Cayden Cailean

Newf's page

15 posts (364 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Male Human Dude

Exerpt from Inglorious Basterds:

Col. Hans Landa: You'll be shot for this!
Lt. Aldo Raine: Nah, I don't think so. More like chewed out. I've been chewed out before.

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Male Human Dude
Anna White-Campbell wrote:

I'll try and see if a friend or someone can send me the PDFs

^_^ Might be able to post after all.

I work 12-14 hour days, I play entirely from my mobile. Easiest thing I find is to print out the character sheet, fill it out, take a photo of each page and have it saved as a "favourite photo" for quick reference. That way, when I'm to and fro I can still be in the action :) I've bookmarked the gameplay page.

As for books, I screenshot pertinent pages to reference and look up the rest when I make it home.

Hope this helps!

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Anna White-Campbell wrote:

As long as we dont get "X-Com'd" I'll be more than happy hahaha

That's why we have companions (some of us anyway), such as Bob "Not the bees!!!" McGee. When an unlucky grenade bounces toward me and will turn me into pink mist, Bob may or may not slip on poorly placed banana peel and fall on it instead.

Could be worse Bob, it could be the bees.....