Blue Dragon

Nemoricus's page

3 posts. Alias of Hmmm Hrrr.


You'd also have to go over the spell lists for any variant Paladins.

I'm not sure, but I think that the Fly skill really doesn't have an impact on the overall gameplay implications of Fly. Fly just makes it easier for the character to pull off the more acrobatic stunts.

It's probably worth noting that a given cosmology may not use the standard clumps of matter orbiting other clumps of matter model. Mine assumes a Material Plane with a rotating spherical body at its center.

Other models are equally valid, say, a disc borne on the back of a giant turtle. D&D's Great Wheel has many different models of plane as well: Acheron's cubes, Bitopia's twin layers, Baator's nine stacked layers, et al.

Really nit-picky arguments aside, I rather like the proposed changes to Rope Trick and plan to use them in my campaign. It will curb abuses and allows for much easier countering than the SRD version.

BTW, what exactly does STAP refer to?