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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Is it culturally expected that Pharasman officials oversee the rites of the dead of all denominations in most civilized cultures, or do faiths typically look after their own in spite of the knowledge that all stand before Pharasma for judgment?

Mr. Jacobs,

Say, in lapse of judgment, a DM allowed a player running a worshipper of Aroden take the Hierophant mythic trait and path in Wrath of the Righteous, how would you recommend running the moment of divine revelation? What kind of effect would a recognized Godling of Aroden have on the following of Iomedae? The world?

Thank you,

Mr. Jacobs,

Hulrun Shappok, Lord of Kenabres and leader of the Inquisition, has been referred to in different printed editions as being still fervently righteous in his drive to purge witchcraft from Kenabres as well as quietly regretful of his past zealotry. Is this a contradiction, or does he pursue his previous goals with a more tempered attitude?

Thank you,

Mr. Jacobs,

1. How old is Queen Abrogail II?

2. What happens to the Demonscope during the Incursion at Kenabres?

3. Why is Razmir so salty?

4. How difficult of a CR encounter/dungeon would be representative of Xiren Bhey of the Okeno slavers on either his ship or his fortifications at Okeno, were a group of PCs to launch an assault with the goals of capturing and/or killing him? Are there any particular tricks and/or defenses he would employ, other than his Gug bodyguard?

Sorry for the wall of text and thank you so much for the timely reply.

1. Do you have a preferred (non-contractually binding) title for this potentially unnamed head of the Iomedaen church?

2. As the Five Kingdoms appear to be divided politically, is there any one particular that would distinguish itself over the others?

3. Does defeated mean destroyed? As in, are the participatory members of the Winter Council being killed off?

6. Alright. Anything else in the Inner Sea region that would also work for an abandoned fortification? Something not directly in the 'Wound?

9. How culturally distinct are the native Mendevians from the settling Iomedaens? I'd guess that after a century with such a strong military/religious presence that the cultures wound begin to blend. Do the Iomedaens intend to leave the country once they win?

Ragathiel Bonus Comment: I vaguely recall there being a mention of Empyreal Lord secret cults existing in Magnimar, with a specific mention of Ragathiel. Is that inaccurate?

Thanks again!

Also, as a follow up,

I've run a side quest in Magnimar during Rise of the Runelords that follows the Ragathiel cult targeting members of the Norgorber cult presented there. During that adventure, I presented them as a bit of a secret society that spent a very serious amount of time investigating and then subsequently confirming the guilt of citizens of the city that had escaped justice before murdering them. Afterward, I was left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth as I wasn't sure if I had done them justice/altered how they would present themselves.

Ragathiel is a purportedly a god of chivalrous conduct on top of his desire for vengeance, so how would you go about portraying his cult in areas where there would be less public acceptance for their practices? Would they commit murders in secret as I ran it? Would they dispatch a knight to publicly call their target to a duel for their crimes? Would a city like Magnimar intervene in a situation wherein one of their citizens was challenged to a duel to the death by a religious fanatic (Admittedly backed by beings of divine capability such that they can verify their targets guilt with some degree of certainty)? How would more, "Lawful," countries respond to the cults presence? Examples being Cheliax, Andoran, and Taldor? How does Mendev handle the cult?

Hey James,

I'm currently running a heavily modified Wrath of the Righteous campaign and have been scouring the internet for every scrap of information available on religious relations, church hierarchies, and the specifics on political conflicts that I can use to flesh the world out for my players.

1. Who is the head of the Iomedaen Church? Some articles I've read have attributed a significant amount of political power to Queen Galfrey, but nothing verifying her role as the absolute religious head despite her personal relationship with Iomedae. If there is not currently a stated ruling head, from where would they rule and what title would they go by? The Seventh Church in Absalom, The Cruciform Cathedral in Nerosyan, The Cathedral of Sancta Iomedaea in Lastwall? Pope, Divine?

2. Which Dwarven Kingdoms do you think contribute the most to the Crusades? I feel inclined to say Kraggodan, due to their participation in the Shining Crusade against Tar Baphon, but my understanding of all things Dwarf in Pathfinder is admittedly limited.

3. Is the Winter Council in Kyonin an officially recognized organization, or is it more along the lines of a secret society? I never read through the Second Darkness books (I'm, admittedly, poor and feel uncomfortable torrenting so there will always be some information out of reach), but from what I've managed to scrounge online suggests that the Council is either defunct following the events of Second Darkness or in some form of disarray. What happens to them?

4. Related to the above; How does the aristocracy operate in Kyonin? How much influence do they wield? I'm planning on incorporating a sprawling political quagmire split down ideological lines (One side headed by a Paladin of Yuelral who is pushing for a reinstigation of hostilities against Treerazer, starting with the reclamation of Shevaroth, the other guided by a longer-term thinker ersatz Galadriel who is focused on involvement with the outer world and assisting the Fifth Crusade). If the Winter Council still exists, it seems like it'd be in favor of resuming active warfare against Treerazer. Is that accurate? Would the Queen of Kyonin actively support the Crusade? How much support have the elves offered Mendev thus far?

5. How much support/interest has Garund (Qadira/Osirion/Nex/Geb/Rahadoum/Alkenstar) offered to/shown in the Crusade?

6. Are there any defunct organizations/abandoned keeps in strategic locations that you can off-handedly recall that would fit well being resurrected to participate in the Crusades? (The Inquisition and Skyhold a la Dragon Age: Inquisition) I've been toying with an idea of a keep on the shores of the Isle of Terror being re-sanctified and secured with an independently operating Wardstone, but that seems like it'd just defang the ominous threat that Tar-Baphon is supposed to emanate, so I've been a little conflicted.

7. Where would you place the Leaden Cathedral (of Godclaw yore) in Mendev? Do you see it as an independent fortification or just a structure in one of the cities?

8. Are there any Hellknight orders participating in the Crusades? It seems like it would be fairly simple to write the Godclaw in, but are there any others canonly participating? I seem to vaguely recall a tidbit about Galfrey prohibiting Hellknights (Other than the preceding Godclaw knights) from entering, but I suspect I might be wildly misinformed.

9. I'm absolutely in love with Sarkorin culture and am introducing a sub plot about the potential of resurrecting their country following the successful closure of the Worldwound. How hostile would Mendev/the Iomedaens be opposed to this, given the danger represented by their "blasphemous," religions? Does Mendev have plans to simply annex the 'Wound's territory following their victory? How tainted will it remain?

10. The Order of Heralds was founded at the beginning of the Fourth Crusade to curb the insanity of the Inquisition. Was this Order created by the Queen? Knights and Lords in Mendev? Who are their participating members? How do they prevent the Lord of the third largest city in the country from exercising his, 'justice'? From where do they derive their authority and how do they exercise it?

11. How public knowledge is it that Iomedae intends to call for the invasion and coup of Cheliax's government following the closure of the Crusade? It seems like Cheliax is an substantial participant (or, at least a material supporter) of the Crusade, so it rubs me as a little unlikely that that is being broadcast, but I'd just like confirmation.

12. Are there patron deities other than Iomedae of the Crusade? It seems like both Torag and Sarenrae both have large representations, but I haven't found confirmation of their presence being in any official capacity.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to slog through this with me,