Count Haserton Lowis IV

NothingBoy's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (45 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.


Dotting for interest. Will submit an arcane character today.
Is it possible to see the current group composition?

Good luck to all.

Dotting for interest, as I would love to have a crack at Kingmaker! I will probably submit either a Cleric or Barbarian, as they don't seem to have been forwared yet.

Good luck to all.

For some reason my profile and backstory for this character appears to have eaten itself, but its saved on my laptop at home so I will restore tonight.

To the powers that be:

1) Do you mind if I do a little bit of stat swapping to make Hugo less of a wet lettuce?
2)For a campaign trait I'm going to take "On The Payroll" as it is the only one that vaguely fits the backstory, slightly modified in that Lorrimor unexpectedly paid for my clerichood rather than paying me to work for him. The extra cash could be a stipend for working in the church if suitable.
3) Other than the incredible disappearing stat block on my profile, is there anything else you need from me?

Once again, apologies for the delay in checking in.

Kind regards,

Dotting for interest. Application to follow.

I'd be interested too.