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Ocham the Quak's page

6 posts. Alias of Rosgakori.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Either I have gone blind, or there is no discussion thread for Guillermo Del Toro's latest movie. The Shape of Water just came out in Finland couple of weeks ago, and I loved it. Amazing, beautiful, poignant and shameless as hell.

Now, it has earned Guillermo his first two Oscars, for directing and best movie.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Runaways are coming in November 21!

This looks so cool. Huge fan of the original comics, obviously they have changed some stuff but the core team looks great and I love the ending shot of that trailer. So ready for this.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Hello. I'm concerned about Shackled Hut. The setpiece adventures in SH are really good, especially in Whiterun, but once they get there it is basically Ringeirr walking them from encounter to another. And then Solveig gives them mission and then it is end fight time.

I want to explore Whitecrown little more. My idea was that Ringeirr walks them to the forger, but after that he has to go back to fishcamps, leaving PCs to find the Heralds of Summer's Return by themselves.

Any ideas about how that would happen? Or ideas what to add in Whitecrown to make the city slightly more sandbox-y?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

The Mummy (1999) reference, nice.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I looved those traits. And I love the starting setup for this. I'm a sucker for a good expedition adventure. Tons of ideas already. Too bad I have no idea when I would get to play it and/or run it. Sigh. Your quality products make me sad, in a way.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Yes. And it is going to be directed by a Finnish director Dome Karukoski, director of drama The Home of Dark Butterflies and Tom of Finland-biopic.

I honestly have no idea what to think about this. I am, at the moment, speechless.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Is totally gonna happen.

Let's start speculating on the cast. I want James Purefoy as Geralt.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

And I just can't wait until next Halloween/ 'Cause I've got some new ideas that will really make you scream!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

..has a trailer and HOLY CRAP IS THAT A BIG APE.

And always amazing Brie Larson. This movie is looking good.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Citizens of Korvosa. This is the Law.
In case you people have forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city. Sczarni is not the law... I am the law. Sczarni are common criminals; guilty of murder, guilty of the manufacture and distribution of the narcotic known as Shiver, and as of now under sentence of death. Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty will be treated as an accessory to her crimes... you have been warned. And as for you Sczarni... judgement time.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere receiving palliative care for aggressive cancer. Some sources say that he has died, including people who worked with him and fellow comic book legends. No official statement has been issued yet.

And I feel utterly broken.

Darwyn's work has been so important to me. Thought of losing an artist of his caliber is crushing. DC: New Frontier is one of my favorite comic books ever, and I have read it over and over again multiple times. I'm not much of fan of Before Watchmen (then again I'm not the hugest fan of original book anyway) but Minutemen was in my opinion genuinely good story.

Catwoman, Batman, Richard Stark's Parker- man's resume was amazing.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Red Raven lives yet again! Awesome idea making him the Vigilante! And amazing job with the backstory.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

DC comics to relaunch everything with #1s again this summer with a film/tv bent. At least according to Bleeding Cool. I have not yet seen anything official from DC related to this, but at this point I very likely believe that this is happening.

And I'm very pissed. I think Comics Beat had a good article about all this even before this story broke out.

So yeah. New reboot. Yay.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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...has a trailer.

Personally, I love it. Apocalypse looks better than in the pictures and he sounds cool.

Next year is going to be a good year in movies for me.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Ah, the references. I need to get this :D

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Very excited for this. I always like these Origins-books. They tie everything nicely to Golarion.

Also, Ghostbusters quotes are always great.

Ps. What is it with that Kineticist kid and Derro? They seem to haunt her.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Great to see Carolina Eade's art again! I hope there's multiple pieces in this book, I love her art so much.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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As before, who or what are you planning to play in Hell's Rebels adventure path?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Post-apocalyptic world never looked so good. Honestly, this was my second favorite video out of E3 (Andromeda being the number 1.)

Also, getting strong Numeria-vibes from this world. And I like that.

A Lot.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Awesome cosplay all around! Really like the Damiel, detail on that is stunning!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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You are legends.

So this seems awesome. I'm instantly in love with Arthur Darvill's character Rip.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Nice reference :D Looks great, I think i will pick this up!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

1 person marked this as a favorite.

WoW! Now that's promising looking art! I really like this direction!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I'm just here eating and crying that I couldn't be there. Sigh...

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


I wanted to make a character that has ben selfish, vain and prideful, and now he had this life-changing experience and has changed to follower of strict philosophy. I would like to take strong influence from Dragon Age's qunari, who follow the philosophy of qun. She (my character) has found her place in life, and tries strongly to act on this. She is currently 10th level Witch (winter witch) and

in our campaign, Carrion Crown, she disappeared during Haunting of Harrowstone (to flee her Irrisen pursuers) and now possibly comes back in Wake of the Watcher.

In the Qun, you have your own place in life, and act on it. You can never leave that place, or become something else, but you're free to choose within that role as you wish.

I looked in the Prophecies of Kalistrade, but the finance/all you need is money-part didn't swing that well. It can be religion too, possibly some neutral or lawful god.

Thank you!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

As you can probably see, this is the same as the super heroes thing, but with villains. I don't know about you guys, but for me this is a bit harder than the super heroes. I suspect that the top names will be like Joker, Lex, Dr Doom and Ultron but still.

1. Joker
2. Doctor Doom
3. Riddler
4. Magneto
5. Green Goblin
6. Mad Hatter
7. Venom
8. Dr. Octopus
9. Penguin
10. Galactus

Still there are villains that I could have putted on the list, such as Loki, Scarecrow, Elektro, Hecate and Bane.

Aaand go!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


I'm currently started playing Winter Witch with Winter-patron in Carrion Crown. I have very nice background for her-she escaped from Irrisen when she realized that the witches killed her real parents. And he has lived in Kaer Maga and enjoying life to it's full.

As he is Winter witch archtype from Inner Sea magic, I picked up the winter-patron 'cos it sounded like logic one. Question is, who gave those powers of winter to her? Bab Yaga-is she powerful enough to give those powers, and why she gived them to a girl from normal kellid family. I was thinking about demonlords like Kostchtchie (Taking his revenge on Baba yaga), Sitthud, Mestama, Abraxus and Nocticula. I also considered taking the Demonic Obedience feat if it is the demon lord who gave the patron.

So: Winter patron to Winter Witch-whi was the patron?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

How does shadow beasts react about animals? If, for example, Cavalier leaves hes horse in the stable without door, would the shadowbeasts attack the horse? Or is it only humans?

And, also: Will the shadow beast try to break in to houses?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


I'm planning to make a female cleric of Asmodeus for the Kingmaker-campaign. She would be Lawful neutral, due to our GM:s restriction of evil characters. When I made her backstory, several questions came upon:

1.Why somebody wants to be cleric for Devil-lord of hell? Would it be out of respect? Would it be out of fear? Or is the only reason greed-greed for power over the hell's might?

2.What's the normal attitude of people about the clerics of Asmodeus? If somebody finds out the god of my priest, do they throw stones at her and call her a witch and devil-worshipping piece of sh*t?

I just wondered.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

SPOILERS, but only for OUR Group.

So. I have planned to play over an a epilogue, where Pc:s go back to riddelport. In there, their beloved Gold Goblin is distrained, and selled again forward, for a Halfling illusionist Jervin. Obviously, they want theirs back.

There also is mr. Koon, dark naga merchant, who is disguised as a human and their leader, Count Morkon III, aristocrat-crimelord.

Here is the problem: What to do? I have the characters, and I believe they want theirs back, but what could be the best way to avoid the big general fight with these guys, and still make some nice plot? I have thoght something like this: They go in, try to bought it back, and fail in this. However, the manager (count) wants to meet them tomorrow. At the night, group of assasins try to kill them, obviously failing in progress. What happens after that, is bit of mystery. I dont want it to turn again for attacking the Gold Gobli, so how to avoid this? In short, how make an good, short, one-session-long, good-but-no-epic adventure for 14th level characters? I'm most grateful for your help!

Long live Asmodeus.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


Are there yet or are there coming any single novels or hardcover books about pathfinder? I mean, adventures in the world of golarion of single adventurers (Like pathfinder) or just some guys wandering around golarion?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


I have done a level-progressing plan for my Necromancer for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and at the seventh level, I'm going to take a Improved Familiar. What would be the best of them? Homunculus-same alingment as me? Mephit? IMP?

What would be good improved familiar?

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


I'm Gm of our Second Darkness campaign. When I saw the playtest-version of the Alchemist, I had an idea. How about making the Ilverae, alchemist-drow to REAL Alchemist insted of being bard? Is 7th-level alchemist too hard? What could be the best build?

I'm waiting for ideas and maybe some boulds for 7th-level drow alchemist..?