Nickos90 |
Hey guys,
so one of my players is playing a Druid and uses the same tactic over and over. He uses his natural beast shape to turn into a bird and flys over the battlefield while he is casting spell after spell. It's pretty tough to hunt him down, cause the player argues that a bird isn't a threat to an enemy so that most enemies shouldn't have the ability to attack him directly.
Some questions here:
1) He has the Feat that allows him to use spells in animal form - but can he even use his bests spells, which needed some sort of material component? I hardly can imagine a bird to sacrifice components for casting spells.
2) In Beast-Shape => HP, AC, and equipment stays the same, but other things like Skills and profile stats change - right?
3) We never used Fly-Rules - but since I start to feel that these tactics are really cheap - I would like to start using them: so I guess that means, he has to move every round for his move action, limiting spells to only standard action spells. I think that flying as a bird and casting spells is pretty tough - so do you think it's a good idea to say, that a druid in bird form has to make successful concentration checks for every spell he wants to use while flying around?