Cannon Golem

Officially Strange's page

14 posts. Alias of The Sideromancer.


****ing chordocentricists. Always gotta declare you're so much better because you have an internal skeleton. I'd like to see you sort inputs from a compound eye!

Druids adventure to exp grind, because I'm not very subtle at removing obstructions to Lady Brigh's form of Nature.

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What's so unrealistic about the peasant railgun?

Maybe beating the rules to fit your preconceptions of reality?

It'd be easier to do a personal survey if d20SRD had organization or if AoN (or the PRD) update to include UW. Give us some time!

*signs up to play bonded witch/construct crafter/bladebound magus/anyone with an arcane bond*

**** your supposed reality! I know what can really be done!

Is using a Small longspear cheese?


That's what makes doing it awesome! Anybody can play the game as intended, it takes skill to play in unintended ways.

What's the difference between "paladin falls" and "dex monk/Bonded Witch/Cha 11 android psychic/etc falls"? Am I not allowed to have fun making and playing these builds because a GM feels like it?

Because of the long advancement gaps, all characters start a session at exactly WBL.
@mort, it's a homebrew setting, and the gear was removed during the lvl8 session, imo when gear-focused builds begin functioning (e.g. an agile AoMF is too expensive for early levels)

Shifty wrote:

Have you ever considered just straight wargaming?

While I'm currently learning Infinity, I love the sheer number of options PF has.

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In my area, there's a semi-orgainized play campaign going on. I am not in it due to inability to provide an adequate backstory, but I know what happens from one of my friends who is in it. Recently, the party was knocked/poisoned unconscious and left on an island without gear. Since any sort of rolling was bypassed, I couldn't believe that the GM would take away all the gear (effectively destroying several interesting builds)simply because plot. However, everybody I asked about is saying that I'm a bad player for asking the DM to be as bound by the rules as the players. What is so wrong about wanting to try out interesting mechanics, and having them not arbitrarily lost? Especially since the characters were without their main gear for around 20% of the campaign length? (It's five day long sessions, at levels, 4,8,12,16,20)

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ChaiGuy wrote:

Another aspect of the learning curve is the role playing aspect, some people come into the game with more knowledge of this than others and it's something that needs to be learned to have fun in an TTRPG.

I disagree with the latter part of this statement.

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Andre Roy wrote:

I can see the GM side though.

Although you may not be acting out on your knowledge of the setting, you are imparting knowledge to the other players who may act upon it thus you could be encouraging others to metagame.

As a general rule any comment on the Setting, location or monsters you may make OOC is essentially a form of metagaming...although not as bad as if you act upon it...but metagaming nonetheless.

Although, I consider using OOC skills for something like diplomacy (i.e. Crircumstance bonus from RP) to be exactly as metagame as using OOC skills for knowledge.

I would enforce the mechanical effects. I dislike direct benefits from RP, since if feel it's mixing in character and OOC skills.