Race |
performance 26/26 | spells 1st-7/7 2nd-4/5 3rd 3/4 4th 2/2| effects[/ooc] communal tongues 24m, heroism 120m, mirror image x5 10m, resist energy (fire 20) 120m |
Classes/Levels |
| familiar HP 41/41 |
Gender |
[ooc]F CG Ifrit Bard 10 | HP83/83 | AC17 T13 FF15 | CMB+6 CMD19+1 | F+6*+2 R+11*+2 W+8*+2 | Init+3 Per+13+2 (darkvision 60') | |
About Neelah __
Neelah is a reflection of Yasmeena's idea of a perfect companion, a shadowbardlike illusion of herself combined with Haleen and given form by the residual power of a wish with a very broad scope.
Name: Neelah
Race: Ifrit (Mostly Human)
Class: Bard cohort (Flame Dancer / Flamesinger)
Alignment: CG
Abilities Str 8 (-1), Dex 13+2[race]+1[level 4] (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12-2[race] (+0), Cha 15+2[race]+1[level 8]+2[enhancement] (+5)
HP 83 (10d8[8+5x9]+20[CON]+10[FCB])
AC 17 (armor +4, Dex +3)
Resistances fire 5
Initiative +3 (Dex +3)
Speed 30'+15'[wildfire] (light armor)
Fortitude +6* (base +3, Con +2, +1 resistance)
Reflex +11* (base +7, Dex +3, +1 resistance)
Will +8* (base +7, Wis +0, +1 resistance)
(well-versed: +4 vs bardic performance, sonic, language-based effects)
BAB +7
+1 longspear +7/+2 (1d8 piercing damage, 20/x3)
+1 studded leather armor +4 armor, max Dex +5, ACP 0
Race (Ifrit): Darkvision 60', Efreeti Magic (enlarge or reduce person 1/day), Energy Resistance (fire 5), Fire Insight (summoned fire creatures last 2 more rounds), Mostly Human (counts as both human and outsider); +9 hp (FCB)
Feats Fire Music* (bard 1), Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes], level 1); Eldritch Heritage (Arcane, level 3); Escape Route* (bard 4); Additional Traits (Fiery Glare, Magical Lineage [fireball]; level 5); Choral Support* (bard 6); Harmonic Spell (level 7); Magic Trick (fireball, level 9)
Skills Escape Artist 10+6, Intimidate 10+8**, Knowledge (planes) 10+3, Linguistics 1+3, Perception 10+3, Perform (oratory) 7+7*, Perform (percussion) 4+7*, Perform (sing) 8+7*, Spellcraft 10+3, Use Magic Device 10+7*
Languages Common, Ignan, Kelesh
Bard 10 (Flame Dancer / Flamesinger): spellcasting (CL 10), bardic performance (Blazing Blades +2d4, Distraction, Fascinate x3, Fire Break, Fire Dance, Inspire Greatness, Song of the Fiery Gaze; start as move or standard), fan the flames, well-versed, wildfire +15'; jack-of-all-trades
Arrowsong's Lament (level 3, can prepare up to 1st level wizard spell or 3rd level bard spell from scroll or spellbook), Battle Song of the People's Revolt (grant teamwork feat) x2 (Choral Support, Escape Route), Blazing Rondo (haste with one-fifth level as bonus, any creature affected >3r must make Fort or be fatigued rx2), Hymn of Restorative Harmonics (new save to all allies within 30', delay poison), Life Budding in Salted Earth (1r performance = fast healing 1 for all allies within 30', spend up to half level each round); Arrowsong's Lament (level 4, can prepare up to 2nd level wizard spell or 4th level bard spell from scroll or spellbook), Ballad of the Warding Princess (grant soft cover)
cantrips: dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic
1st (7/day): burning hands*, feather fall, liberating command, moment of greatness, saving finale, summon monster i*, true skill
2nd (5/day): blistering invective, flaming sphere*, mirror image, pyrotechnics, summon monster ii*
3rd (4/day): fireball*, summon monster iii*
4th (2/day): summon monster iv*
Equipment backpack (2 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), cloak of resistance +1 x2 (2,000 gp), flint and tinder (1 gp), headband of alluring charisma +2 (4,000 gp), +1 longspear (2,305 gp), masterwork demoralizing tool (50 gp), scroll of obscuring mist (25 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp), soldier's outfit (free), spell components pouch (5 gp), +1 studded leather armor, wooden holy symbol (1 gp)
Yasmeena (leader)
"Aneemsay," rhamphorhynchus familiar
Size Tiny
Space 2.5'
Reach 0'
Str 6 (-2) (6[base])
Dex 17 (+3) (17[base])
Con 11 (+0) (10[base])
Int 10 (+0) (6[base]+4[levels])
Wis 14 (+2) (14[base])
Cha 11 (+0) (11[base])
Hit points 41 (half master's score)
AC 20 (10+3[DEX]+5[natural armor]+2[size])
AC, touch 15 (10+3[DEX]+2[size])
AC, flatfooted 17 (10+5[natural armor]+2[size])
Initiative +3 (+3[DEX]), low-light vision, scent
Speed 10' (10[light load]), fly 40' (40[light load])
Fortitude +4 (+3[base]+0[CON]+1[resistance])
Reflex +13* (+7[base]+3[DEX]+2[Lightning Reflexes]+1[resistance], [*evasion])
Will +10 (+7[base]+2[WIS]+1[resistance])
BAB +7
CMB +3 (+7[BAB]-2[STR]-2[size])
CMD 16 (10+7[BAB]-2[STR]+3[DEX]-2[size])
CMD, flatfooted 13 (10+7[BAB]-2[STR]-2[size])
• attack: +12 (+7[BAB]+3[DEX]+2[size])
• damage: 1d3-2 (1d3-2[STR])
• critical: 20/x2
Feats Choral Support* (teammate), Escape Route* (teammate), Lightning Reflexes (level 1)
Skills Escape Artist +13 (10[ranks]+3[DEX]), Fly +7 (0[ranks]+3[DEX]+4[size]), Intimidate +10 (10[ranks]+0[CHA]), Knowledge (planes) +10 (10[ranks]+0[INT]), Linguistics +1 (1[ranks]+0[INT]), Perception +15 (10[ranks]+2[WIS]+3[class]), Perform (oratory) +10 (7[ranks]+0[CHA]+3[class]), Perform (percussion) +7 (4[ranks]+0[CHA]+3[class]), Perform (sing) +11 (8[ranks]+0[CHA]+3[class]), Spellcraft +10 (10[ranks]+0[INT]), Stealth +11 (0[ranks]+3[DEX]+8[size]), Use Magic Device +10 (10[ranks]+0[CHA])
Familiar (Valet) 10 able assistant, empathic link, magical manipulation, natural armor adjustment +5, teammate, valet skills; deliver touch spells; speak with master; deliver aid; +4 Int
Equipment cloak of resistance +1