Hi everyone,
I have been playing PACG for a while now (mostly solo on the normal game and in a large group for OP). To cut to the chase, I love the game, but I feel OP could do with a few tweaks to make it a lot more fun. Here is one of my idea that I have shared with my group and would like to get a bit more feedback from the community:
Instead of simply modifying decks at the end of a scenario, I was thinking it would be good to "acquire" cards through loot and scenario rewards. That would allow players to do build their decks just before hoping into the fray. Here is how I see it working:
- New character would select 15 cards for their decks the normal way and would also mark these cards as unlocked on the back of the character sheet
- Identical cards would need to be unlocked for each occurrences e.g. Valeros unlocks 1 blessing of Cayden Cailenon during character creation. He then unlocks a second one as loot during a scenario and can now use 2 in remaining scenarios.
- When a player needs to banish a card, he also "dis-acquire" it and will need to acquire it again if he wants to add it to his deck again
- Before playing a scenario players would be allowed to build their deck based on their acquired cards (which kinds of have an roleplay justification e.g. the collection of weapon that Valeros acquired or the spells copied in Ezren spellbook)
- Scenario rewards that requires you to random pick card would be only on non-acquired cards. Which would prevent the frustration of picking up a basic card when you are playing a high level scenario (assuming you unlocked every basic cards). Alternatively, the reward could be to choose which card gets unlocked. Not sure here.
What I like about this system, is that it would make PACG OP a lot more about deck building. It would allow players to fine tune their decks to the scenario they are going to play. I understand that some people will say that it makes it easier to beat a scenario. And I do tend to agree with that, however this could be balanced by having harder scenarios where people actually need to spend time thinking about what they are going to take with them.
It would also go nicely with a proposition of a friend about booster packs (weapon, spell...). You could potentially build really interesting and unique decks.