Kelvos the Wormtouched

Genar's page

16 posts (34 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Genar slowly lifts his leg and lets out a real stinker. hehehe.. That's what you get for peeking at other peoples spoilers.. Seriously though, are we on hold til the end of the month?

Genar readies his crossbow, but does not fire, and observes the creature to see what it will do.

Genar looks to the canoes and then to the shore. He turns to Pitsnoggle and asks, "If'n sumthin 'appens to der boats, which ways is de quickest ter gets back aounds de lake?" He motions to the left and to the right with his hands.

Genar nods, "Aye, he be de one we searches fer. I kinna 'ave ter opes dat yer wrongs on de probably deaded part. Woulds be much bedder if'n 'e still libs. Why der yer calls 'im crazy?"

OOC: It took me a while to find your post. Seems that we have rolled over to page two in this thread now.

Genar looks at his friends and then back to the man, "We searches fer one dat is lost. I'll lets de rests fills yer in, cuz I mights gets it all mixed up." Genar looks for the man who appeared in the tunnel, and turns back to Pitsnoggle and realizes it must be him. "We 'eards you tells abouts a toll ter gets through 'ere, an you talks bout de deepity deep. Wot lies beyond dis place?"

Genar looks on with interest as Aelfric starts talking with Gerrod over the distance. When they are finished, he shugs and says, "Dey coulds be trackin' us by's me. Not sure 'ows dey talks ter minds, but bets dat mines is differents cuz of whats I am."

Genar shakes the cobwebs from his head. "Metinks we mights needs to get words ter Gerrod somes'ow."


Genar moves the other light toward Phaethon and in turn rushes to join him in battle.

Genar moves one of the lights in the drection that the bat went and uses another to sweep side to side like a search light.

He comes ot of cover and unsheathes scalebreaker, heading towards the sounds of Melee.

Genar motions to the left, indicating where he saw the movement. He then holds the dart that was deflected by his armor for all to see.

"Takes cober.", he says, as he follows his own advice, waiting to see what reveals itself from the shadows.

If he is able, he tries to manipulate the fire beetles flame, to make it brighter and whiter.

Genar nods his head and holds his breath. He begins scanning the area for anything/anyone that looks out of place. He pulls a rag (it was right on top, like he knew it would be) and places it over his mouth and nose.

OOC: I think what Steve is asking (i was going to ask myself) is if there is a way to organize the conversations by character group...I can see it getting confusing with postings to three different plot lines all happening on top of each other.

That is exactly what I was asking.. If that option is not available, then might I suggest that we do as Chuck has started and post the names of the characters involved at the top of each submission.. Or perhaps even have a plot line title "Road to Leone" that is posted at the top of each?

Threaded would be better, if available, so that Chuck could start a new thread when we move on in the game, join parties together, or split to single character side quests.

BTW: I like this site... Never stumbled across it before..

OOC: Chuck, Did I read right that you are deploying? Most Webmail services are available at deployed sites. Most blogs and messageboards are blocked.. Keep our e-mail addresses handy, just in case.

Is there a way to set this board up threaded? Or is it soething that I have to do on my profile?

Genar, Gerrod, Phaethon and Devamil:

Genar looks away from the squid and quips, "An I thunk dat I was ugly."

He reaches into his new pack for a waterskin and grins as it is on top, knowing that he had put it in first just to test the functionality of the bag.

"I'm gunna likes dis. Works ebry times."

Grak pales and his eyes bug out briefly. "A necro-wizud??? Dose are da worst ones ya can find!!! Dey can point at ya and ya drop dead!! Oh, man...nobody said nuttin about a necro-wizud." The big warrior sighs deeply. "Oh well, we took da job, so we gotta go get 'im." He looks over to Nezeus for guidance. "Glad yer with us, Humie. We'll distract the necro-wizud and you can blast him before he kills us."

[Steve can post here if he likes.]

Nezeus raises an eyebrow. "No, I think I would rather speak with a NecroWizard. Perhaps it would be better if I just have a chat with him, rather than killing. Maybe, I shall provide enough of a distraction with our conversation. You can steal back the heirloom while I conduct my audience."