Magical Strikes - All attacks are magical, whether unarmed or with weapons.
◆ [/url=]>Point Blank Stance<[/url] - Nilaglade gets a +2 Circumstance bonus to damage with ranged attacks within the first increment if it does not have the volley trait.
Shortbow - TODO upgrade to a Composite Shortbow +1
Range 60ft
Deadly d10: Add bonus damage on a critical hit.
Longbow - TODO SELL
Volley: Take a -2 penalty if the target is less than 30 feet away.
Deadly: Add bonus d10 damage upon critical hit
If either shot hit, add [dice]1d8[/dice] Precision Piercing damage.
Add all damage before applying resistances.
Agile: MAP is reduced by 1
Finesse: Use your Dexterity bonus to attack.
Versatile (Slashing): Nilaglade can change the damage type.
↺ Reactive Strike