Nickos90 |
Thanks for your help guys! Some really good ideas!
Especially the ABP-Rules.
This traveling Wizard seems to be a very funny and elegant way to deal with that "we have to rush for the biggest city-theme". Thanks for that.
I'm fine with the system. I just don't want some conflict in the group, when new characters start with much bedder equipment than the old guard.
They didn't do anything with the dead guy loot cause we haven't played since the TPK.
Good question. I used all the treasure and components from the Adventure Path - but for an unknown reason, that doesn't seem to match with the WBL.
2 PCs wanted to stay with their old characters, while 2 wanted to use the opportunity to play something new. Since there was a story solution (someone who really wants to revive the group) - that seems like a good idea.