
Odonna Mirrin's page

Goblin Squad Member. 97 posts. 12 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Why So many Storm Giantess'


Now I haven't gotten mine yet that I have ordered but at my local store a friend bought several of the Large boxes and all three were the Storm Giantess. The owner was very nice and let him try a different two and another storm giant and the demon thing. So 4 of the 5 were the same sculpt. What is up with that? Now I could see a double but in a set of 6 4 of them were the Storm giant! He opened the last of the 6 in the case and it was the lamia. I don't need 4 storm giants! thankfully the owner is a friend and let him buy the three different ones but he's still stuck with three storm giants.

Now the sculpts were cool and generally painted well and all the smaller ones gave a good selection of what he bought and I am excited to get my smaller ones. But these huge ones are a waste and even the Rune Giant, which I did get cheaper as I'm a subscriber and all is nice but how often will you really use it.

So there good and fun but huge and bigger waste of money. Just grab all the small boxes you can.

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Great add on to my campaign


There are several very good reviews already. I'll just say I have gotten great use out of this. Players have found the added adventures making the woods even scarier and strange then the Kingmaker Adventure path had them. A great addition!!!

Our Price: $1.00

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Another Waste of my MONEY!@!!@!@#$!@


Crap three page with single page of three charts listing a bunch of common things like hoops of gold and three feathers!?! One was at least evocative with zinc chain but for a buck? Come on have something a little more meaty.

And instead of wasting the last quarter of the page with a self ad put another flipping useless chart at least!

Crap on a Cracker!!!!

Our Price: $1.00

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I Paid a Buck for this?!?


What a waste of my money! 3 pages, one front cover, one license open content thing. Then a SINGLE page of three lists of some smells. NOTHING else! I can go to free web site and get better results then this. Piece of CRAP!

I really liked this


This is a great addition to my game.

The idea of it is very cool, seems balanced after my first read over, and will make things even more interesting.

I have a wizard who has a masterwork family bow, and simple making it a +1 bane this and that seemed a waste for a wizard. So I plan to use these rules and make the bow a with the magical enhancements rather then a combat bow. Plus I am sure I will find other ways to use these a fey magical items just to add more magic top the fey in my Kingmaker campaign.

Reread it and another very cool idea is to make the item a book or tome. Still requires them to grasp it, plus I can fill is up with spells that fit the theme of the enhancements. I can totally see a Fiery Wyrd tome, filled with fireball, burning hands spells as well as enhancing those very spells when the book is in hand. So neat!

Very Good and Fun


This was a great little addition to my game. I'm running the Kingmaker Path and Bokken will be making several of these for the players soon enough. Plus the bad guys will have some of them as well. None of them are overly powerful but fun and useful and will fit my game very well. I think if they would have had the cost and DC to make in the individual write ups would have been a plus. I agree the art is nothing great but I really didn't buy it for the art. Also more items is always good but what I got was good for the price.

Neat but needed some work


I picked this up at my local store. As soon as I saw it I wanted it. The only problem was there really isn`t a lot of room for the dice.

Solution was to have a friend who is handy with a needle and thread, opened up the back where the dice go, took out some of the stuffing and fixed it up right as rain. I now keep my set of Rise of the Rune Lord dice and a few others I use often in there. It is still neat and a certainly draws attention and had I not needed the work done on it would have given it I would have given it 5 stars as I enjoy all things Cthulhu and that go bump in the night.

This was Cool


I really liked this. The idea was interestingly played out. Not too powerful but interesting. I can totally see a few players having one or two of these runes, just for those odd occasions. I am using it from the point of view it's a lost art of the Cyclops of Pathfinder. This way it is a lost art, as the cyclops are now degenerate but a few still recall the ancient powers. If I had been doing my Runelord campaign this would have come in handy as well. Neat ideas. Not 100% a few I think are just odd, but lots of useful ideas that I can make use of. Thanks

Nothing here for me


Really why so many stars? The feats are nothing really new or not done to some degree somewhere else. This just wasn't my cup of tea it wasn't even something I'd ever drink. The one thing I got out of it was the idea that feat = treasure and an approximate value which I found intriguing, but that really had nothing to do with the Meta feats. Nothing here folks go somewhere else.

Not great and not what I was really looking for


It isn't bad just not great. The idea is a neat one but the focus of healing and divining is lacking. A few of the spells are neat, the idea of crystals needing to be attuned is done fun with a focus on Bards and Druids which felt right. The Crystal domain was ok, and even the crystal sorcerer was eh? but the wizard crystal was just a waste. I had hoped to adapt the rules to include other elements then just healing and divination but this is done so weakly it's hard to think how I could do this.

Our Price: $0.99

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So not what I was hoping for and also Just Wrong!


First off, the first feat uses rules from 3.5 not even beta or Pathfinder rules. What’s up with that? It uses the old idea of Dodge where you have to pick a target you’re dodging, but as I did reread the rules on this feat dodge applies to all attackers. So how can they say this is for Pathfinder rules if they get this so blatantly wrong?

Then the Armour focus feats are just like what Fighters are already getting from simple being a fighter, if these stack it really seems to me to get overly powerful.

Dawn Strike seems more of a paladin or cleric Feat but I guess it can work for a fighter, esp. if there are lots of Undead. Maybe call it Dawn Flower Strike to tie it to the deities more.

I just read Shatter Undead. What the? I know rolling a 20 isn’t that often but it will happen and you know just when the party battles the big major for but no I rolled a 20 and I win now. So wrong!!!

Ok I’m stopping commenting now as almost every other feat I read I think is either too powerful or too odd to ever be taken. The bard one sucked and really this one just doesn’t impress me either. I so enjoyed the Cleric and Wizard ones and I liked the Barbarian as well. But these two latest ones just fall so short.

Our Price: $1.00

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Maybe even a 1


Well this disappointed me a lot as the other three I had purchased up to now I liked or really liked.

The feats are just not great. A few interesting ideas but also sorta silly. Take Biting, that's just silly and also maybe a little too powerful. And where the heck did the Shark fins come from. I like the idea of it but how it got explained was just off the wall odd.

This one will make me seriously look at the others before I buy any more. Which is too bad as the first three I really liked.

Our Price: $1.25

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Good just Didn't make great.


The item was a neat addition and if the Paizo site hadn’t timed out I’d have had a longer review but I am heading home now and just don’t have the time to type it all out again.

I enjoyed and recommend it and suggest you grab the other two as well.

Our Price: $1.25

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Great product


4 pages filled with neat and interesting ideas for additions to clerics. Fifth is lawyer stuff. Not all of them would be best for adventurous clerics like but great ideas for role playing and the like.

The additions to the Channeling are reasonable, seem balanced to me and add a neat twist. I have two NPC clerics, one for each party as I run two groups and these will just add something neat to them, so I can't wait to whip them out and Blazing Aura or channeling Blast. Just so much fun! Holy Knight will be something perfect for one of our paladins who wants to take some levels of cleric.

I would also recommend the Wizard/Sorcerer and the Barbarian PDFs as they are good and were all that was out at the time of this review.

Our Price: $0.99

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Good Product


I certainly enjoyed this little PDF. It has four pages, and all are filled with feats. The fifth is the lawyer stuff. These are not useless feats, or ones no one would ever use. There neat feats that add little and not so little twist to the wizard or sorcerer. We only have wizards in my gaming party but these work for both.

Arcane Duality is a neat little one. It just adds versatility to the wizard. Crypic Scibing was also a neat one that could add to what the pathfinder game already added with a prestige class I think of wizard scholars in Riddleport.

I was even thinking that some of the Metamagic feats would be kewl as Rods as maybe someone wouldn't take them as a feat but as a magic item they are neat.

I am certainly glad I picked it up and would recommend the Cleric and Barbarian ones as well as they were the only ones out at the writing of this review.

Our Price: $1.99

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Not enough for the cost


I liked the ideas but some problems and costs ratio is why I make it just one star.

First off no clear prices, just a vague description, would have liked more crunch here. What I mean is 1 page 2cp, book small 1 gp, something like that would have been nice. Reference to his help with old maps is a neat idea but again vague on the costs. Then in the library leaves the titles of some rare items to the GM. I was buying this product to do this for me. The NPC's are interesting and could certainly fit in well at Sandpoint or any town. I liked them and saw potential use for all of them. The ideas are ok, one is rather kewl, but all lacked extras. Again they were vague and simply kernels of ideas. I would have liked more.

Then there is the waste of pages. Cover, inside cover, then 4 pages describing a mechanic of sorts which they already provided in the free pdf of the glass works. Why waste 4 pages doing this instead of adding some more meat to the details. 5 pages for the main body of stuff. Then the back page with adds and the like.

I know it's only a $1.59 so that's like 0.32 cents a page, which is really quite pricey for something that didn't WOW me at all.

Not good enough for the costs which is disappointing as I liked the ideas. But I am glad I bought one before buying the others as now very unlikely to purchase any others.

It does what it says it will do!


I liked what I got!

It's simple and cheap and exactly what I was looking for. Sure it could have been made prettier or the like and yes I could have done it myself. But for a buck it was totally worth it.

I plan on printing a few copies, laminating one set for myself and giving the spell casters a copy as they tend to cause a lot of these effects so why not. But really I'll likely try their idea of colour coding them to the various players as I have tons of couloured paper, or may try print them on white but in different coulours.

Simple but as I said just what I was looking for.

Our Price: $4.95

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I liked but not enough for the cost


Overall I did like this product but the cost to what you got didn't impress me at all.

I bought this as we just restarted our pathfinder game and a new player decided to be a monk and I thought this would work out well putting it near Sandpoint.

But the product is only 17 pages, 4 are short story which was ok but nothing great. Then 3 more taken up with cover, intro and license page. So basically 10 pages PDF for $5.00.

Now I did like the ideas with Obsidian and I'll certainly be using this product as I did like it but just expensive for a PDF. The new feats and traits I also liked. The NPC's were nothing special.

It also lacked the feel of the Pathfinder world. Goblins are mentioned but nothing about just how wacky crazy and really adorable they are in a GM loving evil little mad beasts kind of way. Part of what I really enjoy about the pathfinder world is the remaking of the classic into something new but still classic.

I had mixed feelings about the art work. The sparrow icon really just suited me and I could really see it as a tattoo or insignia, and the picture of the hurled shurikens was also kewl.

Lastly I hated the map and the description method of it. It was not done in the in a traditional manner so maybe that was it but I just didn't impress me as how they described and how the map appeared.

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Search for the Items


I ran this as an addition to the RotRL adventuire series. Made the Artfell forest a few days from Sandpoint & had Foxglove hire them for the job. Adjusted the items as they were certainly ok but too weak in my opinion. I made them expandable magic items so they grow with the players & will add them to the campaign I am running. Fun game but needed few GM fixes.