Nefelpitou's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I believe the problem with advanced weapon training and all the fighter archetypes is that advanced wpn training is the latest contribution to the fighter class and did therefore no exist when those archetypes were created. This obviously calls for an errata. Same thing happened to the unchained monk they wanted to upgrade him and took all the archetypes away with it. In a private group I could certainly get the dm to approve this build. Cause as you said the bonus damage just helps him to keep up. Even with it he's far away from broken. But until i find a geoup pfs is all I have. So I need someone with authority to confirm this or I won't be able to play it. Anyway thanks for all the advice I will definitely look into your build but im on the move right now.

thanks Kevin for weighing in on this.
0. yeah but it was also to discuss a possible pfs build, sadly pfs doesnt have advice subboard.
1.yep and I intend to buy them. but right now with buying quests and campaigns player companion and a pathfinder con next month my pathfinder budget is spent for the time^^

my math on the damage is as follows:
duelist training2 = +2dmg while in duelist stance its +4
gloves of dueling = +2 on the weapon training bonus (I dont believe it gets doubled if I fulfill duelist stance)
so this equals +6dmg and trained grace says my weapon training bonus damage gets doubled if I hit with dex and damage with strength.
= +12 damage.
not sure if I did it correct but I hope that explains how I came up with 12.

Kevin Willis wrote:
Overall I think this could be a very interesting build rather than the super-specialized ones we see so often. Good luck!

thanks that's what I was aiming for a versatile build that can be effectively used in different pfs scenarios.

and also thanks to Nefreet, that was another question of mine, about the armor issue. However I could only afford a mithral breastplate a little down the road which might make some other trait a better early pick.

another question I just realized, I do pick up imp unarmed strike. could I full round with a rapier and my offhand hand and still qualify for duelist stance? or is my hand no longer free if I attack? I know I would lose the buckler bonus for that round but sometimes it might be worth it.

I find the concept of an intelligent fighter interesting sadly the learned duelist only gets one ability on lvl 9 that makes use of intelligence and it's not one of the best... that's where kirin strike comes into play and the fact that fighters get a lot of feats. It feels like you could make a fun, versatile build that has a lot of flavor for roleplay.

With weapon's master being pfs legal Ive been thinking there are some things that are unclear and depending on the interpretation (RAW or RAI) the learned duelist could be better than expected. not perfect of course, but better.

the thing that confuses me is the wording of duelist training.

Duelist Training (Ex): At 5th level, an Ustalavic duelist must select the light blades group for the weapon training class feature. The Ustalavic duelist’s weapon training bonus with light blades increases by 1 on attack and damage rolls for every 4 levels he possesses beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 on attack and damage rolls at 17th level). If he is using his duelist stance, this damage bonus increases by 2. The Ustalavic duelist does not gain weapon training in any other groups as he increases in level. This ability replaces weapon training 1.

the ability says it replaced weapon training, but it feels more like it changes it. if it only changes it the learned duelist gets to keep weapon training and all the advantages that come with it, especially the abilities that come with advanced weapon training, now I understand the duelist doesn't get advanced weapon training directly, however if we admit he has the weapon training class feature, he could get the advanced weapon training feat.

this would allow you to pick trained grace as a feat on level 5. you obviously have to pick weapon finesse somewhere earlier.

Trained Grace (Ex): When the fighter uses Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack with a weapon, using his Dexterity modifier on attack rolls and his Strength modifier on damage rolls, he doubles his weapon training bonus on damage rolls. The fighter must have Weapon Finesse in order to choose this option.

with this on level 9, you would have weapon training2 and its reasonable that you also have gloves of dueling(which would also count since by RAI you do have weapon training). And if you fulfill the duelist stance terms your damage gets doubled. with trained grace it gets doubled again. which would net you +4 to attack rolls and +12 to damage.
I know its a wall of text, but what do you say about my assumptions? or was this all for nothing and this has been clarified somewhere else already?
now for my build, its not finished but its a work in progress:

learned duelist human
str 14
dex 15
con 14
int 15 +2
wis 10
cha 7
traits: defender of society, student of philosophy
1: weapon finesse, Duelist Stance1
2: bravery1, weapon focus(rapier)
3: armor training1,imp unarmed fighting
4: +1 int, weapon specialization(rapier)
5: duelist training1, Duelist Stance2, Trained Grace
6: bravery2, kirin style
7: armor training2, vital strike
8: +1 dex
9: duelist training2, Precise Thrust, kirin strike
10: bravery3, Duelist Stance3, Weapon Specialist -> greater weapon focus, improved critical
11: armor training3, critical focus

there are a few minor questions about this build. does kirin strikes damage get multiplied on crit?
weapon specialist states that you get to pick as many feats as your weapon training bonus is, with gloves of dueling it is +2, does that mean I get to pick 4 feats or only 2?
what else can I do with such an unusual high int value on a fighter? student of philosophy already seems like a good start, with additional traits I could pick up some more nifty traits any ideas? pragmatic activator comes to mind.
with a buckler(counts as free hand?), duelist stance, defender of society, armor training. the learned duelist should have a fair amount of AC. any way to capitalize some more on this?
multiclassing seems like a bad idea since the figher loses a lot of progress in bravery, armor training, weapon training. or did I miss something?

thanks for reading! regards Nef

everyone seems to agree that you need ricochet toss. however you can easily qualify for weapon mastery feats with the martial focus feat. so no fighter dip necessary.

martial focus:

You have honed your skills with a group of related weapons.

Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +5.

Benefit(s): Choose one fighter weapon group. While wielding a weapon from this group with which you are proficient, you gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls.

Special: The Martial Focus feat counts as the weapon training class feature with the chosen fighter weapon group for the purpose of weapon mastery feat prerequisites and what weapons you can use with weapon mastery feats.

unless I misinterpreted something this should help.

So I started looking into path of war and really liked the maneuvers giving your melee character more versatile fighting options than just walk up to the enemy and hit them.
but a lot of question came up.

what would happen to my maneuvers and stances if I multiclassed stalker1/warlord1 ?
would I have 12 maneuvers (6 known from the respective disciplines open to the class) known and 8 readied(obviously I could have 6 readied from one class and 2 from the other) and two stances known?
the disciplines mention associated weapons yet only on a few maneuvers is it explicitly mentioned that I actually have to use an associated weapon, same goes for the associated skill. does it really matter if I use the associated weapon as long as I avoid said maneuvers?
What if I made a warlord with a negative charisma modifier. what would happen to the bonus I get of succeeding a gambit?
in this post people where discussing when a negative modifier is actually applied and when not, but Im still not sure how it exactly works.

same goes for example for ki-pool it says 1/2 your ki-pool capable class levels + wis/cha mod. which if you had a negative wis or cha mod would result in a negative or no ki-pool for quite some time.

wow you really went deep into the idea box^^

I like how you included also the fact that aiel dont wear armor, which was something I felt negligible(and still think is, but I admit your build has a certain appeal)
tell me if I would pick poverty stricken as a trait I would get survival +1 and it would be a class skill for me(+3) and with my high wisdom from the monk setup would I really need the slayer to become a good tracker(rogues have a lot of skill ranks to spare after all)? I could just go full rogue

Ive been thinking more and more about going full rogue and simply become a good tracker through poverty stricken trait and my skill dump.
a rogue does b$@#*%@ dmg alone with sneak attack as long as I can get into flanking position easily or stealth(which Im still not sure I understand 100%)
would it be possible with items, dodge, mobility, spring attack and maybe fleet. to make a hit and run rogue? Im mostly safe from attacks of opportunity and with enough movement add I should be able to get into position every round and away again(at least far enough to prevent a full round attack)
rogue (normal not unchained)
str 18
dex 14 (enough to get spring attack)
con 14
int 12
wis 10
cha 8
traits: reactionary, poverty stricken
feats on lvl 1 shield proficiency, dodge (rogues get no penalty for wearing shields right?)
lvl 2 dodge
lvl 3 mobility
lvl 4 spring attack
lvl 5 maybe fleet
lvl 6 no idea yet
of course in this setup I would go with short spear and leather armor.

What I have to buy stuff I already found^^ weird rule and the gm didnt really mention that one. although the introduction campaign makes more sense now (they specifically mentioned that you can buy stuff at a discount)
well thats okay so Im super poor and only have 761gp makes more sense anyway, It kinda felt awkward making so much money on the first mission but someone said society chars had more money so I thought it was normal.

I just started pathfinder society. Im not sure how to progress my slayer, I guess keep putting 1-2 points into survival every lvl up is reasonable to be an important asset to the group as a tracker, but how do I get most out of the class combat wise? I set myself quite some fluff rules on the slayer cause I wanted to make an aiel warrior (its from a fantasy book series the wheel of time) if you havent read it no worries basically the restriction is I wont use any other weapon than a short spear and a bow. aiel are awesome desert warriors who excel at tracking, being stealthy and kicking ass. so the slayer just screamed at me MAKE AN AIEL WARRIOR!!!
so here is my setup
slayer lvl 1
traits: indomitable faith, reactionary
feats: iron will, power attack
wpn: short spear
armor: leather armor (seemed to make sense to have light armor fluff wise and because I didnt like the armor penalty on stealth checks, but since stealth doesnt seem that useful Im starting to overthink that decision)
ability score:
str 18
dex 14
con 14
int 12
wis 10
cha 8
acrobatics 1, climb 1, heal 1, know(dungeon) 1, know(geo) 1, perception 1, stealth 1, survival 1 ( I won't put points into swimming or riding, cause Aiel live in the desert and always walk, probably going to have to break that rule since the gm wont believe I can match the speed of a horse-.- but anyway if I have to ride I will do a poor job at it^^)
I used my lvl one favored class bonus for the 1/6 slayer talent

from my adventures I so far gathered:
+1 merciful aldori dueling sword (8,320gp) definitely gonna sell that one
boots of the winterlands, ring of swimming (2,500gp each) not sure if I should keep those their use seems too situational.
and I have 761gp spare.

Ive looked into different angles, twf gets mentioned a lot for dmg classes without a two hand weapon. I also liked the idea to get sneak attacks with bluff. but both doesnt work so Im at a loss here. I feel like my ac is too low for me being a frontline fighter.

any help will be greatly appreciated. (if you read wheel of time, I will have great toh towards you)