About Occux NiilName: Occux Niil
Homeworld: Spectoris - Imperial Agri-World ,Drusus Marches Sector
Total XP: 400
Characteristics: Wounds: 17
WS...32 ⇒ (3) + (2) + (7) + 20 = 32 Bonus = 3
Wealth : 390 thrones
Skills Basic Speak Language (Low Gothic) (int)
Literacy(int) +10
Advanced Tech Use(int)
Mechanicus Implants:
Electro-Graft This is a small port that is grafted into your nervous system. Once you have been properly trained, this will allow you to interface with machine data ports, and certain types of data nets. Electro-grafts can take many forms, such as electoos, skull shunts, finger probes or spine jacks. Electoo Inductors These are palm-sized metal skin grafts that appear much like tattoos to the uninitiated. The electoos are wired into your nervous system, where they derive power from the bio-electrical emanations of the flesh. They can be used to emit or siphon power in many ways. Electoo inductors can be any colour, and can appear anywhere on the body—though hands or mechadendrites are the usual sites. Respirator Unit This implant covers the lower half of your face with a network of grilles and tubing. It purifies your air supply, granting a +20% bonus to resist airborne toxins and gas weapons. The respirator unit also contains a vox-synthesiser capable of transmitting your voice in a variety of ways. Respirators can appear as simple grille units or intricate mask-like carvings. Cyber-Mantle This is a framework of metal, wires and impulse transmitters that is bolted on to your spine and lower ribcage. As you gain further implants, this mantle will act as a sub-dermal anchorage point. Amongst some servants of the Omnissiah, this cyber-mantle is often referred to as ‘the true flesh’. One would have to look beneath the red robes of a Tech-Priest to discover what a cyber-mantle looks like, and thus no one admits to having seen one. Potentia Coil Cradled within the cyber-mantle is a power unit known as the potentia coil. This mass can store energy and produce various types of fields. Coils come in many types, from small crystal stack affairs, to bulky electrical galvinators salvaged from vehicle engines. Many a hunchback within the Adeptus Mechanicus is blamed upon a primitive coil. Cranial Circuitry This is a series of linked processors, implants and cortical circuits that augments your mental capacities. Most sit within housing bolted onto the skull, whilst others nestle within the brain itself. As you grow in the seriousness of your devotions, more and more of the brain that deals with useless things such as emotion and intuition can be scooped away to provide room for additional augmentations. Cranial circuits are often very crude-looking, and frequently rather aged. Bionic Arm (right) +10 Agility and Strength Tests
Gear glow lamp 0.5kg
Metal Staff Damage: 1d10 I Penatration: 0 Special:Balanced,Primitive Weight: 3 kg
Ranged Las Pistol Damage: 1d10+2 E Range:30m ROF:S/-/- Penetration: 0 Clip:30 Reload:Full Special:Reliable Weight:1.5kg
Armor Flak Vest Covered: Body Armor Points:3 Weight :5 kg Physical Description: Covered as he is in the robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus it is difficult to determine where Occux's body starts and the cybernetic implants end. In general, he appears as a relatively fit man, with the occasional oddly shaped area of the body. His lower face is covered by a stylized air mask, tubes coming and going. The occasional hum can be heard to emanate from his body and he when he moves it is with surety and purpose. What skin is visible is of a darker complexion and on the occasion that his hood is lowered, his bright orange hair can finally be seen, within which can be seen a multitude of wires plunging into the surface of his skull, tracing backward towards his spine. Biography: Growing up on the agriworld Spectoris , Occux was surrounded by technology. His father was a non Adeptus handyman for a minor functionary of the Adminitratum, who eschewed the services of the Adetpus Mechanicus. Tagging along with his father, Occux was soon helping, then eventually supplanting his father in his duties. His father would
A fortnight later, Occux was on a transport to the nearest Adeptus chapterhouse. Occux embraced the training and education offered to him, his family forgotten in his headlong pursuit of knowledge. When the time came for him to take on the true flesh, his faith was unswerving; he was a tech-priest. As chance would take it one of his first tasks was to
Over time, his duties on Spectoris would take him all over the planet. One day, Occux was analyzing a number of servitors in use at the governor's mansion. They had begun to behave erratically. Querying the servitor's memory banks, Occux found that a very clumsy and obvious (to Occux at least) surveillance module had been grafted into the servitor's
That message was delivered to one Nethial Hobbs Risedar III, an Interrogator for the inquisition. Momentarily piqued by the message, Nethial realized that the surveillance modules had been installed by one of his best tech-men. No run of the mill tech-priest would have been able to remove the module, more the less discover the vox frequency
Some weeks later, Occux was summoned to the office of the planet's Electro-Priest. Occux was to be seconded to an agency of the Inquisition, no questions asked. "Highly unusual, yes, but not reversible. Nominal fealty still to the Adeptus Mechanicus but Occux now answered to the Inquisition; but forget not , Occux, the pursuit of knowledge