NeoKnight19's page

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I have a question as I can not seem to find a ruling, and it pertains to this post. Within the confines of the rules in the core rule book, would I be able to take extra rogue talent to get another usage of minor/major magic? I am aware the ruling on rogue talent is they cant be taken twice, but I do not know if that is with the rogue talent class feature. If I say, use a feat to get it again, would I be able to?

PC Name: Anex Headknocker Fateforge
Class: Drunk Bard
Module: The Three Faces of Evil
Cause of Death: With only one man left in the fight with the Faceless One, the last standing minion self sacrifices by casting fire ball in a grease filled room, where our drunk bard was and had just cast said grease. Unfortunately, the bard had combustibles. Molotov Cocktails to be precise. After catching on fire, there was a dazzling display of fireworks. There was only a magical decanter where he once stood.