Nymor's page

128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Deriven Firelion wrote:
You can change out the level 17 Expand the Gate impulse for a lvl 18 impulse.

You can only swap up to that level, so you can't put a level 18 feat in a level 17 slot.

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Don't forget the Elohim from Bestiary 4, its concept is 100% genesis/worlds creation inspired

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Here it is a new one about the Investigator, just found on the forum:
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rl8v?Being-Sherlock-Holmes-A-Gentlemans-Guide- to

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Here it is a new guide for Warpriest! http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ri77?Warpriest-guide-Fight-for-your-god
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fAITTzF0hu2mCB-_5vSJGw697JGdSXIOWy9VMp5 wyzY/pub

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I like really much Akroma from Magic the Gathering: A really powerful mage has his woman killed before him in battle, goes partially nuts and subconsciously recreates an idealized (and angelic...no, really, wings and all) version of her to always be with him.

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Dark Immortal wrote:
With that logic then the any cleric PC or necromancer PC has a higher cr under those conditions and skews the relative difficulty.

Player characters invest a portion of their wealth for raising, but the same gold could be used to buy better equipment. Thank to this the cr should be more or less the same.

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williamoak wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Why am I all of a sudden thinking of Eric Cartman impatiently pacing back and forth while waiting for the new Wii to come out?


5000 years later... Nobody plays PnP anymore, everybody's on virtual reality now.

We demand a full immersion virtual reality in which to play PnP!

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Nathanael Love wrote:
Magi and Witches can never get past 6th level spells and have severely limited spell lists?

What? What's today with all these people talking about witches without knowing them? Witches cast just like a mage, only with a hybrid mage/druid spellist, up to 9°

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Your character doesn't *puff!* learn a new ability by chance, but rather thanks to his hard training, so i see more realistic to know what you're trying to learn...well, maibe sorcerer and oracle can be exceptions :D

For monsters i'm all for banning the bestiary use to players and simply read them what is appropriate to party's best knowledge check