
Ogee's page

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NOt that you really need any further input. But, I really think of this as a Wisdom Check...NOT Combat Check. If I had a card that would modify a Wisdom check, I would use it. I think of the Siren as trying to influence your mind...not fight you, per se. So, If you can mentally fight back, you win. So, weapons, armor, etc. do not apply. Reinforcing the thought of it not being a combat check.

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As many others have already done, I wanted to add my thanks for the downloadable PDF character sheets. Though I understand the reasoning, the thought of writing on the cards, or more specifically, my sons writing on the cards, even if small marks, made me cringe. This will really help lessen that stress until I feel comfortable with them understanding what a light mark really is. I had previously thought I'd laminate the character cards so that I could dry erase marker them or something similar. The character sheets solve that problem totally.

Thank you and see you at GenCon!