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**** Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts. 98 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.

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Too annoying


I can't believe it's a Crystal's module!

Mostly combats, too ridiculous for low tier. A construct swarm with 23 touch AC and infest? High potential of TPK if lacks of AOE...

Fine storyline and mechanics, but nothing impressive, I think the BBEG is not well-balaced, at all.

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Dungeon delve without memorable fights


I wonder how it can get 4.5 stars?

A dungeon crawl without roleplay, you go into a dungeon then kill all evil cultists... we always do this in season 4, Serving Ties and Cultist's Kiss are similar but much better.

Combats are okay, but nothing special, all we face are something like human fighters, kytons, a lamia sorceress... I can't say it's too easy but no suprise at all.

Change to 3 stars, creative GMs may do better environment as the final scenario of season 3, as well as the BBEG fight, not strong enough although.

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Good scenario, I don't like the ending however


Played and runned once.

Another evergreen scenario, but more like an official mission compare to First Step, Confirmation, and Wounded Wisp.

Good for both new or veteran players. I love the first and second mission, lots of solutions and even not go into battle.

Talking of the final, too predictable... go somewhere and fight four guys... can't you make some difference?

Change to 5 stars, all my PC love the first mission of multi-solutions, I haven't seen two teams run exactly the same. And building barriers in the last scene really fun like Denfense of the Ancients.

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I expect more


I thought it should be an investigating scenario in Riddleport, but not at all.

Delve into a city of smuggler to hunt a bad guy. We kick the door, defeat her minions to ask where she is, then kill her.

Some roleplays, but the storyline just so thin and single line... no memorable combats, and high potential of losing PP :)

I wonder why it can be an EX? The only strong plot is the BBEG's tactic, need PCs to use their brain, not just kill all.

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Good first half


I love the idea of murders in circus as well the sphinx.

But the later part just disappointed. Too many repetitive combats, annoying for level 1 team without sufficient healing. And the bad map design... too confusing as a storage. I thought it's a pyramid or maze... ahhh.

Not bad overall, but the mobs and maps aren't attractive.

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Wonderful scenario for only the first half


I love the starting phase, gaining clues, visiting a mad guy, and a sudden fight.

I also love infiltrating into vampiric cult, but no more story except killing your ex-coworker??

Delve into the cult, kill evil guys, than save the world... I really dislike anything like that. Good combats indeed, but not a full story. And the investigation part is good for RP, but I don't see real usefulness or gain any advantage...

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Another aspect of hellknights


The main plot is definately dealing with the hellknights. Short but with varied personalities, lovely Rulla :)

Repeative combats, the 32-morlocks and the BBEG could be fun to deal with, but don't expect too much.

I love the season 2 flavor, short but unique, a roleplaying scenario overall. However I wish there are more ways other than bluffing especially for those team with a real hellknight.

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Better than expected


I wonder why only 3 stars? I love dealing with NPCs you don't meet much(morlock, hellknight, lich), and riding golem :)

Combats are cakewalk for power players, but okay for average players, especially the BBEG has a high potential to kill some, but not TPK. The only weakness is the second last fight, lose its charm of battlefield, too easy even with no NPCs' aid. Strongly suggest to enhance the minions...

If you are looking for level 7-11 plots, highly recommended after Fury of the Fiend(Fingerprint maybe too old)

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RP potential, but too narrow choice


Another RP-central module, player argument is needed. Not a traditional good vs evil one, both sides are reasonable but not good guys.

But I thought they just look like gang fighting, and our job is to serve one of which, destroy another, then get the book. I hate why can't we choose the third road? Just like the problem in Veil of Flame. Drop out from 5 stars.

Combats are relatively easy, dealing with some kinds of naga, especially if you choose help the White Lotus, it's extremely cakewalk.

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One of my favorite!!

Excellent settlement, lots of great RP moment(no need of social skills, but knowledge skills are necessary.

Only two combats in general, fine in tier 4-5, maybe too challenging in tier 1-2. Although the ending is predictable, I really love all the NPCs and weird atmosphere. It runs long(8 hours with detailed RP, 5-6 hours with average RP), but we never feel drag.

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Should be sanctioned


Good roleplays and combats itself, all players excited especially for Liberty's Edge, pretty hot-blooded.

But I think there are also crucial flaws. First, why should we keep slaying? You lose 3pp if dealing with the BBEG:( I don't think anyone has only one phase, wish for more personalities of the NPCs.

Second, compare with "the Third Crusade" or "Bloodcove", too pale gaming mechanics, why not add some events according to PC's actions? I wish can do a truly disguise-rebel sanctioned module.

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Social scenario... without memorable NPCs


The second part of Matrimony.

I really love talking with NPCs, but after playing Matrimony and Merchant, the mechenics just too repeative, nothing new... and the story itself not as interesting as Merchant's Wake, you guys go to a dinner party to make friends of great nobles, then goes into a fight, very expectible.

Still recommend for RP players, good but not as shining after playing many similar PFS modules.

2016.11.12 Decreased to 3 stars, NPCs are not memorable, compare to other social scenarios. Even Honor's Echo shall be better.

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Creepy atmosphere with strong combats, but not a 5 star...


Combines with two parts, relaxing intro but soon turns into adulthood scenes.

I love the horrify sci-fi setting, but the story itself is too thin, you get some weird letters, than delve into dungeon, kill BBEG and finish. Both the crazy wizard and aspis are not figured well in the scenario... I wish there are CSI investigations and dark stories but not well enough (compare with Godmarket and Mauler, two of my favorite)

Good settings, good combats, much RP moment, but it should be much better as a sanctioned module.

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A must play of season 6


One of my favorite. Social-central, you don't even run into battle through 2/3 of the scenario. Three memorable NPCs that can make true roleplaying, not roll-playing, as well as quite unique mysterious northland flavor that never deals with in most PFS modules.

Although not combat-heavy, there are two very challenging encounters, potential kill a level 4-5 PC; the low tier just cakewalk and not scale very well, sugguest playing tier 4-5.

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Not a good ending


Ongoing scenario of "From Under Ice", but not as good.

I love the first RP counter, and the second one combines well with terrain, dangerous for those who can't fly nor see through fogs.

However, the later part is just "dungeon delve, slay all, rob treasure" meta. No RP with those duergars declines lots of its flavor.

The BBEG is strong in melee, high AC, good DPR, with burrow speed, can be tricky for tactical GM.

Combat-central with some RP, but lost it when delving into dungeon, recommand for those prefer combat.

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Played in tier 1-2. Combat-central adventure with some roleplays, what I don't like it too much is "you get some cool spells, but useless!" as well as high potential of loosing gp dealing with the Vikings.

Combine with everything, average fights, some puzzles, and some not well-impressed socials. Recommanded for playing.

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Roleplaying but a bit outdated


Run in high tier.

Good mix with combats and socials, one PC died in a critacal of 20d6+48, but I can't say it's hard.

Good roleplay moments(I love little pony), but the BBEG fight is a bit of disappointed, the only tactic is keep casting confusion, if your PC success on their save, can be a cakewalk.

Good season 1 module, but a bit outdated.

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Lack of Tian Xia flavor


Basically a dungeon delve. You go somewhere and slay all bad guys, rob the treasure and save the world.

I expect more about Kirin and the artifacts, but almost none, pretty dissappointed. The only roleplay moment is talking with a weird turtle, not bad, but nothing new, just like average modules.

The combats are challenging but not overwhelming, may be the only thing goes right in this scenario.

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Creppy, but limited guidelines for GM


Striaghtfoward story: delve into dungeon to get a ring as well as a little girl?

Althoug there are good atmospheres, but as a 9-page-scenario, it only gives very limited guideline, GM have to a lots of work on NPCs and mobs(it contains two major NPCs, with undeads that even have no background discription. And boring pale haunts as well).

Black Water does have great potential for GM to do lots of roleplays(make the mobs scream and murmur!)

I prefer to play low tier, tough combats can makeup a darker atmosphere, tier 4-5 may be a bit of easy(unless they fail thier save)

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Simple enjoyable Blackros intro


Played at high tier, mostly combats but dealing with varied kinds of enemies, as well as lovely mushrooms.

Dungeon crawl with creeping atmosphere, all tiers are okay. Not much storytelling itself, but a good start of Blakros line, you'll love it through season 0(Mwangi) to 7.

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Tough and straightfoward


Played in tier 8-9.

A very short and fun story, pathfinders disguise into undead and interact with NPCs you don't meet mostly!

Combat-central, the third one is extremely deadly(fine in low tier). With DR15/-, fast healing, lots of immune and special attacks, we just can't do much damage even with three high DPR melee(bloodrager, hunter&AC, battle oracle). The two worms are cakewalk for our team even fight consistently.

Good roleplays too, love the morog, but the "int 8 Pharasma cleric" even don't have a fxxking brain :(

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Epic fights, then gain a feat


Played in tier 7-8 with all veteran players and GM. Almost no roleplay, pure combats, but I love it!

There are four combats, all of them are pretty challenging but not overwhelming. Two power players died, and two almost died... but had a fun time, that's what PFS lacks in later seasons, strong fight in season 4 is must for epic adventures.

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Confusing sandbox


Played at high tier, but not really enjoyed...

If you guys don't have a wayfinder, you just can't complete the mission at all(RAW). Just doing lots of messy jobs and what?

Good investigation with challenging combats, but not my flavor, and one huge problem mentioned above.

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Excellent and memorable NPCs, Japanese anima style


A short story, can finish in 3 hours, with memorable NPCs and roleplays.

And it seems can be no combats at all! Definately changes my imagination of PFS. You can talk, you can fight, a must play for every new and veteran players.

GM should do some work with the two main-NPCs, with some gestures and tones :)

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Epic, heroic, challenging


Played in tier 8-9(hard mode), with 4 experienced players, a druid pregen, and a level 5 archer paladin.

Some roleplay but nothing special, one interesting puzzle(although failed skill check=can't solve the puzzle isn't that good).

The main plot is combats, both encounters are REALLY TOUGH! An incorporeal undead oracle with wis damage can wipe the party off if they don't have the just right equipments.

Talking about the last fight. The monsters are average, but with huge hindered terrain, make the combat much tougher than CR. You'll know what I'm talking when playing. Epic settlements too.

The downside is also about the combats, high TPK potential, and can be too drag of time for experienced GM and caucious PC. We took 4 hours to complete the two fights.

I suggest not playing hard mode for casual players, or may be fraustrating. Also a good module for powergamers. PFS too easy? Rift definately changes your mind.

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