Nemitri's page
Organized Play Member. 421 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Clearly the grapple rules were meant to be used up close, but the spell lets you do combat maneuvers at range, just imagine Darth Vader using the force to render someone helpless (or in this case grappled from afar). I think you have to adjust the rules to improve upon the rules as written to improve the narrative of telekinesis.
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How about instead of being a binary on an off thing, it is gradual, let's say for example, a Paladin has done something to anger or displease his/her god, but the god doesn't want to lose a Paladin, so in order to let the Paladin know he/she is not acting Paladin-ish he/she suffers power incontinence, say a spell fizzles when it shouldn't, smites fail but are still consumed etc. Would add a bit of versimilitude to the game. If the Paladin keeps doing "evil" stuff then their contract is terminated - so to speak. If the Paladin "fixes" whatever it was doing wrong, then the power incontinence stops.
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I don't know about you, but to me being a coward is someone who is constantly running away, or trembling in fear, doing no actions, if all you do is run away or don't even cast spells (on yourself or others) then that is cowardice, buffing yourself while still providing support to the party somehow is not cowardice.
I really see no issue how Ravindork is playing his character.
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Scouting could have helped a bit?
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Lynli Kelborn wrote: leo1925 wrote: Can you give us some examples?
Also can you tell us your class? spellcaster with enchantment spells can mean a lot of things.
Witch class and the sleep hex has been banned.
An example is we were fighting a bunch of human henchmen types like close to 20 of them in one room. So everyone else got surrounded since they were all pretty much between me and the bad guys. And all I could do was either evil eye them or a command but that was like once. I did a hold person on the bbg granted he made his will save the next round.
And then we found some kind of undead after that and all of my spells were useless for that I shot cross bolts at it or at least I tried didn't hit a thing.
Now I am also a player that is use to hitting things this is my first time playing a dedicated spell caster. I would advice to get slumber hex unbanned, I mean come on, it only affects 1 person, and your GM can throw undead and other mind-immune creatures from time to time.
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Greetings, I was browsing the Dwarf fighter archetype found in the advanced race guide, and found this ability:
Devastating Blow (Ex): At 19th level, as a standard
action, a foehammer may make a single melee attack with
a weapon from the hammer weapon training group at a
–5 penalty. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical threat.
Weapon special abilities that only activate on a critical hit
do not activate if this critical hit is confirmed. This ability
replaces armor mastery.
Assuming I can combine this with the vital strike chain and a good 2handed hammer, like:
Longhammer, dwarven 70 gp 1d10(small) 2d6(medium) ×3 — 20 lbs. B reach
On a critical I could do 24d6, if I use a potion of enlarge person, it goes to 36d6 for one attack, and I even haven't factored in the many +'s fighters get yet, does it seem useful? The only bad thing is that the ability comes so late (19th level).
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The elemental races have so pretty nice niches, I loved the archetype for the sylphs, both of them seem very cohesive for that type of character.
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Maybe all those animal shaman archetypes should have been summarized in more broader themes like the saurian shaman, I don't know, like Forest Druid, letting you excel at animals that dwell in forests, deserts and the like, or a primal druid letting you affect mammals, something akin to the saurian shaman,because frankly the animal archetypes just plain suck as they are written today.
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I agree 100% with this thread
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Thanks for the threadjack, why don't you start a cavaliers suck thread so I can hijack it with the paladin's code?
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Not using high level content to me suggests that the game could use more improvements, it feels incomplete and hollow, its like owning a building and not using the space after the 12th floor because they are too expensive and people can't buy em (If you search for rich buyers, you are bound to make some sales).
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I'm a bit annoyed, seriously like 50% of the Paizo forums concerning Paladins is "how can I make my friend's Paladin fall" or "Is this action gonna make my Paladin fall?". Cut Paladins some flak, its getting quite stale.Not all Paladins are lawful stupid!
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JCServant wrote: I had a camapaign with a summoner before. Yeah, it can be hard to beat them, if you're RP'ing baddies the way I do. (I try to RP my bad guys...so wolves, for example, wouldn't know to go right after the casters, but a smart wizard would certainly suspect those animals were coming from someone directing them). We butted heads a few times over how much control a summoner has over his minions, line of sight requirements, etc. While we didn't get to play him too high up, I could see him being able to take some very high CR situations sometime, and other times being very vulnerable.
Generally, I don't allow them in my campaigns (and not just summoners, but casters that summon a lot). Why? They take up too much time at the table. While having 7 melee summons that all do the same attack can be time consuming in itself, later on, they pull out mobs that have special attacks, spells, etc, that all have to be resolved. I've had just their turn alone approach 7 minutes long, and that really detracts from the flow.
When I played my master summoner, I used my laptop and ran combat manager, when I summoned something i simply clicked and dragged the appropriate monster and bam! time saved by quite a lot!
I took less time in my turn that the other players too, since I knew what to do once my turn arrived!
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To me negating or getting other cleric spells instead of the ones asked is a jerk move on the part of the DM, it takes away the sense of freedom a character might possess, more aggravated if the dm is actually railroading people around.
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Spontaneous spell casters having to wait 1 more level to gain new spell levels compared to prepared ones.
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And his name should be: The Compensator
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Aeshuura wrote: Nemitri wrote: I like this system, but sorcerers/oracles - or basically any spontaneous spellcaster gets shafted big time, basically everyone gets their gimmick, without the drawbacks! they need something else to differentiate them from prepared spellcasters, or even up the odds a bit. Why not use the Spell Points, but make Wizards have to memorize their spells still? Then they still have the versatility of distilling their higher level spell slots into lower level spells...
I must admit, I don't remember the Spell Point system in its entirety... I think you missed something in the document, as it says they must memorize what they can cast with the spell points, basically, the wiz/cleric can memorize-prepare any spell and cast as they see fit (basically like a spontaneous spellcaster) except they can switch the spells they can cast every day, the spontaneous spellcaster, cannot, thus, you know the rest.
Possible fixes:
- Either give them 1 more spell per spell level
- Let them learn new spell levels 1 lever earlier (on par with their prepared cousins)
I would not suggest giving them cheaper metamagic, that is TOO much in my opinion.
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Oh yeah, I kinda missed the point this is for mostly for DMs (but what if your DM is a munchkin XD?)
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Vanulf Wulfson wrote: Here's another example of why it needs a serious revamp.My 2nd level Ranger wants to create a Mighty composite Longbow (+4 Strength) so he use his 18 Strength effectively. He has a total of +6 in his Craft (Bow) skill. The DC for the check is 23, so he would have to roll a 17 or better to make any progress on his weapon. Meaning he would only be successful 20% of the time. Assuming he doesnt screw up and roll a 12 or less (60% chance) and lose half his investment in materials and gold, he would complete his bow in about 50 weeks, almost a year.
Now let's add in the failure rate of 60%. Of those 50 weeks, 30 of them are 'critical' failures (i.e. failure by 5 or more) resulting in a loss of half the original raw material (83 gp, in this example). So in order for my characters to build his weapon of choice it would take him almost a year and cost him over 2600 gp's, when he could walk to town and buy it 'Off the Rack' for 500 gp's.
Too ambitious a project, you say. Perhaps but this is how I would like to roleplay my outdoorsy, woodsy, type of Ranger.
I think you found the root of the problem!
See, the NPC crafters know that if you can make the items you were gonna buy, then they lose income! Not only can you adventure, and craft items for yourselves?! pishposh! no way, the crafters need money to feed their families! so they blackmailed the developers in to making sucky crafting rules so you stopped stepping on the poor merchant's business!
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Prost wrote: I agree withe sentiment of Archtypes over more base classes.
I like all the Base classes, but I also like that the last few books have had few new additions (really only 1 each in UM and UC)
I REALLY disliked the Prestige Class explosion of 3.X and hope Pathfinder doesn't really support PrC's. I got annoyed that anything even SLIGHTLY different requires a whole new class. Archtypes works so much better in my opinion. Stick with one (maybe 2) classes, swap out iconic abilities for other iconic abilities to customize. BAM.
not to mention archetypes don't have requirements in order to be taken!
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So, the Cleric, he didn't receive any gun love in ultimate combat, so I brewed him an archetype, I hope it to be flavorful as well as mechanically equivalent, so opinions are welcomed.
In order to preserve their influence over the world, some clerics have dedicated their lives learning new ways to defend their faith. Many see the advent of blackpowder-and guns as a new era. As a result , few recruits have unlocked marvellous techniques with the gun, which many attribute to the ever fervent devotion to their god.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
divine gunners are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and
quarterstaff, and with all firearms. divine gunners are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).
Channeled Shot (Su):
As a standard action, the divine gunner can channel positive or negative energy (depending on the Divine gunner’s diety) and deliver it through a firearm. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on) + the firearm’s damage dice + the divine Gunner’s charisma modifier.This ability works similar to the channel energy class feature, except the divine gunner uses a firearm as the divine focus, and only targets a unit within range rather than as a burst. The Barrel of the gun must be empty for this ability to be used, the divine gunner produces a bullet of sacred positive energy if the Divine Gunner channels positive energy, (or profane negative energy if the Divine gunner channels negative energy). A Divine gunner may take feats that add to this ability (such as extra channeling), as well as feats that alter this ability (such as elemental channel), but not feats that help with targeting multiple creatures (such as selective channeling).
Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the divine gunner’s level + the divine gunner’s Charisma modifier. A divine gunner may use channeled shot a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
This ability replaces the standard channel energy.
Gun Domain
Deities: Any
Granted Powers: With dedication and a little prayer, you are able of performing grandeous feats with a firearm.
Gun Adept (Ex): You gain the Amateur Gunslinger and Gunsmithing as bonus feats.
Faith Shooting (Su): At 6th level, may use Wisdom modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier on ranged attack rolls when using any firearm. At 12th level, you may add your wisdom modifier to damage dealt with a firearm.
Domain Spells: 1st—abundant ammunition (Ultimate Combat), 2nd—bestow weapon proficiency (Ultimate Combat), 3rd—explosive runes, 4th—secure shelter, 5th—flamestrike, 6th—fire seeds, 7th— walk through space (Ultimate Combat), 8th—iron body, 9th—repel metal or stone.
You must choose this domain as one of your two domains at 1st level.
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I liked the boar style, it lest you do piercing and slashing damage!
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Effect one summoned creature
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell summons an extraplanar creature (typically an outsider,
elemental, or magical beast native to another plane). It appears
where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks
your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate
with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular
enemies, or to perform other actions. The spell conjures one of the
creatures from the 1st Level list on Table 10–1. You choose which
kind of creature to summon, and you can choose a different one
each time you cast the spell.
A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure
another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel
abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that
cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot
use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive
material components (such as wish).
When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an
alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type. Creatures
on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” are summoned with the celestial
template, if you are good, and the fiendish template, if you are
evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply
to the creature. Creatures marked with an “*” always have an
alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment.
Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell’s type
match your alignment.
I plan to play a Master Summoner soon and I have a few questions regarding this.
What happens if I summon an evil creature such as a devil/demon whatever, they are not my slaves by definition, I doubt that they would like to help me in any shape or form, can they turn against me or my party members?
Also, does repeatedly Summoning Evil outsiders could turn me evil?
By spell definition being neutral is like the "best" choice, I hate it when alignments restrict you like a straight jacket...
I ask this because I was looking at the Eldritch Heritage and one of them caught my attention.
At level 17 you can stack superior summoning with Greater Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) and summon 1d3+2 Creatures (Provided that you summon a fiendish/demon subtypes of a lower spell list than able).
The Feat Chain is:
Skill Focus (Planes) Not that bad considering you dabble in summoning monsters from other planes of existence, fits nice with the summoner theme.
Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) nets you claws for Cha+3 rounds per day...
Improved Eldritch Heritage (Minimum level is 11): Can either get +2 str or Electricity resistance and +2 versus poisons.
Greater Eldritch Heritage:
Greater Eldritch Heritage
Your discovered bloodline power reaches its zenith.
Prerequisites: Cha 17, Eldritch Heritage, Improved
Eldritch Heritage, character level 17th.
Benefit: You gain an additional power from the
bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat.
You gain a 15th-level (or lower) sorcerer bloodline power
that you do not already have. For purposes of using that
power, treat your character level as your sorcerer level for
all your sorcerer bloodline powers granted by this feat,
Eldritch Heritage, and Improved Eldritch Heritage.
The problem is that you must waste 3 feats just to get this one (and the others don't sync very well with the Master summoner), I wonder if its useful, Summoners are not very feat starved as other classes in my opinion.
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I present to you my master summoner build.
Campaign rules:
One shot campaign (with possibly going for more)
Level 10
20 pt. build, or roll (away you go randomness)
No magic items, only masterwork... (ouch, how did I got to level 10?)
Raniel, Level 10 Gnome Master Summoner
Neutral Good
Str (10 base, -2 race) 8 total
Dex (14 base) 14 total
Con (14 base, +2 racial) 16 total
Int (10 base) 10 total
Wis (10 base) 10 total
Cha (16 base, 2 Level, +2 racial) 20 total
Hp: 84 (44 from average, 30 from constitution, +10 from toughness)
Fort. 6 (3 base,3 con)
Ref. 5 (3 base, 2 dex)
Will 7 (7 base)
CMB: 5 (yeah like i'll be using this much)
CMD: 17 (7 bab, -1 str, 2 dex, -1 size) I BETTER stay away from monsters that like to grab.
Skills: +10 favored bonus
Knowledge Plains: +10 (5 ranks,2 bonus from race feature,3 trained)
Linguistics: 8 (5 ranks,3 trained)*
Spellcraft: 13 (10 ranks, 3 trained)
Use Magic Device: +18 (5 charisma, 10 ranks, 3 trained)
* Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Terran and Undercommon)
Communicating with summons without a spell is essential, plus summonders don't get many spell slots anyways.
I took the Gnome racial feature that lets him learn 2 additional languages with 1 point of linguistics (APG)[ I think this racial replace is underrated].
1- Toughness
2- Augment Summoning (Bonus replace feature)
3- Superior Summoning
5- Extra Summons
7- Craft Wondrous Item (I wanted to take leadership, but my DM said no :()
9- Improved Initiative (why so late? well, we are starting at level 10 so meh).
Summon Monster SLA: 11/11 day.
0- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Magehand, Open/Close
1- Grease, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Shield, Featherfall
2- Haste, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Glitterdust, Slow
3- Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Fly
4- Teleport, Wall of Stone
The Eidolon
With 1/2 effectiveness the eidolon is scratched out from combat, too weak really, What I did for him was specialize him to be as sneaky as possible and act as my "familiar" and a scout.
Name: Spybot
Appearance: Its as big as a gnome, looks metallic, oh! and it has wings![Wish it could be a propeller, just fluff really...])
STR 14
Dex 16
Con 11
Int 10 (Ability Score increase, Increase Ability Evolution +2)
Wis 10
Cha 11
AC: 20 (3 dex, 1 size,6 natural)
Touch: 14
Flatfooted: 17
Fort. 4
Ref. 4
Will 4
Base attack bonus: +4
CMB: 5
CMD: 17 (hmmm, same as my gnome)
Bluff: +8 (5 ranks, 3 trained)
Perception: +16 (5 ranks, 3 trained, +8 evolution)
Stealth: +20 (5 ranks,3 trained, 4 size, 8 evolution)
Fly: +13 (3 dex, 5 ranks, 3 trained, 2 size)
Use Magic Device: +16 ( 5 ranks, 3 trained, 8 evolution)
Disguise: +7 (4 ranks, 3 trained)
Acrobatics: +7 (1 ranks, 3 trained)
1- Improved Initiative
3- Go Unnoticed
Evolutions: (8 pts)
Scent 1
Skilled, Perception, Stealth & Use Magic Device 3 total
Increase Stat, Int+2
Flight 2
Take what you like and stuff, please critique and tell me what I can improve.
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What I like about the witch is she can cure an entire army and never run out of spells (well one per target per day, and it takes time but whatever, it is still impressive, not even a cleric can do that!)