Kelim Esteban

NeverNever's page

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The question is simple, we already know that rapid shot can be mixed with Bombs, but assuming i had Fast bombs (and I'm sure some dms would rule requiring quick draw in some way or another), it isn't specific how many hands it actually takes once you can make multiple attacks. Thoughts any-one?

Ok so first up the cestus has been errated, check the adventurers armoury for the most recent write up on it.

Here is the write up for the lazy such as myself, copy and pasted.

Cestus: The cestus is a glove of leather or thick cloth
that covers the wielder from mid-finger to mid-forearm.
It is reinforced with metal plates over the fingers and
often lined with wicked spikes and fangs along the backs
of the hands and wrists. While wearing a cestus, you are
considered armed and your unarmed attacks deal normal
damage rather than nonlethal damage. If you are proficient
with a cestus, your unarmed strikes may deal bludgeoning
or piercing damage. When using a cestus, your fingers
are mostly exposed, allowing you to wield or carry items
in that hand, but the constriction of the weapon at your
knuckles gives you a –2 penalty on all precision-based
tasks involving that hand (such as opening locks).

So my basic question is, does some-one with increased unarmed damage (obviously i'm thinking monk here) deal his full damage with it?

I will also point out a cestus is a monk weapon.


Alright my question is deceptively simple, and to make my life easier I've got some examples.

Druid wild shapes too a animal form. Gaining the animal type some-one (for whatever reason, sadism maybe) decides to cast Anthropomorphic Animal followed by a permanency spell. When the druid eventually shifts to human what happens to it? Does it disappear? Does it kick in next time he activates wild shape?

A second example (which I attempted to use as a counter point, but really just pointed out I don't actually know the answer) a alchemist or barbarian gets Greater Magic Fang cast on his natural weapons granted by mutagen/rage, again some-one permanences these. Once the rage or mutagen wears off, what happens to the greater magic fang? Is it lying dormant?

My general point is, how does permanency interact with temporary added features, either from 1) Polymorph, or 2)Temporary none at will class features.

Any insight guys?

Hey, just look at some help for how to level up my current alchemist character. Currently i'm working with a second level alchemist elf, lawful neutral and my stats are (our dm chose to let us roll our stats and I got fairly lucky before anyone points out how high they are on average!) :-
Str 14
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 16
Cha 11

Currently i have the weapon finesse feat, and the feral mutagen discovery, my archtypes are vivisectionist/beastmorph.

My idea was to focus on improving and making use of my natural attacks (melee alchemist ala sabretooh/wolverine.), and my original idea was taking a rank of monk next level, allowing me to make unarmed attacks while still being able to use all of my current natural weapons, however i'm running into problems with keeping this idea going without crippling my damage anymore than I have already by going the weapon finesse route, rather than the more obvious barb/alchemist route.

I'm aware of using alchemical allocation to keep a greater magic fang (depending on what caster level my gm will let me buy) active permanently on one or two weapons until I can pay for a permanency spell.

I'm more or less stuck to the core, APG, UC, UM and the bestiary when it comes to choices.

Anyone got any advice for me here falling into these criteria?

Hey, first time posting here and I couldn't find anything myself after searching about.

My question is how does the Dual form shifter ability to take on a hybrid form work exactly? If anyone has a link to specific rules I missed or anything that would clear it up that'd be great, because i'm completely stumped.