
Nathan Williamson's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Whiner Knight, did you get yours yet? Mine was generally arriving in the first two weeks of the month as well, and this month I've yet to see it. (And I keep checking the mailbox with such anticipation every day!)

David Lazaro Saz wrote:
I've done that but I get the "Generate personalized download" link again every time I access my assets page again. Is this the intended behaviour?

That's the same behaviour I've been getting since Saturday. I've tried leaving the assets page open after I've clicked the "generate" link, and I've tried many times over the past few days to open a "fresh" assets load after having clicked the "generate" link. Still, no dice.

OK, so I made my order about 4-5 hours ago. Under My Assets: "The following downloadable files are available for you to download: Dragon Issue #320 PDF Download (18 files)" There's a link to "Generate personalized download" which I have clicked, giving me a "Your download is currently being personalized. Please check back soon." message. What next?