Hey, just look at some help for how to level up my current alchemist character. Currently i'm working with a second level alchemist elf, lawful neutral and my stats are (our dm chose to let us roll our stats and I got fairly lucky before anyone points out how high they are on average!) :-
Str 14
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 16
Cha 11
Currently i have the weapon finesse feat, and the feral mutagen discovery, my archtypes are vivisectionist/beastmorph.
My idea was to focus on improving and making use of my natural attacks (melee alchemist ala sabretooh/wolverine.), and my original idea was taking a rank of monk next level, allowing me to make unarmed attacks while still being able to use all of my current natural weapons, however i'm running into problems with keeping this idea going without crippling my damage anymore than I have already by going the weapon finesse route, rather than the more obvious barb/alchemist route.
I'm aware of using alchemical allocation to keep a greater magic fang (depending on what caster level my gm will let me buy) active permanently on one or two weapons until I can pay for a permanency spell.
I'm more or less stuck to the core, APG, UC, UM and the bestiary when it comes to choices.
Anyone got any advice for me here falling into these criteria?