Thrune Agent

Newsmalls's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Seems kind of unfair that the cleric can know all the spells, but a wizard can't, and I intend to Gm some other new players so where I might not play a wizard I do need to know this stuff in case I get asked a question about it. I basically am working toward being a walking rule book, so I appreciate the help.

Thanks guys that pretty much covers it, but my questions becomes then could say a wizard use any lvl 1 spells in that spot say day one I take burning hands magic missile and something else, but day two I want magic missile, but don't want the others can I just pick different spells?

Sorry for asking such a simple couple of questions, but I am relatively new to pathfinder fresh from the beginner box and was needing some help figuring out these rules from the core rule book.

So first is touch ac. When calculating touch ac is it basically just my dex modifier and then any additional modifiers from feats? Do I get the +10 that I get on my regular ac?

Second is spell lists. I know I get quite a few spells I can prepare each day, but can I just use any of those I want anytime or can I only use the ones I pick to fill those spots. For instance if I get 4 spells for lvl 1 and pick 4 spells from the lvl 1 group can I not use any others or how does that work out?

I've read it over and over, but it really just doesn't make sense to me.

Dox of the ParaDox twins wrote:
I usually run only 2 players, I can run a dmpc to balance combat, but if you don't like the idea of a dmpc than them just running 1 character is fine

Sorry bit noob here like I said eariler what is dmpc exactly?

Kitty Catoblepas wrote:

For what it's worth, the Traits that make Stealth a class skill are:

Thanks and looks like that website could be helpful for me as well. Also update for you guys. They made it successfully to level 2. So yeah hopefully we are in good shape here. ^___^

Also so you guys have a reference they are wanting to play a witch and a rogue.

Wasn't able to access for a few days, but wow thanks for all the advice guys. It will help a ton.

So I'm in a bit of a jam and figured posting to this could help. I am a new Gm/player and I'm Gming over new players. The problem is I only have two players. Is there a way to really cater games to two players? Since we are all new might be a little much for them to try to control two characters at once.
Any tips are appreciated.