Marilith Demon

Noxious the Quasit's page

5 posts. Alias of caster4life.


After a group effort damaging it from all sides for a long, long time the worm finally falls, greatly torn. It seems to try to heal slightly but the damage is too great and some axial healing organ no longer functions.

229 xp!

Very soon after your success, the quasit flies in absentmindedly while reading a scroll. It alights on the worms corpse and touches it. The corpse rises as a zombie and shuffles rapidly out of the refuse chamber. The quasit flies out without a word. Most of you find yourselves completely covered in filth...

Yeah I realize you won't have a lot of those knowledge skills at the moment but don't worry. I won't let the game stall or die because you can't hit a check. As a GM I let failure be an option but usually plan an alternate way for you to overcome your failure that is a bit harder or costlier. That way failure is real but doesn't shut things down (unless there's a tpk...).

After your successful battle, you return to your various parts of the dungeon (healing up fully I'm sure). You have time to enjoy your new acquisitions and reflect on your new experiences.

Feel free to always provide reflections, interactions with other characters, etc between scenes. If it gets lengthy it can be kept in spoilers so the scene keeps going but two characters still have space for a funny philosophical chat.

Later that evening, Noxious finds you all again. "The high mistress has two more jobs for the lot of you. There's something in the refuse room. Seems large and hungry. It stays buried under the years of detritus but every now and then it snatches a goblin or something else. This annoys mistress so she has decided it will serve her as an undead. Kill it. Your other job is to make this first chamber more defensible. Mistress has decided that paladin fodder like you lot should be up front here. Do what you want with the place as long as official business can still pass in and out with no inconvenience." Noxious nods as if considering timing. "Get those done by tomorrow night." Then she turns to Goldslip with a smirk on her face. "Haven't you forgotten something? Better hurry or he's going to get spicy. You know the temper on that one." The quasit then flits back into the depths of the dungeon, doubtless busy with other administrative duties.

Gorthug and Snowball drag the corpses into a pile and the quasit hovers over them then touches each one. They rise as skeletons dripping blood and shamble off into the pit. The quasit flies back into the depths if the cave yelling over her shoulder "You may do what you will with the other!" leaving the rest of the invaders' possessions behind.

As you are looking over the loot, the quasit, Lucian's familiar, flies back into your cavern. "I see you are done. Let me see what's valuable here." She begins sorting through the items and picks up the ring and the scroll cases, storing them in a tiny handy haversack. She then pauses as if hearing something in her ear, then nods to herself and speaks to the rest of you. "Pull these three corpses close together!"

Xeria and Piedmontina:

You fly swiftly and silently back to the mouth of the cave. There you are met by Noxious, Lucian's familiar. "Well? What do you report?" After collecting your information, Noxious hovers quietly for a moment then nods, as if listening to some message. "Lucian says they aren't worth wasting time or onyx on. Kill them before they even reach the undead pit. I will delegate a few more to come help you."

The quasit flies back through the cave system and calls out to each of you "To the entrance. The master wishes the intruders dead before they injure any of her disposable undead."

To Bob, it states "Yes yes, hurry up. You're done. To the entrance with you!"

To Goldslip, it comments "You can heal Cinder afterward. He won't be needed for this."

Congrats on finishing your sidequests each! I've granted the party 150 xp (listed in the sheet for xp and loot). Now, how are you going to get to the entrance to the dungeon? Narrate how you make it there. The map is updated (or will be very soon if you read this immediately) to show the entrance so you may take positions once you get there. You may also begin strategizing or casting 30 min+ buffs if you wish.