Male Human Level 1 Freebooter
Oliver says to Reinald: "I do stand corrected. A lady is certainly worth fighting for... though fighting is usually unnecessary if you are discrete. I would also fight for my life and my mates too. But from what I have seen in my few years, if glory has any value, it is just that extra glint it puts in the eyes of the maidens. I understand though that you have seen maybe twice as many years as I, so perhaps you have found more to fight for." Oliver addresses the common room in general: "Enough of this serious talk. Who has had a good adventure they can tell us about? I will buy the room a round if it is a good story. It doesn't even need to be true."
Male Human Level 1 Freebooter
Oliver slowly stands from his bar stool and carefully puts his drink down on the bar. He then solemnly recites "I fight not for glory or fame,
Then with a smirk: Nah, that is all b~!!*%*&. I fight the loot! You are in the wrong town if you claim otherwise. He then takes a long drink.
Male Human Level 1 Freebooter
Oliver watches the newcomer and others' banter with amusement. Welcome! Nice to see a fellow fisherman who spends his days plying the waters for Gilled Howzkippers. How were they biting for you? I brought in enough to buy you a drink. Join me here at the bar. The kind bar maid will be by soon enough. She is much nicer to look at than the rest of this lot.
Male Human Level 1 Freebooter
A young human sailor enters the bar with a care free pace, though a bit wobbly as he still has his sea legs. He looks to the bar maid for a drink then takes a seat at the bar near her path and facing the common room so he can engage in good humored flirting with her as she goes about her routines. |