About Nisli GriovaStatistics:
Female Sylph Sky Druid / DG Witch (Ashiftah) 4
NG Medium Outsider (Native) Init +3; Senses Perception +9
Melee +3 Ranged +6
Magical Lineage:
Drawback Naive:
Scribe Scroll:
Extra Hex (Misfortune):
+2 K Nature & Survival (Nature Sense)
Languages Taldane, Auran, Sylvan, Druidic, Elven, Ignan, Aquan
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ SYLPH: Darkvision:
Air Insight:
Thunderous Resistance:
Whispering Wind:
DRUID (Sky:) Nature Bond (Domain): Air (Wind): Domain Spells:
Wind Blast (Su):
Spontaneous Casting:
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells:
Nature Sense (Ex):
Wild Empathy (Ex):
Trackless Step (Ex):
Sky’s Embrace (Su):
Resist Storm (Ex):
WITCH (Ashifta): Protecting Veil:
Ghostwalk (Su):
Hexes (DC 16): *Evil Eye (Su)
*Cackle (Su):
*Misfortune (Su):
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (4 at will) DC 13 1st (3+1/day) DC 14 2nd (2+1/day) DC 15 3rd (2/day) DC 16 Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Magic Items Cloak of Resistance +1
Consumables Wand: CLW (50)
Mundane MWK Sickle (Cold Iron)
Money 5 GP 4 SP 8 CP
Nisli has lived a few miles outside of town for several years now. She’s not from the area, but has adopted it as her home at least for a while. The road that brought her to her current location was a long and winding one, and she is where she is now due almost entirely to accident. Nisli was born in Edme, where both her parents were instructors at Torvin Academy. Achard, her father traveled widely as a naturalist in his younger years. One such expedition took him to Casmaron in search of giant kangaroo specimens. He came back without any (he should have gone farther north), but did bring his new wife, Saphon. Saphon’s ancestry was Keleshite, and apparently genie-kin to some extent as well, since their daughter was born a sylph. Saphon, well trained in arcane arts, joined Achard as a faculty member at Torvin Academy. At the time Hosetter was Dean of the academy and Nisli’s parents were on familiar terms with him. This connection would doom both of them several years later. Hosetter of course was arguably the single most important philosopher upon which the initial principles of Galt’s revolution were based. When Hosetter’s initial Revolutionary Council fell amid the ongoing strife and violence in Galt, all those who had known him also became politically suspect. Nisli’s parents had never been political, the most Achard had done was write a couple of speculative works on basing rights in an understanding of natural laws. Saphon’s principle offense was being foreign born. Both of them were tried in the wake of Hosetter’s execution and also condemned to death. The executions took place 48 years ago, when Nisli was 20 and still very much a child. Conditions in Galt were increasingly disastrous, with disease and famine rampant. Left without anyone to care for her, and too young to make a living in the city on her own, Nisli left Edme and retreated into the Boarwood. She took only a few things with her, packing for survival while living rough. Her kit included three keepsakes: her father’s trusty traveler’s any tool, a intricately decorated headscarf that had been in her mother’s family for a couple of generations, and a silver necklace with a pendant made of three interlinked silver circles. Each circle is engraved with a name Achard, Saphon, and Nisli. Nisli had learned woodcraft and survival from her father well enough to get along fine in the wilderness, and over time her skills continued to improve. For a few years she thought of her life in the forest as temporary. She planned to wait out the strife and return to Edme when things had returned to normal. But things never did; they only seemed to get worse. Eventually Nisli moved on from Edme, thinking that maybe things would be better in other places, perhaps smaller towns. She less traveled than wandered, with no particular destination or direction in mind. Over the next couple of decades she came to realize there were no places in Galt that would be welcoming. Suspicion had become a habit among its people. People who were in good standing one day might be denounced the next. Being a perpetual stranger, with an unusual appearance, did her no favors at all. For a long time her exile to the wilderness was painful for Nisli. Living in the forests and wild places wasn’t the problem; she quickly grew comfortable with it. But she missed people. While Nisli had never been good with people, she was always curious about them. While early on she sometimes took risks trying to befriend people in nearby towns, it never really worked out. Being hunted as a supposed enemy agent, or just because she wasn’t a local a few times broke her of the habit. At a certain point she began to think of herself as more a creature of the wilds than a citizen of anything, or a member of any group of people. When she wandered on outside of Galt’s borders, her fortunes changed considerably. Nisli wasn’t necessarily welcomed with open arms when she wandered into a town or settlement, but there was none of the old hostility like in Galt. It took a while to break some habits, she’s still never actually resided inside any settled place, but she learned to maintain a more symbiotic life with settlements. She stayed in one place longer, there were some people who she knew, and knew her by name. Nisli found she could make some money as a healer and did so. After a while she would move to another location though, the ties she’d made weren’t string ones, and the people she knew changed and aged quickly. She worried her relative stasis compared to them would be too strange, and they would begin to fear her or turn against her. Nisli’s current adopted place finds her at the apex of her integration. She has no plans to move on, although she’s been nearby for a number of years. Her old curiosity about people has returned. Rather than going to town monthly or maybe weekly, she goes as many days as not. Still, Nisli considers herself a visitor, an observer, rather than a resident. Her real home is the forest. She knows it best and most intimately. She has learned to revere it and draw upon its power. Just as she loves it, it loves her back. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'6" | Weight: 110 lbs. | Hair: Platinum Blonde | Eyes: Pale Blue Appearance Nisli is tall and quite slender, as is typical of sylphs. Her hair and complexion are both colorless by typical human standards. Her white is almost white in its blondness, while her skin is milky white with a slight bluish undertone. Her eyes a likewise a pale blue. The light blue swirls and lines that move across her skin do so slowly when she is calm, so much so that a casual observer would take them to be tattoos that seem different given some passing time. However the marking darken and move more swiftly if Nisli is excited, upset, nervous, or angry. At 68 years old, Nisli is now in her young adulthood. But her figure, along with her still round, babyish face makes her seem younger. Her front teeth are a bit large, which can sometimes reminds others of a chipmunk. She might be quite pretty with more maturity. Nisli dresses in utility minded clothing, trousers, shirts, and coast of sturdy hard wearing materials. She now owns a dress she bought, which she occasionally wears to town if she feels that she should make the best impression possible. Personality If it weren’t for her unusual appearance, Nisli could easily go unnoticed in a room people. She is bashful and not assertive. Nisli long history of isolation has left her unpracticed and lacking in social skills. She has always been very bright and quick to learn, this was apparent even when she was a small child. Her intelligence tends to work against her socially though. She is terrible at small talk, can over-explain things, or talk over people’s heads in ways that seem condescending even if that isn’t her intent. When experiencing strong negative emotions and feeling uncomfortable, Nisli often stammers. Nisli has many good qualities. She is extremely kind. She’s thoughtful and helpful. She is honest, and in any case quite bad at lying. She doesn’t manipulate people or try to use them for her own ends. However, her reluctance to talk about herself in depth doesn’t typically make these things readily apparent to others. If Nisli isn’t very good at getting others to see her best qualities, she very good at keeping what may be her worst characteristic from being known. Nisli’s need to ferret out the details of people’s lives is a compulsion. She is an excellent listener and observer, and she’s almost always listening in and watching. She writes down all the things she learns about people and has quite a few very carefully hidden and guarded journals full of information, some of it extremely private on the townsfolk. Nisli would never share any of the information she collects. Things like blackmail or embarrassing people aren’t the point at all. It’s the collection of the information. Finding out secret or little known things motivates her. Writing it all down to keep is a sort of trophy collecting she engages in. Nisli prefers to avoid conflict, or risking negative reactions from people. While a traditional gossip might work hard to know all the same things that Nisli does, they would be using social channels and exchanging information. Nisli must sneak about and do it in underhanded ways, but she is very good at it. Although people may sometimes get the feeling she is watching them or listening in on conversations, nobody realizes the true extent of what she is doing and what she knows. Nisli isn’t judgmental about people. She (correctly) sees herself as apart and different from them. Just as a person might observe animals to understand their behavior, she does this to try to better understand humans (and other humanoids). In theory she should be able to use it to better understand and interact with people, but it hasn’t worked for her so far. Her shyness prevents her from practicing very much. When Nisli goes “stormy” in emotionally taxing situations it can intimidate others. As the patterns on her skin darken and move more quickly, and perhaps her hair moves as if there is a breeze, it can look as if magical power is building inside her. Actually it’s nothing of the sort, just the sylph version of blushing or a reddening face. Nisli understands her nature magic quite well. It is a gift from both Gozrah and the natural world itself. However there are certain unnatural things Nisli can do as well. She has figured out the source of it is more or less the headscarf that belonged to her mother, her grandmother, great grandmother, and possibly back. What she does not understand is the nature of the bond she has with it, and what exactly it could potentially allow her to do. She has researched it some over the years as libraries and other sources of books have been available and believes one of her ancestors, the original possessor, was a particular kind of witch called 'Ashifta' that served a military role in Qadira, but the information she has found is sketchy. Nisli wears the headscarf in some fashion at all times.