Primal Companion Hunter

OldSmith's page

Organized Play Member. 136 posts (187 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I have always liked the original description for HP advancement. It showed the players exp for taking damage. Learning to turn or flinch at the right time so the stab only grazed or atleast missed vitals. Plus learning to push through minor wounds that would debilitate someone who has never been hit before. And I don't remember where but in many systems I have found caveats to the rules that state just because the dice show you can fall 2000 feet and survive some times common sense needs to prevail

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I had a group fall into the same thing where they did not even know each others names. So during a session when one member was going to arrive late I had them searching a town for Thomas BrightBlood who of course was not found until the missing party member arrived as it was his character and noone knew his name

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As a long time rpg player who is new to PFS I appreciate this list but have to admit to not being entirely sold on it yet.
Time may prove me wrong but it seems to me that if every player builds to be able to fight melee and ranged, Carries their own heals and builds to fight swarms. That this is defeating the whole party aspect and watering down classes.
I am new here and may be proven horribly wrong on this and am just overly influenced by past gaming in other systems but every player being able to do everything seems anti team to me

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Well Someone let the game designers know that all the games we have been playing for decades are full of useless fluff. Like magical enhancements to have weapons return or quivers re fill, not to mention all those useless bags of holding. And no reason to put towns or markets in the game. Just throw some gold over your shoulder and poof everything you want is right there

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I have to disagree. Tracking spell components would be the equivalent of tracking the amount of resources available to craft arrows.
As the components are put together to make the spell that does the damage. So does the crafting material get put together to make the arrow that does the damage.
So tracking arrows = tracking spells

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I think building to max stats causes players to loose some of the essence of roleplay. Some of the characters I have had the most fun playing had lower stats and sometimes a few well below average

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AD&d Scourge of the slave lords. Levels 7 to 11. Striped characters right down had to play their character not the gear. Encomapassed role play, stealth, Intelligence gathering and lots of combat

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I'm a fool Thought those where different way's not a beginning and end.
now wish I hadn't posted such an obvious question

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Swim have the giant (island sized) turtle swim into the area