Sandpoint Devil

Necrovox's page

198 posts. Alias of Wraith Engine.


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thegreenteagamer wrote:
DrDeth wrote:
Bill, Brain Collector wrote:
If it hurts your brain let massage them for you... So deliciously tender...

such a tiny snak........


Did you just use improper grammar and a misspelled word to infer that someone else was dumb? Even as a joke, the subtext of that is pretty humorous.

Based on your previous posts I've seen, Doc, I'm going with intentional, and for that I must say bravo. *golf clap* Well played satire.

As an ex once told me, "I think you meant to say imply."

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Goddity wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

I'm glad to hear everyone enjoyed the scene. That doesn't change the fact the GM changed what the player did of his own volition.

Now the GM was certainly entitled to have the player roll the relevant social skill to gauge the woman's reaction, but the characters action is the player's job and his alone.

We were at that point where the GM knows us well enough to pull things like that. We had that level of trust. I wouldn't have mentioned it as story without some complaining if it was bad. We still remember that and laugh. If you guys react so strongly to possible GM controlling when it isn't even your game and we're all happy, just wow.
Yeah, I think the table's expectation is the point. In that game the latter bolded statement may not be the case. (I've played in games where the player actions are sometimes determined by the DM - it's not my preferred style, but it's not wrong).
It is wrong. It may also have been harmless, even funny, everyone may have had a blast. But it was still wrong. It's good that no one had hurt feelings. All GMs make mistakes and this time the mistake didn't upset anyone... in fact they had fun with it. But it could have gone so much worse.

Slight correction- it's only wrong without the Player's explicit buy-in. If the group had discussed this sort of behavior in advance and approved it, then it's cool.

I wouldn't have done so, because I could never give up control over my own characters actions, but apparently there are people on these boards totally fine with it.

He was too eloquent for his stats. I agree with what the DM did. The player wanted to do A, but didn't have stats for it, so in his mind A was done, but reality was what DM revealed as B. If this is the case why can't I just say I swiftly scale things with my 8 str 4 armor check penalty character? DM is the narrator, the player is the character from the character's point of view (but y'all metagamuhs fo sho), so as narrator, he describes how it happens.

Didn't want it to happen? Don't dump stat. You want your dump stats, how about you reinforce that any time anyone wants to ever talk to an NPC require a diplomacy check, and just give the DM the gist of what you want. You do that for swimming and climbing, so why not make the whole game rollplaying. Pathfinder is pretty much set up for it anyway.
-Confession of a 5e convert that likes spell points and poisoning level 2 players' food.

Tarondor wrote:
The tiny amount of additional damage hardly seems worth two to three extra levels. Sure, it's probably +5 to damage, but with Inquisitor 5 I'm getting Bane (average +7 damage) and more spells.

The idea is you can't have bane active 24/7 where as training is always active.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
By the way, how did the Guided enchantment fly with your DM?

He ruled it would work for damage. He also said he'd let me use magic items and feats for bows can work for xbow, within reason, which he trusts my judgment.

On the note of Judgment, I saw the Grave Warden's Bandoleer and fell in love, so I think I will go one level of Cleric (Crusader or Theologian) for channeling, pick up Channeling Scourge, and possibly Cleansing Burst. Sacred Conduit trait, etc... Do channeling inquisitors work well? And will that be worth it in this AP?

Rest Inquisitor (Kinslayer) maybe a level or two of Ranger (Corpse Hunter). We're doing alternate multiclass rules from unchained, so multiclassing to pick up channeling isn't going to hurt my BAB, only my spellcasting and feature progression, but is inquisitor even that much of a caster?

kestral287 wrote:

Min-maxing creates

But really Necrovox-- you're good with one weapon and bad with another. Yanno what we call that, in Pathfinder? A well-built Gunslinger. Some of the most mechanically sound Gunslingers literally have no idea what to do if you hand them a rifle.

Lol, I dump statted Wisdom so my grit pool ain't so high, but I appreciate it. xD

DM_Blake wrote:
Necrovox wrote:
And thus the game goes from fun because of concept to not so fun because you have to be mechanically sound. HAVE to be mechanically sound to survive many APs.

"Mechanically sound" is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. A great thing.

I cannot even begin to imagine a real life scenario where I want to do anything meaningful at all with colleagues who are not "mechanically sound".

I work in software - I would not hire a developer who is not mechanically sound.

I would not have surgery performed by a surgeon who is not "mechanically sound".

I would not join the army and go to war with fellow soldiers who are not "mechanically sound".

I would not play soccer with teammates who are not "mechanically sound" although, in this case, I would be willing to teach them if they're capable and willing to learn - but soccer is a game for me, it's hardly "meaningful" unless you're a professional, and I'm sure no professional soccer player wants to take the pitch with teammates who are not "mechanically sound".

In that vein, the idea of risking your life, over and over and over, every day, in the world's most dangerous, monster-infested places, facing the most dangerous creatures in the world and beyond, and deliberately bringing along someone who is not "mechanically sound" is possibly the most idiotic idea of the bunch.

My "mechanically UNsound" developer can be trained to write better code or can be fired, my "mechanically UNsound" surgeon might make it through the surgery, my "mechanically UNsound" army squad-mates might win a battle, or might get themselves killed/replaced before I die too, and my "mechanically UNsound soccer mates will learn.

But my "mechanically UNsound adventuring companion will get me and the rest of the party killed in a TPK before we reach our next two levels. Guaranteed.

OF COURSE an adventurer must be "mechanically sound"; anything else and he's committing suicide and bringing down the whole group - all all of them should know it.


Except reality is there is far more mechanically unsound than sound. I have been in the army for 5 years now, and well, I'd say a good half of the people I've been with have been "sound" at something, but very unsound elsewhere. I'm pretty damn good at my job, I'm barely passable with a rifle, and good with my m9 and unbelievable with my languages. Plenty of soldiers can be fantastic with their rifle but can't run a quarter-mile. They signed up to be soldiers, just like the low wisdom Pippin who was constantly touching crap that he shouldn't have been became an adventurer. A true adventuring group should have people with realistic flaws while the other party members divide up labor so that they can function to minimize those flaws or lack of expertise. Min-Maxing is so unrealistic that I can't justify it even in fantasy, especially when many supers have powerful and exploitable flaws.

Unfortunately Pathfinder is about mechanics, and if your concept can't be worked in spirit through those mechanics you're not going to have fun. I can't hit the broad side of a barn with my rifle irl, and shooting is still fun, but in Pathfinder if I'm just rolling a D20 to hear I miss, then I'm not having fun. I've built a character for roleplay in Jade Regent and was absolutely miserable during combat. I couldn't bypass DR, the damn Oni made every single will save, and there was no opportunity in much of the AP to actually RP to a notable extent.
I've began rambling.

Arachnofiend wrote:
The Cleric might be weaker than its 3.5 incarnation (I wouldn't know) but it's definitely stronger than the Paladin and Warpriest. The Oracle MIGHT be on par with it, but only in the specific God of Charisma Ultimate SAD-ness build.

Don't mistake my intentions, because this isn't me being argumentative, nor do I want to derail the thread, but I am very curious to hear your reasoning for Cleric > Paladin. Maybe we could move this to another thread?

Edit: Wow. This was serious thread necromancy. May 2012...

Secret Wizard wrote:

Expanded Preparation increases your abilities.

I also like a Conjuration/Transmutation focus.

That feat is really... Really good. IMHO.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Erm, channeling kinda sucks in Pathfinder unless you spec for it. No reason why you can't ignore that you have the feature entirely, the Cleric is still a very powerful class without it and is significantly less MAD.

Maybe this is a holdover from 3.5, but I find the Cleric to be very weak compared to its old incarnation, Paladin, Warpriest, and Oracle.

Edit: I am trying to recall what exactly it was that gives me this impression other than playing basically the same Cleric under both systems and feeling really underpowered, or perhaps balanced, while the rest is heavily overpowered.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:

Yeah - it's all about tweaking the character's mechanics to mest with your concept as opposed to gimping the character to no benefit.

A charismatic fighter? Sure - go with an intimidate build and consider dipping into Swashbuckler since you'd get several panache points. Or perhaps go Samurai instead of Fighter - the extra Charisma makes Chain Challenge better.

A cleric with low Charisma? Sure - there's a Dwarf Cleric archetype which trades away channeling.

But if you wanted a physically weak fighter who had had polio as a child? No! Bad!

You want a paladin whose gruff and has low charisma? No! Bad!


And thus the game goes from fun because of concept to not so fun because you have to be mechanically sound. HAVE to be mechanically sound to survive many APs.

Which is why my groups are actually withdrawing from Pathfinder. Low charisma cleric HAS to have that archetype or he's useless in combat if he HAS to burst (Selective Channeling is necessary, so why its a feat at all baffles me. If its necessary for any and all builds to work it shouldn't be an option, it should be baseline).

I'm playing an Elven Barbarian in 5e. No problems. Pathfinder I would have needed to spend ALL my points in CON just so I could rage for a round.

As for anti-character concepts, I am trying to work on a Dhampir Kinslayer and I am refusing to make my CON higher than an 8. I want to be sickly and frail. Might even go melee with her.
Also wanted to make an Orc Shaman, but the minuses to all the mental stats killed me too hard inside to even try. (Save or suck with 0 DC... Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen)

That water scorpion is pretty cool.
My DM didn't know what to think of guided.

Another idea I guess could be 5 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)/Ranger (Corpse Hunter, Something to replace Wild Empathy which doesn't fit character idea, and ACs seem to be s&%* in every campaign I've seen), since I just realized that Disrupt Control works on ranged attacks. This way I can spend grit to hit touch AC, get DEX to damage, ignore rapid reload by picking up all my Xbox feats through Ranger Fighting style and save my normal feats for the more fun s#&&. Like Eerie Sense.

What about Grave Warden Stalker 2 Errata'd Corpse Hunter/Divine Tracker Ranger? Or is there a more fitting archetype for this AP (Urban Ranger etc.) than that combo? I know if this were Carrion Crown I'd do fine haha, this way I'm full BAB, can slap some holy water on a weapon as a swift (I don't think Rangers get many swift actions). Only downside to that is it has to be a melee weapon. Which isn't a big deal.

As a Divine Tracker of Pharasma I'd take healing and death blessings.

This IS assuming we can't get the inquisitor to work in some fashion.
I can replicate the kinslayer's undead sense ability (which I think is AWESOME) through Eerie Sense feat.

I'm asking about guided right now. I read a thread you posted in a while back where there was no general consensus.

Corpse hunter ignores the fact that undead are immune to ability damage.
And Corpse Hunters only get half the favored enemy bonus of other rangers (who get 5 favored enemies, and can make their highest enemy a +10)... So I don't know if this is an oversight or if Paizo really thought some low level cleric spells was worth losing 4 favored enemies and an ability that RAW doesn't even work.

Oh... The legendary Black Blood Troll! I've been a fan of your posts.
Essentially I wanted to be a crossbow wielding undead slayer. I like hybrids, inquisitor seemed like a good fit with bane and all. I'll never get to play in Carrion Crown so this seemed like second best AP for this character.

Other idea was a Khopesh wielding magus or fighter.

Lou Diamond wrote:

With that build you won't survive to level 17. you do not do enough damage, you don't have enough hit points and your saves will suck.

you need good will saves and reflex saves for mummy's mask.
your race is sub opitmal for mummy's mask.

Our group is Finishing the AP next week. I would advise doing a different AP Mummy's Mask is written to tell a story not for players want to play a character to level 17 and get gear that a 17th level character should have.

This confuses me - you're saying I'm suboptimal due to saves, which I don't see, I only get every save and Stalwart, and dodge bonuses to AC while being ranged... Gunslinger and Inquisitor cover all three saves, and I have a high dex and wisdom.

But the AP is to tell a story, so, how can things be suboptimal to the point of not viable? You didn't really give me any advice for how to remedy that other than don't play that, play another AP.

I think at 9 I will actually take Deific Obedience and Evangelist, at 10th I'd align Inquisitor with Evangelist.
So total effective Inquisitor level would be 11, Gunslinger 5, Evangelist 7, for a total Character level of 17.

I might want to squeeze weapon finesse in there to land touch attacks and dagger attacks.

First question, is how high does Mummy's Mask go? I know the final adventure begins at 15th level.

Second, I was thinking about a Dhampir Inquisitor (Kinslayer/maybe Sin Eater) of Pharasma and 5 levels in Gunslinger (Crossbow Ace).
Is Sin Eater worth giving up the domain so I could theoretically heal my Dhampir out of combat (I'd take Inflict line so I could heal in combat).

If I don't take Sin Eater, I am thinking Final Rest or True Death Inquisitions (Does Final Rest's Disruption work on ranged? Or a blunt crossbow bolt, my GM approved the production of those).

Also, is my brand worth powering up? The ability seems pretty cool but I'd need to take weapon finesse to ever land it.

And if I took Heretic, could I still use the Detect Undead ability?

I plan on using a heavy repeating crossbow and acting as the party's face. I have access to traits and drawbacks, and we're doing a 20 point build.

Dhampir (Dayborn)
Stats: 11 STR, 17 DEX, 8 CON, 12 INT, 15 WIS, 15 CHA
1: Inquisitor (Kinslayer) - Point-Blank Shot
2: Gunslinger (Crossbow Ace)
3: Inquisitor - Precise Shot
4: Inquisitor - Coordinated Shot +1 Dex
5: Gunslinger - Judgment Surge
6: Gunslinger
7: Gunslinger - Rapid Reload (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)/Deadly Aim
8: Gunslinger - +1 Wis
9: Inquisitor - Rapid Shot
10: Inquisitor
11: Inquisitor - Improved Critical ((Heavy Repeating Crossbow)/Enfilading Fire
12: Inquisitor - +1 STR
13: Inquisitor - Crossbow Mastery (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
14: Inquisitor -
15: Inquisitor - Weapon Focus (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
16: Inquisitor - +1 CHA
Traits: Magical Knack (Inquisitor) and Undead Crusader, maybe a drawback so I can pick up another trait.


First question, is how high does Mummy's Mask go? I know the final adventure begins at 15th level.

Second, I was thinking about a Dhampir Inquisitor (Kinslayer/maybe Sin Eater) of Pharasma and 5 levels in Gunslinger (Crossbow Ace).
Is Sin Eater worth giving up the domain so I could theoretically heal my Dhampir out of combat (I'd take Inflict line so I could heal in combat).

Also, is my brand worth powering up? The ability seems pretty cool but I'd need to take weapon finesse to ever land it.

And if I took Heretic, could I still use the Detect Undead ability?

I plan on using a heavy repeating crossbow and acting as the party's face. I have access to traits and drawbacks, and we're doing a 20 point build.

Dhampir (Dayborn)
Stats: 11 STR, 17 DEX, 8 CON, 12 INT, 15 WIS, 15 CHA
1: Inquisitor (Kinslayer) - Point-Blank Shot
2: Gunslinger (Crossbow Ace)
3: Inquisitor - Precise Shot
4: Inquisitor - Coordinated Shot
5: Gunslinger - Judgment Surge
6: Gunslinger
7: Gunslinger - Rapid Reload (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)/Deadly Aim
8: Gunslinger
9: Inquisitor - Rapid Shot
10: Inquisitor
11: Inquisitor - Improved Critical ((Heavy Repeating Crossbow)/Enfilading Fire
12: Inquisitor
13: Inquisitor - Crossbow Mastery (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
14: Inquisitor -
15: Inquisitor - Weapon Focus (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
16: Inquisitor
Traits: Magical Knack (Inquisitor) and Undead Crusader, maybe a drawback so I can pick up another trait.


Deadmanwalking wrote:
A shield is a part of the Close weapon group. Any Brawler can flurry with one.

*facepalm* Maybe I should have looked up close weapons before posting... I got a little zealous on potential mistakes. =P

Kudaku wrote:
Necrovox wrote:
Sorry for double post, Brawler Shield Champion can use her shield with flurry of blows ONLY when she throws it... Can't melee shield bash with flurry of blows. Oversight?
Could you explain your reasoning here? I just looked over Returning Shield and I don't see a problem with it.

Sure thing, direct from the PDF:

"A shield champion can throw a shield as part of a brawler’s flurry."
Brawler's Flurry:
"When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the “monk” special feature."

Thus, RAW, a shield champion brawler cannot make melee attacks with her shield as a part of a brawler's flurry. They can, however, only throw their shield as a flurry.

I have never really liked Captain America, so shield throwing is not really something I'm keen on, especially when its still a move action to equip it to gain the armor bonuses (I just thought of that while typing), unless you're using a small quick draw shield, which leaves you with only +1 AC (+ Enchantments).

Edit: Steel Hound archetype might be written incorrectly, and I am actually praying it was. Packing Heat replaces Poison Use, which Investigator's don't have, they have Poison Lore, so that was a typo. Then, Shot in the Dark replaces Swift Alchemy. But then I got to Talented Shot, and realized that it doesn't replace anything! Its completely free. I looked over Investigator and they get Poison Immunity at 11. So my understanding is that it may have been an oversight, as the archetype was meant to remove poisons from the class. So should: Shot in the Dark replace all ranks of Poison Resistance, and Talented Shot replace Poison Immunity?
Can I have my Sleuth/Steel Hound? ^_^ Except I understand wanting to get rid of the poison as a move action portion, the other part of swift alchemy would've still fit the class.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Sorry for double post, Brawler Shield Champion can use her shield with flurry of blows ONLY when she throws it... Can't melee shield bash with flurry of blows. Oversight?

Ooh, spell components to enhance spells ^_^

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Eldritch Scion Magus Archetype
"An eldritch scion casts arcane spells drawn from the magus spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time."
Pretty self explanatory, right? Spontaneous Casting Archetype.
Except, he loses Spell Access and doesn't get anything to replace it.
Otherwise I like it, aside from a swift action every other round to deplete your arcane pool so you can use spell combat until you reach 8th level.

I suppose ignoring Elemental Immunity/Resistances as per White Witch is enough to make up for that?

Sharkles wrote:

Yes! I really hope these are addressed and corrected soon! This is the most excited I've been for an archetype in ages, so I'm quite disappointed that this is also the only time I've seen a class feature completely missing.

Here's to hoping it was +wis mod to ac?

My group is playing Skull and Shackles and I am playing a druid. I just hit level 4 druid a few sessions ago and used my wild shape for the first time last night.
In wild shape it refers the reader to spell entries listed in the CRB, which references the first bestiary.
My question is, do these spells need an update, since now ice, sand, mud elementals and various other animals with their billion natural abilities exist?
For example, if a druid decides to turn into a fearsome seahorse, he can't use his tail to grip onto something unless GM rules it okay, as its not listed under beast shape. Could Paizo add "Updated Transmutation" lists into future printings of bestiaries?

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Why do Paizo designers/editors hate the cleric so much?

That is a question asked at my table about once a game session. They just don't really have any class features to keep them competitive with everything else released. Thus, archetypes have little to realistically change.

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ecclesitheurge has me rather confused.
Ecclesitheurge’s Vow: At 1st level, an ecclesitheurge makes a vow to his deity to be protected solely by his faith, not by armor or shields. An ecclesitheurge who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to use his blessing of the faithful ability, use cleric domain powers, or cast cleric spells.
The last two are clear, but there is no blessing of the faithful ability...?

Have any of you read Adv Class Guide? A lot of these, I feel, were touched on in that book, or rather close.

Tangent101 wrote:

Why do GMs feel the need to do a coup-de-grace on PCs? You should have had it just start pounding on the body or even go after the awake foe who was a threat to it.

Seriously. I wouldn't coup-de-grace a PC until they had access to spells like Raise Dead, and even then only have the Big Bad itself do this deed to make him even more hateable.

I have coup-de-grace'd players before. Normally I don't have them do it unless they are not threatened by other players - OR - they are a creature that is trying to kill one person. So its rare. EDIT: Though I HAVE killed a ton of my players. As this forum is testament to. But normally because they are being morons.

But in this case I would have killed the player as well just because of the group's reaction to a confusion poison. Which is pretty ridiculous. Teach them not to shut down your own teammate and then leave him in melee.

My party just reached the Eon Pit and I was wondering... Can they summon a creature or create undead to fetch the key, will this work? I understand a summoned creature MAY need to make saves, but what about immune to mind effecting effects creatures?
Is this a viable method to bypass the trap?

Had another death. The Coven is a gnarly fight if people decide to just "tank up" the witchfire.

The Black Bard wrote:

If the party gets the "good end", which is to say, gets rid of the invaders, ends the coven problem, and both convince Jadrenka of their mission and fully befreind her (treat her well, etc), then I don't see why she wouldn't be very clear about the pit, what it does, and how it can be avoided.

In my game, assuming the players pull this off, she would offer that the whole group undergo the croning and then enter the pit, gaining the wisdom of age, the humility of infirmity, and true understanding of the march of time, the ultimate force of creation and destruction. Assuming they do so, she would remove the physical penalties, leaving the mental ones. To some this could be a nice power boost, but I think its very plot appropriate if they managed a "good end". If they managed most of that, but perhaps didn't fully convince Jadrenka of their intentions or loyalty, she might remove both the penalties and bonuses, or she might simply be quiet and let them go about their business, suffering whatever consequences may come. She is LE, after all.

So you'd let ALL players undergo the croning ritual and not just those with levels in witch? My players are getting decimated and wanted to throw them a bone and may do this option if they befriend her. Though our archer decided to shoot Jadrenka when they first met her... At the coven fight. Basically they found Caigreal, she followed them for a bit until they reached the croning ritual, and trying to pull them away from her allies, I had her tell them that the hallway was cursed and she bolted to go form her coven and deal with the group now that she had learned their strengths. They tracked her down and were brutalized, but now that Caigreal and the coven is dead, does Jadrenka have to fear losing the Artrosa Ring?

DBH wrote:

Just started the 3rd book and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Playing a Bard/rogue going to Arcane trickster and finding the Bards knowledge skills are very handy.

We've had one death in the party, that was in the first book, adjusting to combat in a harsh environment made us think out our strategies pretty quickly.

If the player are prepared to think it's a really good AP.


Wow, one death... My party will argue bout tactics and halfway through book 3 we've had about 15 deaths... O-o

... This is sad...
Name: Tevaga of Brevoy
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Fighter (unbreakable) 7
Adventure: The Maiden, Mother, and Crone
Location: The Maiden (Entrance)
Catalyst: The Witch Tree

The Gory Details::
Party decides to scale the cliff face in one day with uses of spider climb, anthaul, and fly. This ate up quite a few resources and the party had a hell of a time dealing with the two will-o-wisps. The alchemist was the only one capable of identifying them and talking to them and didn't communicate with the party until they attacked him. This fight ate up a few healing spells.
They reach the top and run into the Witch Tree. Alchemist again identifies the creature but none of its abilities. She demands sacrifice and they begin talking. They took about 10 minutes BS-ing about what to do so I had the Tree begin singing in Abyssal. Add to the creep factor...
Alchemist takes a swig of barkskin potion, Tree questions his actions (I allow spellcraft for alchemist extracts) and he fails to give a disarming response, but talks to the tree in Abyssal. He begins small talk and gets the Sense Motive prompt. He fails. No one else understands Abyssal. He decides they're going to fight so he drinks a potion of shield. She attacks.
First round she dominates Tevaga. Then tells the party she has chosen her prize. They try to diplomacy after she's already made up her mind, and then same time attack her (yeah 'cause shooting an arrow at her and then asking if you can parley is how most things do business...). She calls Tevaga to her as her move action. Begins awesome blowing players around being overall frustrating but not overly deadly. No one but the barbarian ever tried closing into melee with her and so she grapples him. Few rounds into the fight they protection from evil Tevaga, and fail. The tree then instructs Tevaga to defend her. My sister plays Tevaga and was very cruel to her previous allies. She positioned for cleaves, charged healers etc. This lead to the melee focusing her down instead of the tree. The healers refused to heal her, and so... She dies. Diehard took her past 0 and yet she was unrelenting in her domination (she did this all by herself after reading the spell description to the point where I acted same time as her with the tree and didn't even watch that she was critting other players.) and finally fell after about 15 rounds or so of combat.
The Witch Tree knocked the Warpriest, Branis, down below 0. Nearly killed the Barbarian (who would have died 3 rounds after combat ended had he not gotten any more healing), and choked out the Winter Wolf. After her chosen prize died she informed the party that she was disappointed but would still accept the body as the sacrifice. She also allowed them to loot her and the corpses in the copse. (Did this because of how frustrated the group has been recently) They also sneakily took one of her fingers and went on their merry way into the doorway to ropetrick up for the night.

AndIMustMask wrote:
There's a 'Viking' fighter AT that gives rage powers and such. theres enough feats to go around that you can pick up TWF without much issue.

Fighters also have so many issues with skill points. I liked the class abilities from Sea Reaver (ignoring cover for attacking opponents under water etc.) To fix that would my best bet be to invest in Fast Learner?

Hey all, I've done a fair amount of research on the high seas of the interwebs, yet, I still don't know how my character is going to turn out. I want to build a terrifying viking/sea reaver type character for Skull & Shackles. Now, I hate dump statting, so I don't want any stat below a 10, I have 20 pts to spend, and my DM has made a few changes to some stuff that affects what I want to do/makes me want to do something.
He's turned Two-Weapon Fighting into a chain that automatically grants the next feat, for free, once you meet requirements. This is the same with Weapon Focus/Specialization, and many other feats.
Also, and this one is making my whole world so much more difficult, martial weapon proficiency now only grants access to one weapon group, as per fighter weapon training definitions.
I want to play either a Rage Prophet of Besmara, or a plain Sea Reaver Barbarian (fits the character concept I am developing, I just need the actual meat of the character).
How effective are barbarians with intimidate builds? I was planning on picking up Innocent Blood feat, which I have already received permission for, and was wondering what would have good synergy with it. Dauntless Destiny feats?
I want to play an Ulfen Barbarian and one trait must be Bloodthirsty (for Innocent Blood).
Any ideas? I mostly just need some good feats and rage powers, as well as a nice equipment set up, right now leaning towards dual wielding boarding axes.
Also, due to the proficiency constraint, maybe Quick Learner trait? Does this apply to improvised weapons? (I mean... I AM going to be a Barbarian, I will probably happen to lose my weapons during my rage and just need something else...)

flamethrower49 wrote:
This gives me more misgivings about the encounter against the Witch Queen's Nightmare. Has anybody run this encounter in a way they were happy with?

I would change the requirement to get an answer from a bluff v sense motive to a DC 20 Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Bluff. This way a character that wasn't a complete POS and dump statted and dropped 0 social skills will be capable of making the requirement 1/4 to 1/2 the time. I had her attack the person who asks a successful question (so that endurance is actually part of the trial). I was not going to use phantasmal killer, but you could also reserve it for the person who gets the final answer from her. Make sure to have her Nightmare Curse be scenes of murder and deception so that the players can add that as a bit of a hint.

If your players are like mine, they didn't think they really needed social skills or knowledge skills, and oddly enough it has bit them in the butt since book one. If they fail to correctly ID who the animate dream should be, allow them to ask the Raven if they interact with her. I think for information to help ID the dream change the DC to a 15 when they ask her the question (down from 20) and allow them to make the knowledge check again. It is a very crucial bit of information for them to know that she is the daughter and previous queen.

If they player's kill her, have the raven tell them that nightmares cannot be slain by anything other than the coming sun, and have the door slam shut, they reopen and she respawns from the pool of blood.

I liked being cryptic, but don't be... too cryptic. I ended up frustrated and had to give it to them or get lynched. lol

If I am currently DMing Reign of Winter, could I still participate in the gameplay? I would probably play an Arctic Druid coming down from the mountains bordering Varisia/Irrisen due to the rumors of a unnatural cold down south.

Alright, Necrovox reporting in! Brace yourselves:

Near TPK 1:

Name: Githym Rundeath
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Alchemist 6
Adventure: The Shackled Hut
Location: The Enchanted Forest
Catalyst: Peryton
The Gory Details:
Rolled randomly to determine who would be shadow marked, Githym and Maiana (wizard). Combat began and Githym failed his will save, and bolted. He was run down by his peryton and had his heart devoured.

Name: Jon Rivers & Branis Boldarm
Race: Human & Elf (Reincarnated, started Human)
Classes/levels: Gunslinger 6 & Warpriest 6
Adventure: The Shackled Hut
Location: The Enchanted Forest
Catalyst: Baccae Party
The Gory Details: The party gathered up Githym's body and possessions and quickly pressed on, low on resources from two of the dawn pipers and the perytons. They encountered the Baccae, and quickly realized something was amiss, Maiana advised the party leave the area. The Baccae took that as an invitation to attack. Branis steps forward and kills one of the three in a single round, driving the others into a rage, they flank him and tear him apart. Jon and Einen (Rogue/Fighter) continued to fight the baccae, but without healing left the final baccae managed to kill Jon right before she died herself.

This was 3 deaths out of 6 characters in my group. All three were reincarnated, Githym is now a wikkawak bugbear, Jon a half-elf, and Branis is ... still an elf.

But wait! There's more!

Near TPK 2:

Name: Jon Rivers & Maiana
Race: Half-Elf (originally Human) & Elf
Classes/levels: Gunslinger 7 & Wizard 7
Adventure: The Maiden, Mother, and Crone
Location: The Trial of Night
Catalyst: The Drowning Pool
The Gory Details:
Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the *dun dun* FLOOR! Souzael and Jon Rivers cross the pebble path formed from Githym drinking from the appropriate Chalice (they guessed well on each riddle save for the animate dream), but was set to last only 3 rounds, and they screwed off, round 3 they finally try to break the lock. They fail, and the path falls into the water. Souzael fails all three saves, Souzael fails all but one. Saving his life. Branis ran out onto the path that formed from Einen taking the next swig to rescue them. Maiana, now annoyed by the trap attempts to outsmart the old crone's trial and spider climbs up the wall. She got 30 ft. before the pool attacked her and suffocated her to death after 3 failed saves....

Name: Souzael the Keleshite
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Oracle 7
Adventure: The Maiden, Mother, and Crone
Location: The Trial of Dawn
Catalyst: The Witch Queen's Nightmare
The Gory Details:
This encounter was frustrating to GM, especially after 2 deaths earlier on in the night, and 3 deaths only a session and a half ago. Basically no one in my party had the skills to answer the riddle, I had to give it to them after the rest of the party, save for Githym who refused to reenter the room after contracting (unbeknownst to him) nightmare curse and getting hit, HARD. Souzael ended up dying to just touch attacks. I refused to use Phantasmal Killer just because of the atmosphere of the room... It was tense.

Maiana also quit the game after being killed and then witnessing the events in the next chamber.

They have since moved on. Jon Rivers and Souzael did not reincarnate and have returned as a Winter Wolf Fighter, Agilur from Shackled Hut, and a Suli Barbarian named Sergeant Sanders "The Maggot" Bornhald of Brevoy respectively, and then a new player is Tevaga of Brevoy, a Half-Orc Fighter. Due to the player quitting and 2 near TPK's I allowed a bit of retraining for free. Einen is going Rogue/Wizard into Arcane Trickster now (which was more along the lines of what she wanted to do with Faunra) and Branis traded out his 7th level feat for Leadership and brought in a "healbot" Gunner Longshadow of Brevoy.
They decimated the assassins in the night encounter, and enter Atrosia the Unforgiving on Sunday.

*edit* Cleaned up formatting so it wasn't a massive wall of text.

I am halfway through book 3 at roughly 8 months (one month was off due to annual training). I've added hours upon hours of roleplay with Greta, Nadya, Black Rider, Red/White Riders (when they found them), Radosek, Rohkar (this guy was around for like 3 consecutive sessions due to RP and TPK), Korag Kaag, etc. They also had about a 3-4 session derailment to get their first reincarnation. (its been easier to get people back after that)

dotting for interest or possible later post.

Tangent101 wrote:
I was planning on Elvanna escaping through a Contingency or the like. She then flees to the ice caves which are the setting for the Witchwar Legacy module - the end battle is fighting her in the final chamber while in possession of the Torc.

Tangent! Mind brainstorming with me a bit in the other room? (points to Witch Queen Revenge forum) lol. I was thinking of having the start of the fight inside the kurgan, she flees into the palace using the portal, and then the players will have to chase her, but I like this witchwar legacy idea. What were you going to do with the granny though?

arkady_v wrote:

The other interesting thing that happened is that the party tried to talk the villagers of Waldsby to travel to the winter portal and leave Irrisen. They were worried about the town being wiped out after they killed the guardsmen and assaulted the Pale Tower. They were talking to the cleric of Pharasma about it, really trying to sell the idea of going to a place of summer.

I thought, well, some of the townspeople would definitely be for that. Some wouldn't. I thought about a third (the most downtrodden) would jump at the idea, a third wouldn't be interested (the business owners), and a third would be on the fence. They got a group together the next day to go, realizing that it would be a bit of a rush, since they were hoping to close the winter portal at the Pale Tower.

We didn't work out the details of who would go and who wouldn't. Any ideas on this development?

I imagine the Jadwiga would bring their fist down on Waldsby. Nadya can point that out to anyone who is on the fence, and when they make their exodus and close the portal they will feel like good heroes. And then when you make mention of Waldsby being destroyed by a warband sent from Hoarwood, but the Jadwiga found that most of the residents have fled and are attempting to track them down, the players might feel a lot more like... better heroes.

I'd bring up Waldsby's destruction later on in Shackled Hut, right after the party meets up with Solveig.

Has anyone reviewed the final fight with Elvanna and found it... Not quite as mythic as it should be? For some reason I want the combat to spill through the mirror portal and into the royal palace. And I might want to take on a few mythic tiers and maybe a few additional allies. Thoughts?

Thread Necromancers! The item can be used on both arms, right, and basically incur the weapon minuses as per buckler?

I think this is pretty neat, should tack on Racial Point costs though?

We just started the Maiden, Mother, Crone and its been a blast. Many of my players have said its one of the best campaigns they have ever played in. It can be really difficult (my group, except on player, enjoys that), plenty of role-play, hack'n'slash, and good isn't a necessity.

Dotting for interest. I have a player in my Reign of Winter campaign interested in Necromancy. I am a fan of Necromancers and so I would like to help create/use a balanced system for it (since Paizo likes good characters too much).

I like the Necrocraft, the only issue is, as with animate dead, the size category, if there were rules for slapping advanced on it instead of increasing it in size it'd work rather well, aside from the intelligence score.

As for Create Undead, I would allow a diplomacy check and then use of Leadership. The Diplomacy check will always fail after using control undead (Sylvanas and Arthas).

Turns out the first world forest in book 2 was particularly nasty as well, had three deaths leading up to Nazhena.

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Alright, Vseslvod as a Warpriest!? Anyone think it is more fitting for his role? I am just... In love with the changes they made on Monday.

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Neil Spicer wrote:
White Witch 42 wrote:
Couldn't Baba Yaga, as part of her wish granting as a thank you...bring back Nadya's daughter?

::slow clap::

::standing ovation::

** spoiler omitted **

My party told Nadya to go back to her sons at the uncle's request. I had her break down crying begging them to let her come along so that baba yaga could get her daughter back. The Cleric (soon to reclass warpriest I'm sure) was having a romantic relationship with her and he may wish for that. We shall see.

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