
Ommerra's page

5 posts. Alias of eriktd.

About Ommerra

An Azlanti water nymph born long long ago to a mysterious outsider that for many eons has kept her safely hidden deep beneath the waves. She carries strong magic in her blood, and with it she can summon and control the element of water, commanding it to give succor and life or chilly buffeting death.

Her earliest memories are of comfort, floating in warm liquid darkness and staring at a shimmering light far, far above her... it feels like a womb, though she can hear voices. A woman: "It is not yet time." A man: "It has been too long. You must let Ommerra go." The woman: "It is not yet time." The man: "You promised. It has been too long." The woman: "It is not yet time." The voices are muffled and echo, like they are far away, or underwater, or speaking through flesh and bone, but she knows they are talking about her.

She can remember friends there. Strange fish, a crab, a turtle, creatures with tentacles and many eyes. She would talk to them in their language, which instinctively rolled off of her tongue. They would bring her gifts, artifacts made of stone or metal, with geometrical shapes carved into the sides or runes that spelled out ancient riddles. She would press the side of her head to these stones, and they would float through her skin and into her brain. That made her laugh.

Even the water listened to her, and came when she called. The water was her friend. It carried her, refreshed her, warmed her. Like a home. Like a womb.

Then, the man: "If you will not let Ommerra go, I will go instead." The woman: "No! You will die if you go back! It has been too long!" The man: "You must choose one of us. You promised; I cannot bear it any longer." The woman: "It is not yet time!" The man: "You cannot keep us both here forever. Choose." The woman sobbed and begged and cajoled. The man remained adamant. Both voices went quiet then, and forever after.

Finally, one day, a pair of hands reached down from above to her. Silently they dragged her through the heavy liquid toward the light, and with a push she was expelled into a bright, blinding, overpowering and noisy place. She lay on a sandy beach of Andoran, soaking wet, wearing drenched clothing that resembled what the people of old Azlant wore in the paintings-- a girl, perhaps twelve or thirteen years old. It was as if the ocean had given birth to her, and she was innocent and beautiful. She lay gasping on the sand and marveled at the world that now surrounded her.

Fortunately, she was immediately found by a kindly pair of elderly beachcombers, who had never had children of their own. They convinced her through gestures and friendly sounds to come back to their home with them. She was charming and kind, and she learned quickly, soon picking up not only their language but also their ways. They made their living collecting treasures washed up by the ocean, and Ommerra was happy to help with that as with all things. They were astounded when they realized their little foundling could read the ancient script on the fragments of Azlanti artifacts they occasionally uncovered, and a bit unsettled by how much she resembled the people these items depicted.

They always took their wares to nearby Claes to sell, which made them enough for the three of them to live, with a little left over. To reward her, they often used their profits to buy books on anything related to the history of the lost continent, which she would read voraciously before trading back. Many of these books were fairy tales, others books of facts and famous figures, and some talked about the magic of their ancient bloodlines, or the flora and fauna of the islands that sank into the sea.

Three years ago, her adoptive father died of old age, and her adoptive mother went soon after. She kept up the place for them for several years, but then she began to feel lonely and even more curious about her past. She discovered when walking in the water that she could call up waves while concentrating, and soon realized that she had other latent arcane talents she had suppressed. In fact, she is still discovering them to this day. She has come to believe that the powers she has uncovered so far have something to do with her ancestry, and she desperately desires to study the lost civilization further to perhaps unlock the mystery of her own past.

While in town, she happened to hear of a government-sponsored expedition to explore the lost continent. She rushed to apply, but unfortunately she was too late, and the reply came that the expedition had already set forth. And perhaps it was fate, but the sponsors had just decided to prepare a second trip, and invited Ommerra to come to an interview. She impressed them with her magical abilities, which seemed almost effortless for her, and also with her extensive knowledge of the ancient civilization. After much deliberation, her application received the rubber stamp of approval, and six months later she had sold her remaining possessions and stepped on a ship leaving Almas for the Isle of Ancorato.

Ommerra has dark red hair with a very high hairline, pale white skin, and vibrant purple eyes. She dresses in simple travelers' clothes and a shiny chain mail shirt, light and easy to move in. Her voice is unusually deep and sonorous, her skin especially healthy-looking, and she moves with a smooth, fluid grace. There is an indefinable alien quality about her that does not seem quite part of this world. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and her curiosity is nearly boundless.

Name: Ommerra, lost Azlanti princess
Race: Undine (Mostly Human, Amphibious, Darkvision, Water Affinity, Water Sense)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class(es): Kineticist 1, hydrokineticist / Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1, elemental (Lifewater) bloodline; Oracle variant multiclass 2

Abilities: Str 11-2 (-1), Dex 14+2 (+3), Con 17 (+3), Int 8 (-1), Wis 13+2 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
Traits: Azlanti Scholar (Knowledge [history]), Hermean Paragon, Indomitable Will

HP: 20/20 (1d8[8]+1d6[6]+6[CONx2])
AC: 17 (+3[DEX]+4[armor])
Move: 25', swim 40'
Init: +6 (+3[DEX]+2[trait]+1[item])

Fortitude +5 (+2[base]+3[CON])
Reflex +5 (+2[base]+3[DEX])
Will +5 (+2[base]+2[WIS]+1[trait])

BAB: +1

• cold blast: +4 vs touch ac (1d6+1 cold)

• masterwork chain shirt

Kineticist abilities: basic hydrokinesis, burn, elemental focus (water), gather power, infusion (Extended Range), kinetic blast (cold blast: 1d6+half CON)

Sorcerer abilities: bloodlines (Elemental/Lifewater), bloodline arcana, bloodline familiar

Oracle VMC abilities: mystery (Life), curse (Deep One or Skum: -5 move speed, +10 swim speed)

Favored Class Bonus: Kineticist, +1/6 wild talent

Feats: Eschew Materials* (sorcerer 1), Point-Blank Shot (level 1)

Skills: Acrobatics 1+6*, Knowledge (history) 2+3, Linguistics (Aquan) 1-1, Lore (aquatic humanoids) 1+2, Perception 1+5*, Swim 1+10*, Use Magic Device 1+4; ACP -1

Languages: Aquan, Azlanti, Common

Sorcerer Spells
cantrips: acid splash, disrupt undead, prestidigitation, read magic
1st (x4): sure casting, true strike

masterwork backpack (50 gp), 3x bells (3 gp), masterwork chain shirt (250 gp), cracked dusty rose ioun stone (500 gp), compass (10 gp), 2x earplugs (.06 gp), fishing kit (.5 gp), hammock (.1 gp), magnet (.5 gp), signal whistle (.8 gp), sorcerer's kit (5 gp: bedroll, belt pouch, iron pot, mess kit, soap, 10x torches, 5x trail rations, waterskin), traveler's outfit (free), 4x wandermeal (.04 gp), 180 gp remaining

Ariel is a psychic expression of Ommerra's higher spirit or subconscious self, manifesting as a majestic sea bird. Strangely, Ariel seems to know things that Ommerra doesn't, as if it has access to memories or thoughts that Ommerra's conscious mind does not remember or acknowledge.

Familiar (Figment/Sage) 1, HD 2 (5 hp), BAB +1, saves +2/+2/+2; Seahawk, size: Tiny, low-light vision; move speed: 10', 60' fly (average); 2 talons +5 (1d4-2); Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 7; dazzling intellect (Int 5+level, half natural armor adjustment), empathic link, heavenly touch (3+O's CHA/day: fast healing 1, lasts O's CHA rounds), recurring dream, sage's knowledge (half level to Knowledge checks, 2 skill/level), share spells; Fly +7, Heal 1+2, Knowledge (arcana) 0-1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 0-1, Knowledge (engineering) 0-1, Knowledge (geography) 0-1, Knowledge (history) 0-1, Knowledge (local) 0-1, Knowledge (nature) 0-1, Knowledge (nobility) 0-1, Knowledge (planes) 1+2, Knowledge (religion) 0-1, Perception +17; Healing Hands

Build Notes:
Ommerra is designed to be a sort of hybrid healer/blaster. Because of her Lifewater bloodline arcana, whenever she uses a kinetic blast she also gains temporary hit points equal to the blast's spell level. Then, starting at level 3, she gains Life Link from her oracle VMC. This means she can take damage onto herself from another player, and that damage comes from her temporary hit points first. At level 10, she gets 5 temporary hit points every time she blasts, which completely offsets the damage she takes from the Life Link.

Future levels:
3. Kineticist 2, Kinetic Healer; Life Link
4. Kineticist 3, Entangling Infusion
5. Kineticist 4, Slick; Precise Shot
6. Kineticist 5, Flurry of Blasts
7. Kineticist 6, Elemental Whispers, Greater Elemental Whispers; virtue
8. Kineticist 7, Impale
9. Kineticist 8, silent image; Ability Focus (kinetic blast)
10. Kineticist 9, Spray
11. Kineticist 10, Shimmering Mirage; Channel
12. Kineticist 11, Wall
13. Kineticist 12, Kinetic Cover, Water Manipulator; Elemental Focus (cold)
14. Kineticist 13, Fragmentation
15. Kineticist 14, Kinetic Revivification; curse mastery
16. Kineticist 15, Maelstrom
17. Kineticist 16, Cryokinetic Stasis; Greater Elemental Focus (cold)

Player Questions:
1. What is your character’s name?
Her parents call her "Ommerra," or sometimes "Ommerra Beachcomber" after their profession/hobby. They decided this was the girl's name when they found her and taught her to speak Common.

2. How old is your character?
She looks like she is in her early twenties, and ten years ago she looked like she was in her early teens, but she is probably far, far older.

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Ommerra appears to be a small human woman, with pale skin, red hair, shockingly purple eyes, delicate bones, and no visible weapons or spellcasting components. She wears a shiny mail shirt but no helmet, and her long locks spill down her shoulders and back like they have never been cut.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
She speaks Common with a slight accent, as if it is not her native language. She is also a bit unsteady on her feet when on land, indicating that she is more at home in the water.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
She was born deep underwater and kept protected by a mysterious extraplanar figure. Her earliest memories of being on land involve her laying on the sand of southern Andoran gasping before she was found by her adoptive parents.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Her parents were older, with no children of their own. They traded merchandise and scavenged the beaches for treasures washed up from shipwrecks. They died recently, three years ago.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Her familiar Arial came to her soon after her parents passed, perhaps because she so sorely needed a companion. He is a seabird born of her imagination, and all of the esoteric knowledge that she has collected over the years of beachcombing and reading old tomes has taken residence in his mind instead of hers.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, no kids.

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Her parents raised her to do good, though their somewhat chaotic existence did not set a very lawful example for her. She is neutral good.

10. What is your character’s moral code?
She believes in looking out for family and friends, and supporting her community in turn. She is generally empathetic, and cares about helping those who do wrong to come to the correct path.

11. Does your character have goals?
Yes, she wants to discover as much as she can about Azlant in the hopes of discovering her own history.

12. Is your character religious?
Not particularly.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
She believes she has some deep and mystic connection to Azlant, though she does not know exactly what it is. She also believes it is her duty to share her lifewater with other worthy members of her community.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
She apologizes a great deal, she can't help it. She is very giving and hopeful about the future. She is also extremely loyal, to the point of glomming onto others that she thinks is her friend (since she cannot recall ever having friends as a child).

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
She is hungry for knowledge and protective of her friends.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
She is a protector and a scholar. (Mechanically, she's mostly a blaster, though she is also sort of a healer, especially as her oracle and sorcerer abilities mature, but it won't be reliable healing until around level 10.)

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
It is difficult to spot, but she has two slits in her lower neck that look like they may have been gills, but they have mostly healed over.

18. How does your character get along with others?
She tries very hard, though her social skills are not the best.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
She doesn't like red meat, preferring to eat vegetables or fish when she has a choice. She also is strangely triggered by mind control magic.

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Along those same lines, she has a visceral fear of deep sea creatures that control others with mind powers.