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Thanks for your help guys! Some really good ideas!
Especially the ABP-Rules.

This traveling Wizard seems to be a very funny and elegant way to deal with that "we have to rush for the biggest city-theme". Thanks for that.

I'm fine with the system. I just don't want some conflict in the group, when new characters start with much bedder equipment than the old guard.

They didn't do anything with the dead guy loot cause we haven't played since the TPK.
Good question. I used all the treasure and components from the Adventure Path - but for an unknown reason, that doesn't seem to match with the WBL.

2 PCs wanted to stay with their old characters, while 2 wanted to use the opportunity to play something new. Since there was a story solution (someone who really wants to revive the group) - that seems like a good idea.

Hey guys,

so one of my players is playing a Druid and uses the same tactic over and over. He uses his natural beast shape to turn into a bird and flys over the battlefield while he is casting spell after spell. It's pretty tough to hunt him down, cause the player argues that a bird isn't a threat to an enemy so that most enemies shouldn't have the ability to attack him directly.

Some questions here:

1) He has the Feat that allows him to use spells in animal form - but can he even use his bests spells, which needed some sort of material component? I hardly can imagine a bird to sacrifice components for casting spells.

2) In Beast-Shape => HP, AC, and equipment stays the same, but other things like Skills and profile stats change - right?

3) We never used Fly-Rules - but since I start to feel that these tactics are really cheap - I would like to start using them: so I guess that means, he has to move every round for his move action, limiting spells to only standard action spells. I think that flying as a bird and casting spells is pretty tough - so do you think it's a good idea to say, that a druid in bird form has to make successful concentration checks for every spell he wants to use while flying around?

Hello folks,

I have a very important question regarding Loot & new character creation, which is causing some "anger" in my group. I'm the gamemaster and we're playing an adventure path with 4 players. We had a TPK at our last session and 2 players wanted to create new characters, while 2 want to stay with their old characters.

We will start the 4th book of Carrion Crown next week and have some kind of major problem: there is a huge discussion about the Character Wealth. Some players argue that when a new high level character is created (level 9 in our case) that they have the right to purchase magical items for this characters which they choose as long as they stay within the potential wealth, that a 9th level character should have - which seems to be 46.000 gold. The old characters argue, that this is some kind of unfair, cause they didn't achieve so many & good magical items - those players really want to just purchase awesome stuff for their characters to max' them out.

How do you handle problems like these? Should new characters on higher level be allowed to just buy what they want? I really dislike some kind of magical Walmart. That's also a problem in a campaign, characters don't follow the plot - they want to go to the next huge town, to buy magical items for their characters...

Are there any rules or some advice?
