
NewNameLater's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

Deadmanwalking wrote:

From a balance perspective, they need either additional levels or additional bodies. NPC help works, as might leveling them up.

I'd personally probably give them NPC backup. With an AP focused on skills and investigation to a large degree, you can pretty readily give them a hulking and not particularly bright (but good-hearted) meat shield to help them out without pulling the spotlight off them. Two of those might be pushing it, though. Or maybe not, you could have them be siblings...

Basically, after the incident at the Tipsy Tengu, their superiors give them a brute squad to back them in fights who will likely not be vastly useful in other areas.

Thanks, they are a swashbuckler and a barbarian so I think someone with skills and spells should help them out a lot.

Silver Crusade

I am new to 2nd edition and I am running a game for a two people hoping to catch that feeling of classic buddy cop detective stories (lethal weapon, etc). I was hoping someone could give me some tips on how to balance encounters since the first one ended with them getting beat down and thrown out of the Tipsy Tengu.

One of the players recommended leveling themselves up, gestalt characters or npc backup... the other player is new so I am wary of adding new elements.