Noah Cadwell's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Probably a dumb question, but is this for 1E or 2E Pathfinder

Thanks for the info. Being that this is my first crack at DM'ing, I was reading the Goblin Warrior stats, reading that it is a level 0 monster, I as I read the attack roll, correct me if I'm wrong, would it be die+6, or is there anything I should be adding in?

As we all know, Monsters can come in all sizes from tiny to whatever the end is now. My question is, as I come from 3.5 D&D is, as a DM how do I discern as pluses and minuses in combat when you got medium vs small (for example human vs goblin). I looked through the book and could not find an answer. One of my prospective players told me that the 10 and over crit sounds so broken cause goblins will crit continuously. Granted this would be my first game DM'ing after playing RPG in many iterations for almost 30 years.