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No Escape From Reality's page

11 posts. Alias of gran rey de los mono.


I can see how hard of a pass it was.

Flibble my pibble and nibble your tribble. Xybble will gribble the wibble libble zibble hibble. Ibble.

We're having a benefit for quibble? Or kibble?

I feel like we've been over this before.

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Caught in a Landslide wrote:
No Escape From Reality wrote:
Caught in a Landslide wrote:
Can we escape from reality yet?
I can.
But your's specifically says no escape from reality.

No escape for you. I have a pass.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caught in a Landslide wrote:
Can we escape from reality yet?

I can.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I'm left on my own for the weekend. My aunt is doing emergency nephew sitting and my BF is busy. Now what should I be doing...?

It'll probably involve some version of going out, but where?

All by myself

Don't want to be, all by myself anymore

Oh come on, Vid. You're not all by yourself. You have...umm...ya know...uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh...

I'm not helping, am I?

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Scintillae wrote:
No Escape From Reality wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Okay, I know that no one on FAWTL gives a darn, but the trailer for the new Fosse/Verdon series was just released, and I've been waiting for this show since it was announced last summer, and OMFG.

Well, I'll be seeing it opening day. Does that count?

I pretty much loathe all biographies, because telling the true story of an amazing person isn't enough for Hollywood, and they have to turn it into something twisted, convoluted, and unrecognizable.

I successfully sat through Bohemian Rhapsody. I'll give it that much.

But GothBard desperately wants to see it, very likely for the same reasons you do, and I honestly hope that it manages to live up to your expectations.

I am, er, less optimistic.

I mean, you had to know what you were getting into with Bohemian Rhapsody. It's not the real life - it's just fantasy.
So, we should just open our eyes and see the movie?
checks ticket prices ...I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy. shrugs Easy come, easy go.

Will you let me go?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Okay, I know that no one on FAWTL gives a darn, but the trailer for the new Fosse/Verdon series was just released, and I've been waiting for this show since it was announced last summer, and OMFG.

Well, I'll be seeing it opening day. Does that count?

I pretty much loathe all biographies, because telling the true story of an amazing person isn't enough for Hollywood, and they have to turn it into something twisted, convoluted, and unrecognizable.

I successfully sat through Bohemian Rhapsody. I'll give it that much.

But GothBard desperately wants to see it, very likely for the same reasons you do, and I honestly hope that it manages to live up to your expectations.

I am, er, less optimistic.

I mean, you had to know what you were getting into with Bohemian Rhapsody. It's not the real life - it's just fantasy.

So, we should just open our eyes and see the movie?

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Open your eyes
Look up to the skies