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DC comics to relaunch everything with #1s again this summer with a film/tv bent. At least according to Bleeding Cool. I have not yet seen anything official from DC related to this, but at this point I very likely believe that this is happening.
And I'm very pissed. I think Comics Beat had a good article about all this even before this story broke out.
So yeah. New reboot. Yay.

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The "Film/TV bent" thing is actually one of the thing that worries me most. While I really like new Marvel and DC movies (okay, at least I like the Marvel ones) I don't want them to be same as the comic universe. I don't go to movies to watch comic books, I go to watch Comic Book Adaptions. There can be and should be differences. That's why I don't really mind differences between, oh let's say between Jared Leto Joker and comis Joker.
This "Film/TV bent" sounds that instead of movies and tv-series resembling comics, comics are going to resemble them. What does this mean exactly? It could mean realism in costume department and characterization. Worst offender must be Arrow where most colorful supervillains and characters are turned to boring, colorless ex-mercs and druglords. I'm looking at you, Vertigo and Captain Boomerang.
It could mean adapting the movie/tv universes as canon. This is the one I'm afraid the most, since it's possible and easy to think as a quick way to get more readers. I hope- HOPE that this is just my paranoid raving, but I fear the worst.
Be it any or none of those, "film/tv bent" does not sound good to me.

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I don't really follow the comic books, but I think the film/TV bent is likely an emphasis on characters from those, not necessarily replacing the comic storylines/characters with film/tv versions. How could they even do that, when their TV and film universes are separate and different from each other. Superman in his appearance/references in the Supergirl TV show is much closer to the boy scout from the comics, while the film version is a dark angsty "not really the same guy" superman who broods and kills people. Batman on TV is a kid, in the films he's Ben Aflec. Both the TV batman and TV arrow have featured very different versions of Dollmaker, and the forthcoming Flash movie is going to be completely separate from (and presumably different from) the TV version. Arrow's suicide squad isn't the same as the movie version, etc. I'm sure there are dozens of other examples.

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Just got this from my comic store.
“At DC we believe in superheroes, and what makes them great,” said Dan DiDio, co-publisher of DC Entertainment. “And, we also believe in the direct market and the core comics fan. REBIRTH is designed to bring back the best of DC’s past, embrace the stories we currently love and move the entire epic universe into the future. We are returning to the essence of the DCU. With REBIRTH we are putting the highest priority on the direct market and we will continue to create and cultivate new opportunities for retailers to thrive and prosper, grow readers, fans and customers.”
Priced at just $2.99, this one shot will kick off a line-wide title relaunch. Written by Geoff Johns, it will feature an all-star roster of comics’ most popular artists: Ethan Van Sciver (GREEN LANTERN CORPS, EDGE OF OBLIVION), Phil Jimenez (WONDER WOMAN), Ivan Reis (CYBORG, AQUAMAN) and Gary Frank (BATMAN EARTH ONE).
As a follow up to Johns’ REBIRTH Special announcement, DiDio, and Co-Publisher Jim Lee, revealed to retailers plans to provide fans with more story, and more often. Beginning in June, all DC Universe monthly and twice monthly titles will ship at a new, lower price of $2.99. This new lineup includes a combination of DC favorites and new titles; titles will begin their runs under the “REBIRTH” banner and follow with another issue #1 beginning the series proper. In addition, DC’s two flagship legacy titles will resume their original issue numbering, also shipping twice monthly: DETECTIVE COMICS will pick up with issue #934, while ACTION COMICS will continue with issue #957.
The REBIRTH title lineup was announced as follows:
Rebirth Specials:
New #1 Issues (Shipping twice monthly):
New Issues (Shipping twice monthly):
Rebirth Specials:
New #1 Issues (Shipping twice monthly):
New #1 Issues (Shipping monthly):
Rebirth Specials:
New #1 Issues (Shipping twice monthly):
New #1 Issues (Shipping monthly):
EARTH 2 #1
Anyone notice that the Legion is missing?

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I also didn't see Justice League 3001 on the list. That's been a kind of fun little book, but I guess maybe not enough of a big seller.
Of all the stuff on that list the titles that get me excited are....not a goddamned one. I see they're going to reboot Cyborg again. I've been collecting the current series, and while interesting, I thought the stories have been a little weak.
That goes hand in hand with my typical assertion the storylines have become far too long. I think it ultimately hurts when you force a writer to make this story X-number of issues long, so it's easier to package in a trade paperback.

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Although, in hindsight, now that DC has gotten its collective head out of its collective ass regarding issues numbering (at least for Detective and Action), I could maybe see myself picking up a few more issues of Detective Comics. Just to see where they were going with it. I'd drop it again pretty quick if they were going to continue with endless crossovers with other Bat-books, or if they had Damian Wayne.

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Maybe if batman beyond isn't the clusterfrak it is now and we get New Gotham and Terry, it will be worth reading.
That would be awesome. I had that new Batman Beyond series on my list right up until they put out the first issue and I realized how badly they'd f!*&ed up that setting.

Greylurker |

Ok the more I hear about Rebirth the more optimistic I get.
I will always check out a new Titans book. Titans was the very first comic I ever bought so I will always give it a chance.
Super sons actually sounds kind of fun
Ted Kord teaching Jaime to be Blue Beetle. THAT is something I can get behind. Legacy, one generation of heroes teaching the next. That is what really got me into DC thanks to the JSA.
The visuals they just released of heroes trapped in Hour Glasses. JSA, JLA and then the current DC breaking out of the thrid one. A Shadowy hand holding the hour glass.
My gut just screams Time Trapper
and if it is the Time Trapper, can the Legion be far behind?

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Hope so. The Legion is the first comic I bought in the 60's that was not Richie Rich. Fell in love with it immediately. I am 14 comics away from having every Legion comic (7) or guest starring (7). The late 50's and early 60's are hard to find. Actual comics, not collections.

Greylurker |

G$~@&@n. I'm not really a DC fan, but didn't they just do a full reboot a year or so ago?
Doesn't seem to be a Reboot, more of a "We forgot some stuff when we rebooted and now we are trying to slip it in and fix things"
One of the big motivators seems to have come out of the NY Convention. They had all their creative teams on hand and when time came for the audience to ask questions, not only did half the crowd leave but nobody asked a single question about the stories they were currently doing. That kind of hit Didio and Lee in the face that they had thrown out too much and there was "a disconect with the fans"
It's about as close as I've ever heard a company say "Ooops, we f*@~ed up, sorry"

Ambrosia Slaad |
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...They had all their creative teams on hand and when time came for the audience to ask questions, not only did half the crowd leave but nobody asked a single question about the stories they were currently doing. That kind of hit Didio and Lee in the face that they had thrown out too much and there was "a disconect with the fans"
It's about as close as I've ever heard a company say "Ooops, we f%*+ed up, sorry"
And yet DiDio and Lee are still making the big decisions. [EXPLETIVE-FILLED RANT DELETED]

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Lucky for me, the only stuff I'm collecting from DC these days are either miniseries, or series I never expected to last long anyway. I've slowly abandoned most of the major characters.
And if you're typical of the comics book market, it's no surprise they've decided that everything needs a revamp. If you're bleeding readers, then what you're doing now isn't working. If on the other hand your tv audience is exploding on the new material, that looks like your greatest source for new readers.

Lemmy |

Lemmy wrote:Or has he?Why is anyone surprised? DC reboots its continuity every other week!
With "Rebirth", my nephew isn't even 9 years old and he already lived through 2 DC reboots...
I guess i depends on who you ask...
According to DC it isn't a reboot... They are are just retconning a bunch of stuff and resetting the book count back to #1... But it isn't a reboot, you guys!

The ə! |
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Lemmy wrote:Or has he?Why is anyone surprised? DC reboots its continuity every other week!
With "Rebirth", my nephew isn't even 9 years old and he already lived through 2 DC reboots...
In a few years, Kal'Lem of Earth-Prime, son of Jor'Lem and nephew of our own Paiz'Lem, will learn the truth and punch his way through the Continuity Wall, heralding in the Crisis of Infinite Reboots crossover.

Sundakan |
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Aberzombie wrote:Lucky for me, the only stuff I'm collecting from DC these days are either miniseries, or series I never expected to last long anyway. I've slowly abandoned most of the major characters.And if you're typical of the comics book market, it's no surprise they've decided that everything needs a revamp. If you're bleeding readers, then what you're doing now isn't working. If on the other hand your tv audience is exploding on the new material, that looks like your greatest source for new readers.
Which makes no logical sense.
"Man, we're hemorrhaging readers from our big properties. We need something fresh and new."
"How about new characters, with new stories?"
"Nah let's use all the OLD characters, but wipe their history and revamp all the OLD stories of theirs."

thejeff |
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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:Aberzombie wrote:Lucky for me, the only stuff I'm collecting from DC these days are either miniseries, or series I never expected to last long anyway. I've slowly abandoned most of the major characters.And if you're typical of the comics book market, it's no surprise they've decided that everything needs a revamp. If you're bleeding readers, then what you're doing now isn't working. If on the other hand your tv audience is exploding on the new material, that looks like your greatest source for new readers.Which makes no logical sense.
"Man, we're hemorrhaging readers from our big properties. We need something fresh and new."
"How about new characters, with new stories?"
"Nah let's use all the OLD characters, but wipe their history and revamp all the OLD stories of theirs."
Is there any evidence the audience is clamoring for "fresh and new"?
The last reboot didn't go over well, at least partly because they threw too much old loved stuff away. The shows are doing well, but it's not clear what that shows, except possibly that new versions of old characters can work? More likely that TV/Movie audiences aren't going to read comics, for the most part.So they're trying to bring back some of the old stuff that people miss without fully rebooting. A desperation move maybe, but probably their best plan at this point.
New breakout comics characters are hard. It's hard to even get any onto the B-List and it's been decades since anyone new has hit the lasting popularity of the old icons. Some people seem to think that ditching the old, still popular and best selling heroes (even if the total numbers have dropped) will somehow let new characters break out in a way they can't with the mainstays still on the stands. I have no idea why they think this.
I mean, certainly try new characters and ideas, as both Marvel and DC have done and are doing, but don't sweep the old ones away, if they're still selling.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Marvel has just done its first system wide reboot and is currently trying to cash in on the latest hit movie with a Civil War II mega crossover series. Bears no resemblance to the Cap movie other than the name, as far as I can tell, but the name alone will probably draw in new readers if the movie does as well as it looks like it will.

Freehold DM |
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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:Aberzombie wrote:Lucky for me, the only stuff I'm collecting from DC these days are either miniseries, or series I never expected to last long anyway. I've slowly abandoned most of the major characters.And if you're typical of the comics book market, it's no surprise they've decided that everything needs a revamp. If you're bleeding readers, then what you're doing now isn't working. If on the other hand your tv audience is exploding on the new material, that looks like your greatest source for new readers.Which makes no logical sense.
"Man, we're hemorrhaging readers from our big properties. We need something fresh and new."
"How about new characters, with new stories?"
"Nah let's use all the OLD characters, but wipe their history and revamp all the OLD stories of theirs."
dc fans have a long history of giving the financial cold shoulder to new characters, and even to ones that they stated they wanted to see in their own books.

Norman Osborne |
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dc fans have a long history of giving the financial cold shoulder to new characters, and even to ones that they stated they wanted to see in their own books.
Why should they bother to invest in new characters, when they know everything will be wipes away in a couple of years maximum?

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:dc fans have a long history of giving the financial cold shoulder to new characters, and even to ones that they stated they wanted to see in their own books.Why should they bother to invest in new characters, when they know everything will be wipes away in a couple of years maximum?
this predates the reboots- crisis not withstanding.

Greylurker |

Given the "success" of Batman vs. Superman, are they still going to do this?
the movies are largely a seperate entity from the Comics. In fact the Animation and even the DC TV shows are all closer connected to the Comics than the Movies will ever be because someone from DC is generally involved in those.
The Movies don't seem to have anyone from DC offering any advice. In fact near as I can tell the Movies are being produced by commitee Warner Brothers slapped together to handle things, which is probably the absolute worst option available to them.

GreyWolfLord |

Well, I'm not sure what's happening overall in the DC universe these days.
The last part that I was following was with Nightwing and Damien...and when the New 52 simply acted as if that never happened...
I can't say I actually liked Damien (actually hated the character, but he WAS a nice counter for Grayson...terrible one for Bruce though)...now that he's dead...I don't even know if they have a Robin anymore or what's going on with that.
Last I heard Bruce Wayne died fighting the Joker and instead of having Grayson take up the mantle, they had GORDON do it...
At which point, I stopped following bats completely.
Stopped with supes with the New 52 when they decided Lois and Clark were not a thing and tried to make it WW and Supes...
Can this reboot fix my outlook on DC...don't know...probably don't care enough anymore.
If they can draw me back...well...I imagine they could get a whole bunch of people back.

GreyWolfLord |
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I wanted to add, the thing I AM buying are Graphic Novels. I like that I can read the pre-2000 stuff, the actual GOOD stuff. I have comics, but being able to get the graphic novels means I can read the stories without having to disturb the comic troves.
It's amazing how good the comics were from the 60s to the 2000s...what ever happened to that type of continuity, writing, and storytelling?
I wasn't even around for a lot of it, and I'd rather read that than most of what they are putting out today!
I've probably spent upwards of over $300-$400 on graphic trades already this year. A lot of it is reading older stuff (I just got the X-men Omnibus 3 for example), instead of the newer stuff they've been putting out.

Greylurker |
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Well, I'm not sure what's happening overall in the DC universe these days.
The last part that I was following was with Nightwing and Damien...and when the New 52 simply acted as if that never happened...
I can't say I actually liked Damien (actually hated the character, but he WAS a nice counter for Grayson...terrible one for Bruce though)...now that he's dead...I don't even know if they have a Robin anymore or what's going on with that.
Last I heard Bruce Wayne died fighting the Joker and instead of having Grayson take up the mantle, they had GORDON do it...
At which point, I stopped following bats completely.
Stopped with supes with the New 52 when they decided Lois and Clark were not a thing and tried to make it WW and Supes...
Can this reboot fix my outlook on DC...don't know...probably don't care enough anymore.
If they can draw me back...well...I imagine they could get a whole bunch of people back.
Daimien is still alive, turns out a lot of folks like him
Bruce lives but somehow had all of Batman erased from his mind with apparently something similar happening to the Joker. Apparently though he built an Instant Batman download machine so he's fixed now (remember when Batman was just a detective?)
Superman lost his powers, had Lois blow his secret ID, Got his powers back, became a God and then fought the God of Krypton
Convergence happened and now the Multiverse is a thing again
You might want to check out a comic called Lois and Clark.
Pre-52 Superman and his Wife Lois survived Convergence and have been living on new52 Earth for years. With their son Jon. They have taken up the name White in honor of Perry. Pre52 Sups has been working in secret to prevent key bad events that happened on his Earth from happening on this one. Lois has been using a combo of her Investigative skills and knowledge of events from their earth to become Author X. Mystery writer who's books expose all kinds of corrupt evil doings in the world. Her newest book is about Intergang and they ain't happy about it.
Jon knows nothing
but he's smart and has his mom's curiousity and maybe his father's powers (Who are they kidding of course he's gonna have his dad's powers because that would be awesome)
Here is what I now about Rebirth so far
1- 52 Superman dies and pre52 Superman takes over.
2- Lex is also calling himself Superman
3- Lois Lane becomes Superwoman
4- Some kid in China also becomes Superman
5- Daimien is putting the Teen Titans together again
6- Ted Kord is teaching Jaimie to be Blue Beetle (I love this by the way)
7- Daimien and Jon will be teaming up in a book called Super Sons. (I am also excited by this cause it looks fun)
8- Lots of books are gonna be shipping twice a month

Readerbreeder |

5- Daimien is putting the Teen Titans together again
I can put up with almost anything else if this happens. Back when I was picking up a number of titles a month (a LONG time ago), this was my favorite, and the one I stayed with after I dropped everything else. Heck, I may pick it up just for nostalgia's sake.

Greylurker |

Greylurker wrote:5- Daimien is putting the Teen Titans together againI can put up with almost anything else if this happens. Back when I was picking up a number of titles a month (a LONG time ago), this was my favorite, and the one I stayed with after I dropped everything else. Heck, I may pick it up just for nostalgia's sake.
Looks like we might be getting two Titan teams
One lead by Daimien and one lead by Nightwing