
Norro's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (475 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.



recap: I tallied 10 points total damage to Dirk leaving him with 6 points of life.

Though injured and in quite a bit of pain, Dirk quickly checks the corpses to see if they have anything that identifies their affiliation.

After which he will move ahead of the Prince into the armory and check for anything that indicates more enemies might be within.

Perception (1d20=20)

great... now I roll a 20

Thank you very much for all of the great suggestions. Reading through the Feat list is helpful, but not near as much as hearing opinions from the folks who have used them and know them more in-depth.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm going to send this thread to my wizard.

For what it is worth, he's selected Evocation and Arcane Bond (ring) for his wizard and has the intention of building a high damage character.

Thanks again,


Wow... that sucks! I'm gonna have to break it to my Wizard softly. I already let him maximize a level 1 spell once...

My whole crew is new to this - as am I. I guess I should have a suggestion for an alternate feat for him.... eh... so, any suggestions?

:) Thanks!


Hello all,

My understanding is that the Maximize Spell feat (as it pertains to a wizard) is applied at spell prep time due to the feat being a metamagic feat.

Can this feat be applied to all spells being prepared? Or just one?

Also, a sentence in the manual that leaves me with questions is: "Spells modified by a metamagic feat use a spell slot higher than normal."

So, for a level 1 Wizard using Maximize Spell on a Level 1 spell... what? It consumes a level 2 slot? Which he does not have? Or can a level 1 wizard only use this on a level 0 spell, and in doing so he loses his level 1 spell slot? I'm confused and probably over thinking it.

Sorry, I'm a noob trying to understand. I do try to research first before posting. Thanks for helping me out.


Thanks. That was my hunch, but I wanted to be clear. I think that's great for the wizard, especially at lower levels.

Hello all,

Is the bonus spell listed in the 'Specialist Bonus' castable multiple times or only once a day. I can't get a clear understanding from the manual.

For example, Energy Ray is available to a level one wizard who chooses 'Evocation' as his school of magic. I don't see any restrictions on how often Energy Ray can be cast.



Holy Cow!

Look at all of the posts! This is great. I'm not used to so much response on internet boards. I just checked back expecting little response and was pleasantly surprised. Also a little embarrassed that I didn't check back sooner!

Thank you very much for your responses... the cookies were delicious and the poodle service was above my expectations!

I'll definitely check out That has risen to the top of my priority list.

We've assembled a group of 4, plus myself who will be attempting to act as DM - so 5 total. We have very little D&D experience between us... but for me, that is a positive. I like the exploration and discovery that accompanies being a noob at something. However I also realize that we will be frustrated at times, so it's good to know that an active board like this one exists.

The group is currently reading over the pathfinder manual and getting an idea of what types of characters they'd like to play. Here's the group composition based on early selections:
1. ?/Monk,
2. ?/?,
3. Half-Elf/Druid,
4. Gnome/Bard

Our plan is to do the "Hallow's Last Hope" campaign. I am the only one reading that particular document.

In general, I have to say I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the details. I imagine that is a common feeling for noobs. I have so many questions. I would love to see a sample snippet of play to help me understand some of the mechanics. (Perhaps this already exists). Something like a single player, exploring a single room and fighting a single monster. I feel like that would help a ton.

I'm guessing we are two weeks out before we attempt our first gathering. At that time we will roll up characters and if we have time, begin the campaign. I'm sure I'll be stopping back between now and then... more often than I had originally planned!

That's probably enough drivel from me. I think I see a few in the back of the room starting to nod off...

Thanks again for your help!


I have just about zero background in any tabletop RPG (I've read some DnD version 2 stuff from long ago) and I've recently begun reading the Pathfinder Manual with the intent of getting a group together to give this thing a whirl.

While it is too soon for me to make much of an observation (other than it seems more flexible as far as character customization than the v2 stuff I read), however I did want to point out that terms are used in the manual what I was unable to find a definition for (in the manual).

'DC' being a case in point - it is used in many places throughout the document. I did a full search of the manual for an explanation, including the glossary and came up empty handed. I was finally able to determine its definition by asking Mr. Google. Other acronyms have been equally baffling to me. I would love to see acronyms like this added to the glossary.

I humbly submit this in the most positive, helpful manner.

