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I need some help with an NPC. I am rewriting some older Paizo material for PF. The characters visited a kua toan city around level 7 and delve back into the Underdark approximately level 12 or 13. I like random rolls and one of the treasures of a mezzodaemon (yes, its *that* old) is a drow elf.

Which got me thinking . . . I should put this person EARLIER in the plot, where she can help them or even release them from prison. I love work arounds to TPKs anyways.

So, the first time the party meets her, she is a beginner (1 to 3 HD) and they are 7th level or so. She is a guard for a drow caravan. We all know how sneaky the drow are, those pesky lowbies sneaking past, beholders and all those naughty copywrighted monsters we can't talk about. If the party gets captured, rather than have the party served as toast at Tiffany's, she helps them escape. In the confusion, she gets left behind.

When they meet again, she is a bit worse for wear from a tentacle rod, various other battle wounds. Her movement is also hampered due to a bad wound. I am thinking level 7. While the party has been Doing Thier Heroic Thing, she has been in the Underdark and just gotten LOST for the past several months. Her only friends are a group of pech (earth fey), and she was separated from them.

I need a character concept and stats. Use whatever you want but keep the flavor of Eclevdra or Drizzt. I encourage drow attitude and flavor but no "should I have baby livers or kidneys with my eggs today?". No, I don't care if she uses chains or scimitars. She has to be CG or one step from it. No Lawful, sorry no paladin or monk. Encouraged: Crafting Traps for collapsing tunnels, Alchemy for distilling posion from yellow mold, violet fungi, and baisidronds. Ninjas are OK, I don't understand Alchemists.

from the Mezzodaemon cheat sheet:
Treasure: A CG drow female, recently captured. She had 99 pp 59 gp, gems and jewelry, her drow cloak and boots, her drow mail, and sleep venom. She tricked the daemon into teleporting up into daylight. On exposure to sunlight, the drow items disintegrated. The daemon is interested in getting more. [He teleports back down to the Underdark, thinking where there is one drow, there has to be more. It is incorrect.] It has a Gehennan Fell Blade of the Planes (does a base of 2d8 damage) [its only a large sized great sword of the Planes, not an artifact]. The fiend is willing to barter the female if he can; she won’t survive on Gehenna. He wants more drow items. Low level female Good Drow (yes I rolled Good, 0.03%). Typical features (dark skin, white hair, violet eyes). See her story below.

Her story, for the players . . . . .
She says, “Udos ph'feir dal udossta delmah wun Uyl'udith Har'olen d'l'Ilythiiri”. She looks around and sees that no one understands what she says, so she continues in Drow Silent Sign, which someone will more likely know. “We are far from our home in the Greatest Cavern [sic Vault] of the Drow. House Noquar found an ancient portal. I was part of [the] expedition to explore it. We arrived close to but outside of a city of fish men. We traded with the fish men, who had not seen a dark elf in several life times. . . .

except from Her Story, approximately 7 months later . .
She suffered several extremely bad injuries and has the scars to prove it. Her movement is impeded. She is blind in her left eye. She is missing the left pinkie, half her left ring finger, and half her left ear [remember that tentacle rod?]. Her eye is too far gone to be healed and needs a regenerate. When inspected, it’s very painful and <edited to be less graphic>. She whines, cries out, and needs restraint when examined. Afterwards, she quietly sobs, her hace in her hands but careful not to touch her eye.

I can host in Woodbridge . . . . I can DM and would like to play. Message me back if you are interested. PLEASE message me within 60 days.

...Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by 5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting its prerequisites...

My read is you must have the Feat and the Craft skill, and the spells (and ultimately the enchantment) can be done by another.

First, do I have that right?

Second, what are spell-trigger and spell-completion magic items? Wands, staves, and rods?

I have a nice large table that can accomodate up to 10 players with any and all kit you care to bring. Looking for PF, either to run or play. Weekends are best.

Has anyone done this? I like the Greyhawk setting, between the Hell Furances and the Amedio Jungle, so no problem with the geography. Any links for Sessarine would be helpful.

I'm not sure how to handle some of the class conversions for some of the NPCs and the plot itself. I am concerned that the party is going to get dumped into situations with TPK. Has this happened in other campaigns?

class conversions:
For instance, how do I handle converting the magic using assassins? Do assassins = ninjas? Also does v3 swashbucker = fighter? duelist = duelist?

There is an undead town not far away and some of the NPCs from there figure prominently in chapter when all the villians show up. How has that worked out? I get this feeling that nosey characters will indeed go tromping over yonder. . .

Here is one for you . . . .you have a 5 gallon crystal sphere of holy water and it impacts on the balor at terminal velocity (about 200 mph). Assuming the crysal breaks, will the balor take damage or will the innate heat burn the water off instantanously, thereby saving Mr. B from an uncomfortable sponge bath?

Does a finesse weapon only respect a bonus to hit (and use strength for damage), or does a finesse weapon respect your dex for hit and damage?

Can you use a slightly heavier weapon (long sword) as a finesse weapon? For instance, if you took it as an exotic weapon proficiency.

Essentially, I am converting a character over to PF and its not a direct correspondance, in terms of two-fisted fighting.

Can you have both? Is there any point to having both?

The spell causes a permanent change in the animal. The spell says "An awakened animal can't serve as an animal companion, familiar, or special mount."

Does this mean you lose the animal as a familiar?

Supposing you lost your familiar, how does that affect the spell caster, ie, is it like losing a focus: DC check to cast a spell?

It involves a a LG paladin's quest to end slavery. I would be interested in feedback. Especially from Ckorik!

this really easy. . . . no paladin morality plays or wu shu swords.

I am thinking about playing a cleric of Saranae. Last time, I never got the chance to introduce the character to play.

What domains would be best? Glory and sun for turning undead, with a 15 charisma? Scion of war and the flag feat from Golorian source book?

How about healing domain? I get the feeling thats what the cleric is always using on the fighter in the side bar stories from the CR and APG books.

I looked over my first attempt and I'm not sure I have it right, especially on the stats.

Figure a 15 pt build, please include an option for 20.

OK, do you best! Or worst!

Maybe I will track down Ckorik's paladin of saranae and free the slaves! Yeah, thats it! Evil slave holders! Huh? Wait! Unhand me you brute! AIYEEEE! *thunk* Um, I'll behave but can you remove that big paladin boot of yours from my back?

I was reading about Pixies and Dryads. The description of Dryad mentioned a casting level of 6. The narrative mentioned something about druid levels. The spells listed appeared to be arcane (mage) spells.

Can fey critters have levels like characters (mage/druid/mystic thuerge)?

Do they have limitations, ie, no higher than 6?

General question
If gnomes are fey creatures and can take feats to make magic items, can other fey creatures do the same, like Nixies and Dryads? I think most of it would be low level, but they could make a some cursed dancing boots, very funny! Think of all the dancing lumberjacks in Falcon's Hollow!

If you were multiclassed as a fighter/weapon master (p109 APG) and a cleric, would your total levels count toward your fighter skills? For instance, if you were a Fighter/Weapons Master and gained +1 to hit and damage with your favored weapon -- your diety's weapon -- would cleric levels apply to that or just your fighter levels?

I found the explanation on page 31 of the PH too ambiguous to figure out. It talks about total hit dice apply but sometimes not.

Anyone want to take a crack at this one? In Plain Common English?

I saw the illo of an Elyssum Storm Titan about the turn a Pit Fiend to goo, and that got me thinking about the Terrasque and Godzilla.

I think Godzilla would step on the Terrasque and breathe thermo-nuclear hate. A few ciders of the Tarrasque would be left but you might have to filter the air to find enough soot. If that were the case, would something like a GENTLE REPOSE be enough to keep it dead?

And how does the WereCube fit into this scenario?


I'd new to PF but have a lot of experience with versions 1 and 2 of D&D. I've always enjoyed playing clerics but I notice that is not an acceptable opinion with most players and GMs in PF. Mostly they think clerics are heal spell vendors with the personality of bits and bytes. I breathe life into all my characters. . . I need a Clerical Development Plan so, when the grousing about needing a rogue this or a melee that comes up, I can pass a Diplomacy check with the GM or the party.

I have some questions

First, is there a clerical version of Eldrich Knight? On an idle moment, I was thinking how nice it would be for a Saranae cleric to be a Fighter/Weapons Master. Gain pluses to hit and damage as you increase in level would be nice!

Second, should a cleric take a few levels of fighter to get some melee abilities or just stick with cleric? For instance, you could take a few levels of fighter and gain power attack. That same Saranae cleric could Power Attack with a mace as well as a skimmatar. . .

Third, how does mixing arcane and divine magic as a mystic thuerge work out? I seem to remember a certian version 1 elf mage cleric who got no respect as a cleric, just remembered as a mage . . .

Two players looking for a game relatively close to Woodbridge VA. We were introduced to PF by a friend who invited us to a game and never showed up. Suffice it to say, there was a clash of play styles between us and referee and its just too far to drive. . . . so we are looking for a new game.

We never did finish Falcon Hallow and would like to do so. Not really into constant dungeon crawls and expectations of min / maxed characters. For instance, I like to take prisoners and turn them over the authorities or try to turn them as an ally. That demands some roleplaying and agreement within the party.

We both have many years of experience playing AD&D (as in First Edition), GURPS, Champions, Dark Conspiracy, and even Ardruin Grimoire variants . . . I remember when Ed Greenwood first published Forgotten Realms in Dragon Magazine.

We are new Pathfinder and sometimes don't understand all this flanking business in combat. We miss our THACO . . . . and since when did ACs become positve? Heresy!

We bought the Reading Table from the local Border's Bookstore this summer. It is 4' x 10' and can easily seat a party of 8 gamers and a DM, the battle mat, and have enough room left for whatever you want to lay out: food, books, a human sacrifice. Really, its the size of a plinth from a rock henge. If there was sufficient interest, we might be induced to move more quickly on the Library refurbishment . . . there is even a functioning fire place!

So, if you are interested and live in Northern VA, send a message.

I know there are a few thousand posts concerning Healing Skill, Heal Kits, and Healing spells but I thought I would propose some options. My concern is the lack of healing for a party if you don't have a cleric. Even if you do, one cleric doesn't seem to be enough keep the party going.

I have to admit bias because I think Wands of Cure Light Wounds is simply Munchkinism and have TWO is Monty Haulism. If I were a cleric and making said wands, I would include alignment and religion requirements. At the very least, a control ring. I might even force a quest or place geas, in case it fell into the Wrong Hands.

I was thinking about a secondary healer, such as a rogue or ranger, who could aid a thoroughly beaten up party at the end of the day with a nonmagical manufactured kit.

Alchemical Heal Kit weighs 3#
This collection of bandages and herbs provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks. (stacks with surgeon's tools, yielding +4, +6 vs Deadly Wounds). Treating Deadly Wounds with an Alchemical Heal Kit restores 2 hit points per level of the creature and costs only one use of the Heal Kit. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. This healing kit is lighter and less bulky than a regular heal kit and has 50 uses. Requires Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks, Heal 5 ranks (or DC 20s); Requires an Alchemical Lab.

Surgeon's Tools, Masterwork 100 gp weighs 3#
These tools serve the same purpose as artisan's tools, but masterwork surgeon's tools are the perfect tools for the job, so you get a +2 circumstance bonus on Healing checks made with them, +4 vs Deadly Wounds. They reduce the time to treat Deadly Wounds from 1 hour to 30 minutes. These bonuses stack with Heal Kits.

Most of the threads that I looked at thought Healing skill should heal 1d4 (or 2.5) damage per HD. The AlkyKit heals more at lower levels per HD, and slightly less than an average d4 after level 4. I suspect that situational modifiers to wisdom could boost the yield on healing a bit higher as a character ages

Surgeons Tools would boost favorable outcomes and reduce treatment times by half. With moderate skill, the chance of a catastrophic failure would be greatly reduced. These modifiers would significantly boost the effacy of Healing in the game. OK, so it sounds like something out of the health care bill, but its still true!

level: healed w/ wisdom modifier +2: average / HD

I think of the AlkyKit as a more purified and refined version of the HealKit. Aside from game mechanics, I envision characters having to collect the herbs and ingredients, process them into ointments or whatever, and then further purified into more potent medicene.

Is it on target?
How would you price it?
Will the wand dealers get upset?

OK thats it! Tell me what you think . . . .

I haven't played in many years and a friend of mine talked me into playing PF. I am playing a rogue and have been told more than once that I need to 'step up more'. I did't get much of a response back when I asked what that meant. I have by far the best perception in the party, stealth, and the usual thiefly abilities but I am no mondo melee creature.

We recently hit level 2 and I switched over to Ranger for a level . . .taking human as a favored enemy is too rich, considering the NPCs we interact with. I justified the switch as saying, I've been closely watching the ranger in party.

So my question is, how does a rogue step up more? Is there a typical combat sequence that I am missing? Am I supposed to be the Grey Mouser by any other name?

A friend of mine recently convinced me and my sig other to try Pathfinder. Much to our First Edition surprise, we liked it!

Are there any gamers in the Northern Virginia area? We are looking for a mature group, having played AD&D since it was first released til WotC took over the franchise. We both have DMed and I have experience with GDW products, done promotions at the conventions, etc. For me, telling a good story is key and more important that min maxing, munchkinism, or abusing the dice.

We would like to play in a low level campaign that has the original flavor of AD&D so we can learn the rules.