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![]() One of my DMs drives me nuts. Why? Because in his games, we the players are never allowed to achieve anything for ourselves. We can have almost anything we want, but we are not allowed to work for it, or achieve it ourselves, rather it is given to use by an NPC, and they he tends to poison the achievement further by turning it into a hindrance. Our victories are also never our own, for even when we play the supposed movers and shakers of a campaign, we inevitably simply act as the pawns of powerful NPCs. We will try to accomplish a victory condition, only to have it handed to use on a plate. Their is no fun for me in setting out to achieve something in game, only to have it handed to you, so I often find that I have been working towards a goal I desperately want to achieve in game, only to find I have it and I no longer want it. He also spoilers everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On one occasion the group was so tired and desensitised to this that we got to the end of a fight and realised that we had just targeted a square which held an invisible wizard, without having any in character reason to know of his existence, because our DM had basically told us everything that was in the room, and its location and we had just lost the ability to keep track of what was meta information and what wasn't because of shear flood of meta-game information we where being constantly fed. I normally will let my character die before I metagame, yet non of use could distinguish at that point. Ofcause, when he is running pathfinder, if I purchase the AP simply for completeness, and the bestiaries, and he finds out, I am the bad guy.*slopes of grumbling.* ![]()
![]() Tagion wrote:
This is precisely what one of the other players is suggesting we do. ![]()
![]() Please don't just say "stop playing with him" or call him names. Despite his flaws, he is a friend, and I have no desire to see him slagged off. Constructive advice on how to improve the situation only please. We are about to dive into exalted again. I love exalted, more than most games combined, only mage, wraith and call of cthulhu sit higher on the totem pole for me. However the guy we have Storytelling, who always seems to story tell our exalted games, cannot/will not hold back from spoilers. We have just played through much of Carrion Crown, and at every step of the way, we have had spoilers heaped on us from on high. Now we are going to be digging into return of the scarlet empress for exalted, and one member of our group as already revieved over an hours worth of spoiler. What can we do to stop this? ![]()
![]() Ice Titan wrote:
Oh joy... Looks like he completely ignored the magic immunity. That would explain one hell of a lot. I knew there was something like that when I knowledges checked the first flesh golem, but when he didn't tell say anything about it, I just assumed I was imagining the fact that magic didn't do much to them. ![]()
![]() Turin the Mad wrote:
In my defense. I did ask that we to play 15 points. ![]()
![]() Okay, we have just completed trail of the beast with a three person team. Evoker, sword and board fighter and gunslinger. Following the advice of NPCs and OOC advice from our DM, we wimped out and took advantage of spoiler: , while my wizard and the gunslinger laid down the fire support.
the ability to possess the beast to fight the BBEG However, both I and the fighter where curious, so we also kept track of the combat. The result would have been the same either way. After such a build up, it feels a little anticlimactic that we took it down in tree rounds. There are a few possible explinations. We are a level higher than expected thanks to being short a party member, and we are built with 25 points rather than 15. The DM is also not hugely experienced and might be that he wasn't playing the BBEG well. However, I can't help feel that it wasn't really that tough. What where your experiences fighting this thing, or running it. ![]()
![]() Cold Napalm wrote:
Bayonetta is a Noob, the super-magus would kick her unreasonably long legged arse! ![]()
![]() Ironicdisaster wrote:
My p0w3r is over 9,000, ur FAIL sc4r3s m3 n0t. I can haz ur picz. ![]()
![]() Lord Fyre wrote:
This has been going for more than a year now, which in internet terms makes it almost makes it 'at least 100 years ago'. In other words, it has died down massively and isn't nearly as interesting to the 'oldfag anon' those Anonymous who's involvement with the protests was based on trollishness and LuLz. I was at the morning half of Operation: Fair Game Stop in london, when the Anon know known as 'Epic noes guy' was arrested for holding up a sign, that if i remember correctly read, 'scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult.' We were very lucky that Liberty, a UK based charity similar to the ACLU, became involved very quickly, which resulted in good media coverage and a own goal by both the city of london police and Scientlogy, aka Scilons and Co$. Shami Chakrabarti, the director of liberty even spoke on the subject, though this isn't entirely unexpected. Better? ![]()
![]() Lord Fyre wrote:
Unfortunately, i believe it is. Which is some what sad, as idea's should really not be afforded that kind of protection. If something is ridiculous, it should be open to ridicule. Doesn't matter if said idea is that L Ron. Hubbard was gifted with special knowledge that jesus walked on water and returned from the dead. Both are equally ridiclous to an outside observer, neither really deserve protection for any reason. Offence is being used as a form of censorship by both religions to prevent criticism. But since Offence seens to be a valid way win arguments in the world these days, i would like to announce that it is my deeply held and faithful belief that i am the chosen one of Bob, he has made me the secret ruler of the world, with immense power. I am willing to induct you into the mystries of Bob, for a small donation, perferably in the form of PRPG products, though cashie money is also acceptable. ![]()
![]() This is all kinda old news on the Interwebz. But then again i saw yug seon cipe being dragged away from the accurate use of the word Cult to describe the Co$. Thank the other cult's Imagainary friend that Shami Chakrabarti, the great white hat politics hacker, happened to be riding by at the time. Her and the krewe from liberty pwned the city of london police and the scilons. |