Nuclearspatula's page

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Karmagator wrote:

The rules for activating ammo don't work very well when applied to anything but bows and weren't future-proofed very well either, as the others have pointed out. The actual idea seems to be that you have to have the ammo "in use" (e.g. loaded into a firearm) or in an accessible location and have to spend an extra action to get the effects. As long as that is fulfilled, you can safely ignore the specific logistics.

As far as making unarmed attacks while using a two-handed weapon go, that's a separate topic. Afaik you don't even need to take a hand off the weapon. You can make unarmed attacks with any part of your body, so long as it makes sense ("You can Strike with your fist or another body part..."). Your character can kick perfectly well while wielding a musket. If you specifically wanted to punch someone, then yes, you would have to later re-grip your weapon. That is done as either a seperate Interact action or as part of reloading the weapon your are wielding.

I was looking at having a gunslinger (specifically a triggerbrand) with a Sterling Dynamo, and using a gunsword (two-handed). So, specifically I'd have to punch, and it would have to be with that specific arm.

I just didn't realize that this ^ and interacting to activate then reload worked differently. oops. Thank you for the correction (honestly)

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I've searched and can't locate an answer, so I'm sorry if this has been asked before.

The feat Alchemical Crafting says: "When you select this feat, you immediately add the formulas for four common 1st-level alchemical items to your formula book."

The Munitions Crafter Feat says: "You also gain the Alchemical Crafting feat and four additional formulas for 1st-level alchemical items."

A formula book starts out blank.

Black Powder is an uncommon Level ZERO item.

RAW, how do I get the formula for Black Powder in my book?

Edit: the only thing I care about crafting is normal black powder.