Cale the Calistrian

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Will Pathfinder 2nd edition revised include lore and rule systems from starfinder? I'm considering purchasing the Pathfinder solidarity bundle and I don't want to waste my money. I'd like the revised rules to include everything from Pathfinder and starfinder so that I can choose the timeline that I'd like to play without needing to change rule systems. Thoughts?

Will Pathfinder 2nd edition revised include lore and rule systems from starfinder? I'm considering purchasing the Pathfinder solidarity bundle and I don't want to waste my money. I'd like the revised rules to include everything from Pathfinder and starfinder so that I can choose the timeline that I'd like to play without needing to change rule systems. Thoughts?

Bump: This is a question that Paizo specifically asked so we should answer it.

I would like Pathfinder 2nd edition to include playable statistics for for Monsters. I found the description for Monsters to be an unnecessary new level of complexity. I would prefer player character and non-player character statistics be of the same system and I believe would be more simple and more dynamic for it to be so. I and many players enjoy playing as Monster characters and with the current statistics for monsters that does not seem to be possible. Why was playing Doomsday Dawn I try to enter the NPC and Monster statistics into the standard character sheet and found that it was difficult to do so. Standardizing player character and non-player character stats would allow for standard character sheets be used for NPCs which in my opinion would make Game Master Prep more quick and organized as well as adding much more dynamic options for both player and Game Master to use monster races.

I'd like the amount of map squares to be altered to equal 4 feet instead of 5. I found while trying to customize the map settings in roll20 that it was not easy to accommodate squares equal Lane 2.5 ft for tiny creatures. The grid settings in roll20 does not allow for decimals. Calculating square space for tiny creatures would be made better if squares for calculated in increments of 4 feet instead of 5 feet. I recommend to fix for this, for instance, tiny creatures occupy two feet, small creatures occupy for feed, medium creatures occupy six feet, large creatures occupy 8 feet, Etc.

In addition to the rules for summoning I would like added that all summoned monsters are not immediately friendly to the Summoner. I'd like that after summoning a monster an attempted to charm the monster in order to Bring the monster under the control of the Summoner should have to be made. Summoned monsters should have some ability to break free of the control of the Summoner in the same way that any true creature would have a chance to liberated self from the spellcasters control.

For Pathfinder 2nd edition I hope you will follow my suggestion and switch the class abilities of the Sorcerer And cleric.

The sorcerer class would work much more dynamically if its class ability were wisdom instead of charisma. A sorcerer having a higher wisdom score would give that player a higher wheel bonus which would be beneficial to a sorcerer player.

The Cleric should use Charisma as its class ability. The way I imagined a cleric is a character that would preach the Commandments of their faith and persuade new initiates to their faith. Charisma would facilitate this much better then wisdom.

I love to have feedback from anyone that agrees or disagrees with my ideas.