NyteRavynn's page

4 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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Once again, Paizo advertises something they do not deliver. If what you are wanting is a book with the majority of deity information in one book; than you may like this. But if you actually want new information or as they say "details on over 300 deities" you aren't getting your money's worth. Most of what is in this book I have seen in other books, even for the pdf price the book was not worth it.

Something that seems to be lacking from the brawler; who is going to be in the middle of melee, is a better ability to be aware of their surroundings and learn how to avoid strikes if being swarmed. I would think Uncanny Dodge and even potentially improved uncanny dodge would make sense for the class.

Also as many seem to have issues with martial maneuvers for some reason or another; why not give the Brawler a list of Brawler abilities; like the Rogue or Ninja has. This could allow more customization for concept characters while still allowing useful abilities through all levels of play. It could also allow abilities like Evasion or Uncanny dodge; though I'd put in a caveat that you can only have 1 or the other and not both.

If martial maneuvers does remain, I think a non-stat related method of increasing the usage would be best if it is found it needs more uses per day. As assigning any attribute to this; especially a mental attribute; would diverge from what a brawler conceptually is. And even a physical attribute would define it as a specific type of brawler (i.e. strength would make it a muscle bound brute; where dexterity would make it agile and dexterous) and thus limit it's versatility in concept.

Though I do agree with those asking for the close weapons to scale with level. I never understood why monk weapons damage never increased and yet their unarmed damage did. Why would you ever pick up a weapon? Especially with magic items that essentially make your unarmed strikes able to be enchanted as a weapon would be (though they would cap it at +7).

The brawler also doesn't feel like getting essentially ki strike makes any sense; as they aren't really spiritual or magical. They just rely on their fists, training skills and body to fight. If close weapons scaled their damage this would allow them to also use special material weapons or enchantment to overcome DR making it an external method to do such instead of some quasi-mystical way as it currently seems to be.

As far as giving a way to take improved combat maneuver feats regardless of meeting the prerequisites; I'd say that'd be more the province of a specialized alternate class path than part of the core class. The core Brawler should be more generic to all forms of brawling, not specifically combat maneuvers (though they do as currently written get bonuses). Though if they went the way of brawler tricks then that could be one of the tricks able to take; learning an improved CM feat without meeting the prerequisites.

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Looking at this feat and the creatures listed and what level they'd be. I can make no sense of how they determined the levels for each creature, other than random. There does not seem to be any mathematical equation to it; for neither CR or HD or a combination of both, form a pattern.

Has someone else figured out how they determined this other than randomly assigning a number?

Lady Ophelia wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Lady Ophelia wrote:

Gosh darn it. I want my d10HD and Full BAB.

Other than that, we are good.

** spoiler omitted **

What divine class has d12s?

Rage Prophet :)

Okay, so it's an archetype, but it's still at d12.. For a moment. LOL.

Paladin is a divine class, with full BAB and d10. So you already had what you were asking for since the beginning.

For the sake of balance with BAB and HD; getting spells over 4th level seems a bit odd. Not counting any alternate class paths and just the core classes. It appears the past ones are full BAB, 4th lvl spell cap (and not getting spells at 1st level either), d10 (Paladins, Rangers). 3/4 BAB, get d8 and 9th level (druids, clerics); and then you have a few odd ones. Bards, Magus & Inquisitor get 3/4 BAB, d8, 6th level. Sorcerers/Wizards get 1/2 BAB, d6 and 9th level spells. Pretty much every spellcasting class I believe fits in one of these 4 categories.

By that being the prior examples, giving the Warpriest a higher HD, BAB or Spells goes against what was normal for spellcasters. I think this goes for all of the new classes in the ACG that they should stick with the original methodology. Otherwise you start making older classes obsolete.

Someone earlier asked about what separates the warpriest from the Inquisitor; well mainly; Channel Energy and spontaneous casting of cure/inflict spells.

The warpriest is supposed to be a mix of divine caster & warrior; if more of that feel was wanted. My suggestion would be to drop spells to the 4th lvl cap, raise the BAB to full, raise the HD to d10. But also reduce the energy channeling. Maybe alter the sacred weapon/armor bonuses that at a higher level they can change it more often as a standard or even full action. It'll allow a bit more variety to it; without it being something that can be switched alot. Maybe even put a limit to how often or link it to channeling be used to switch it. That limits the amount of times it can be done in a day.