +4 to ride and a +4 to stealth. Do the two stealth bonuses stack giving goblins a +8 or is the skilled listing a reprint of the size bonus? ![]()
![]() Are there rules for running a group of zombies and getting them to attack like a swarm or horde like we see on AMC's The Walking Dead? Like where multiple zombies grab (grapple) a character and claw and bite in numbers where the character gets (or has the potential to become) so overwhelmed the zombies can drag him down? Its a great staple to zombie movies that I want to incorporate into our games but I can't quite pull it off. ![]()
![]() This may be in the wrong spot. If so I am sorry and feel free to move it. Just tell me were its at. OK I am in the steel mill using the freeze gun to make blocks of ice to float along. I am standing on a ledge and I have to throw the remote controlled batarang out and into a small room with a fusebox or something. (I am at work some if the details are fuzzy please bear with me) I throw the batarang through a hole into a corridor with some kind of electrical discharge. I circle the batarang back and guide it through a similar hole into a small room with the box. I have hit this thing I don't know how many times and nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong? Am I aiming for the wrong thing? ![]()
![]() I am a superhero fan. I haven't collected comics for a long, long time. I have a son who's nearly 5 and he's just really getting into Spiderman, Batman, Iron, etc. So I want to get him into comics. I stopped by the local comic book store after seeing the Avengers and huzzah! it happened to be free comic book day. I have heard of the new 52 by DC for a while now. I have done some research and to be honest, I am a little overwhelmed. All I want is a Batman series and there's like 50 of them. The same thing with Superman. Which of these new Batman reboots is closest to the regular Batman. I want Batman where he's fighting the Joker, Poison Ivy, the Penguin, etc not aliens. My son and I really like batman the Animated series for the 90s. Is there anything even close to that? Are the new 52 even worth getting? ![]()
![]() How would I incorporate M-16s, AK-47s, and miniguns into my campaign? Just kidding. Don't answer that. Here is my question though. I was looking at the advanced firearms in Ultimate Combat. Specifically the rifle. Are rifles one shot then reload or do they have some type of ammo storage like a the clip of modern day guns. What I want to do is incorprate rifles like you saw in the old west movies. Guy fires his rifle, pulls the lever that surrounds the trigger to reload the weapon and fires again. I believe the common capacity for such rifles were 7 rounds. Would it be unreasonable to add such a weapon to my campaign? I have discussed this with a few of my players and we figure take craft gunsmithing and create the weapon from scratch. Any ideas on how the mechanics of that would work? ![]()
![]() I am taking a group through the old 3.5 World's Largest Dungeon using Pathfinder rules (because they are better). An interesting question popped into my mind yesterday. How long can a character, or group of characters explore a dungeon, deal with traps, and fight monsters, etc. without resting? Leave out spellcasters having to rest to regain spells. Imagine a group of fighters and rogues with enough potions and other magic to keep them healed. (My group is not like this. There are a couple of spellcasters) I want to know how long can such a group go on without being just too doggone tired to keep going? Oh, and what's the penalty for going too long and getting too doggone tired? If there is one. ![]()
![]() Last weekend I was at a convention in Chattanooga, TN. I would have had a great time if not for 2 DM's. I mostly DM. I have DMed at cons before. So let me start by saying thanks to all the DM's and organizers who were there. We played in one game Saturday evening that basically ruined the whole con for me and my wife. During the game, one of the characters died. He didn't fall into negative hit points, he died. How, because the DM decided that since we were able to revive a character who had been in the negative HP zone, the creature would make sure this other character was dead. That's bad. What was worse, she was gleeful about it. Not happy, gleeful. She was so excited she told other DMs at the table around us and they were happy too. That's just wrong. Player death in a home game is one thing. But in an organized play setting its much much worse. We all go into these games knowing what could happen to our characters. But to have DMs go out of their way to kill us is unacceptable. This DM also took so long and had so many side conversations that we didn't get to finish our scenario. We played on the higher tier but ended up not getting all of our prestige awards and ended up with less gold than we would have gotten if we had completed the lower tier. Our final game Sunday afternoon took almost 5 hours to complete because the DM was not prepared. Fortunatly we were able to finish. Dungeonmasters, you need to be prepared. Read the scenarios ahead of time. Be familiar with the monsters and traps, etc your players will encounter. Be prepared to call a fight or skip a fight if the time is running short. If you have to fudge, do so in favor of the players who are PAYING to play. I payed $40 to get into this convention. I took 2 days off of work, lost badly needed overtime and had to pay for a hotel room to come. Two bad DMs pretty much ruined the convention for me. If it hadn't been for the Year of the Shadow Lodge being so much fun I would have had a miserable time. I have the names of the DMs who ran these scenarions. I will NOT be plaing in any future games they run. ![]()
![]() Will someone from Paizo please explain to me why animal companions cannot take feats from the Bestiary? Isn't that kind of what they do? Most companions are monsters after all. On a more personal note. I was at ConNooga this weekend and every single freaking DM told me that my animal companion, and anklyasaurus with a 3 intelligence, cannot speak. Why the heck not? They gave me some lame excuse that anklyasauruses don't have vocal cords. I defy anyone to prove that. Has someone somewhere found a whole anklyasaurus complete with skin, muscles, and organs? I also think that people who made these decisions about whether a dino can speak has forgotten something. This is a FANTASY world. If I want to bump his intelligence to a 3 and spend a skill point on linguistics, my companion should be able to speak. Its not like with a 3 intelligence he's going to be a good conversationalist. We aren;t looking at a Shakespeare or a politician or preacher. 2 to 5 word sentences at best with at most 2 sylabble words. Come on, fix the "rule" and let us have fun with our characters and their companions. ![]()
![]() I just registered my new character and when I got done I looked at my old one. He is a level 7 ranger (who some may remember from my ranger animal companions thread). But only 3 of his scenarios have been reported. I have ALL of his chronicle sheets, including proper DM signatures and dates. Does it matter if everything has been reported or not. Can I report these things myself withour waiting on the DM? Can I report the ones that were missed since I have all the chronicle sheets? I DMed quite a few of these events, but the event coordinator, who happens to be my usual DM when I do get to play, said he would report these scenarios. Do I need to do anything? If so, what? ![]()
![]() According tour groups regular DM, you can play in a scenario that is either one higher or one lower. For example if I am 4th level I can play in not only in tier 4-5 but in at 1-2 or a 6-7. (Or however the level breakdown is). If this is true, can a 5th level character play is a scenario that starts at level 7. For example, Echoes of Everwar I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill starts at tier 7-8. Can a 5ht level character play in that? The problem we are having is that some of us are 7th level and higher, but we have a new player in the group who only has a 5th level character. ![]()
![]() We started Curse of the Crimson Throne in September 2008. We finished last night. One of our players from the start, Josh, quit and another, my own wife, made it clear that she wishes she had too. For the most part I enjoyed it. Skeletons of Acarwall was the worst of it. (Not much into dungeon crawls I guess) I was ready to quit because of all of the complaining. We had one of our players drop out then. Supposedly school got to busy. But we got to the last module and I was truly excited. I guess I was the only one. I wanted to see how the story we've been a part of ended. But Josh quit. Kristi's big bad fighter got even more cowardly. People just didn't care I guess. I'm done DMing for a while. Don't ask me to. I already told Scott I would do 2 sessions at SEIGE. (An upcoming convention in Chatanooga TN) Then I am done. Obviously people don't enjoy themselves when I DM. OK, maybe its not so obvious. I get it, it was a long campaign, but its was pretty selfish of people to bail at the end and to whine and complain when your character, easily the most powerful in the group and the one using the one artifact who could truly defeat the evil, gets targeted the most. Oh, byt the way, your character also has the most hit points, the highest AC and some of the best saving throws of the party. I guess in today's world of video games and MMOs and maybe even 4e players expect their characters to not be challenged or even threatened. Sorry but there are no godmode cheats in D&D. You players go after and gang up on the toughest baddest monster in the room, why shouldn't the monsters do the same thing huh? My thanks to Paizo for putting out such a great product. Other than a few editing/proofreading and layout issues, each and every module in this adventure path was well written and intriguing. As a DM I wanted to make Korvosa come alive. I guess I didn't do such a good job. It would help if people role played more and didn't leave it all up to me. Too many people played this like they were playing a video game. I wanted players to hate Ileosa, be charmed by Trinia, and dazzled by Blackjack. I tried to get them to redeem Cinnabar and get creeped out by the doctors. I was terrible at using it, but the Harrow deck was just an awesome accessory. Alas, it didn't happen. We're starting Kingmaker next. Me and my wife and the DM. Maybe Josh will join us, I dunno. He seems to enjoy WoW more than D&D nowadays. We'll see. |